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[FE4] Everybody hates Gen 1


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Kay. I'm going to pick Tristan, yes this is intentional, he's really actually very good and I don't know how he made it to last round. (Pro tip: next time, pick Tristan over Dimna. Much more useful.)

Faval isn't tricky at all! It'll only cost 1 turn, max, for Cel to dictate the terms of engagement. And I'm betting pretty heavily on Jamuka's Faval not being skl screwed if I do that...but Continue...ahh. There's no real better place to put the other Skill ring, anyway.

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...I'm sorry, I don't see how Tristan could be better to me right now. ._.

He comes with slightly better bases but no pursuit as a swordie. And I don't think Fire sword action is a good idea in C7 with dark mages and thunder mages up everywhere. I guess it'd be good on the armors but eh.

Care to explain more on that?

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Dimna comes with an Iron bow and terrible bases. Pursuit or otherwise, he's never going to kill anything. Hero bow shows up in C8. He'll never get down to Isaac in time for the conversation in a 16-17 turn playthrough of C6, and as I understand it, even with the conversation he's pretty useless. Bow units practically NEED an outstanding weapon and you really have to keep them out of combat in EP.

On the other hand, Tristan has Critical, will have Continue after promotion, can use the second Hero sword right off the bat, there's no competition for the Pursuit ring on your team, and he's got way better growths. Everyone's a beast if Cel gives them the first Hero sword - oh wait Dimna can't take it - and after Cel took it back he got to use the second one and the Sigurd sword (proccing Continue with it, naturally). Even without the Pursuit ring, that was one scary scrub.

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Ah, I see now. I'd forgotten he had the continue skill after promotion, your point makes sense. I guess I should have chosen him over Rodolban.

@SP: Surely Hannibal isn't that much of a negative pick. You have Patty, and now you choose Asaelo? huh.gif

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We were pretty much all distributing skittles. You have Sharlow and Baldrick has Corple, he's not going to recruit either of his remaining potential picks. Skittles. I'm not going to recruit Tristan either, I just didn't want Baldrick to get him.

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thank goodness for dancers getting my other mounted units in to clear the path for Cel, and bringing in a bow unit too for Hannibal to target.


Chapter 4, base castle: Fin has left the party, at level 23 with a 40 kill Hero lance. That's gonna find its way to Oifaye and why did I do that again doesn't Oifaye already have Critical. Ardan is level 27.90, no joke. Levin and Ayra are lovers. Aideen just picked up the Rescue staff from Azel, d'aww so sweet. All my other couples, as in the ones making kids I'm actually going to use, are coming along nicely. The weapons are not. Which armies in C4 and C5 are abusable so I can get my 100 kill Ichival?

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thank goodness for dancers getting my other mounted units in to clear the path for Cel, and bringing in a bow unit too for Hannibal to target.


Chapter 4, base castle: Fin has left the party, at level 23 with a 40 kill Hero lance. That's gonna find its way to Oifaye and why did I do that again doesn't Oifaye already have Critical. Ardan is level 27.90, no joke. Levin and Ayra are lovers. Aideen just picked up the Rescue staff from Azel, d'aww so sweet. All my other couples, as in the ones making kids I'm actually going to use, are coming along nicely. The weapons are not. Which armies in C4 and C5 are abusable so I can get my 100 kill Ichival?

I seem to recall an abusable flying army in C4. I don't think the FUKKEN SWORD BRIGADE is abusable, though.

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Turned out the C5 Axe Knight brigade is abusable. Just as well, I wouldn't WANT to abuse the sword brigade. Do you know how annoying those buggers are? Hero swords, Sleep swords, Killer bows, mages, etc etc. And why does Snes9x not have a screen capture button, I did this the hard way with Paint.

People of note:


(Not shown: Diadora procs a couple of Str points on the way to 30.)

sigurd why


like a boss


do you know how long it took me to RNG abuse that

3. Holsety may not be passed down to a character who can use it.


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Celice is equipped with the 100-kill Light Sword, Leg, Knight, Elite, Life, and Shield Rings

Claude!Lana is equipped with the Rescue staff (natch), Restore staff, Warp staff, Bargain Ring, Libro staff and Speed Ring

Let's do this.

To Ganeishire - 7 turns.

Celice murders everything with Criticals! Oifaye and Radney protect Lana as she head forward.

To Rivough - 9 turns.

Julia gets the Relive staff and the Skill Ring. Meanwhile, Celice continues, taking the 80-kill Hero Sword and Power Ring for a more reliable kill of Dannan in a single turn.

I decide I don't have time for Resire. Rather, Julia will be able to promote without it!

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Chapter 4, base castle: Fin has left the party, at level 23 with a 40 kill Hero lance. That's gonna find its way to Oifaye and why did I do that again doesn't Oifaye already have Critical.

But wait, you didn't draft Fin.

I don't mind it, but I thought your own rules said you can't take the stuff off of undrafted characters in gen 2, including the "free for a chapter" group. :/

If you say the leafgang is free to pawn during chapter 7 I'm gonna punch you.

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...Oh snap, I forgot. Too used to pulling that lance off of Fin in a regular or draft playthrough. I completely win this, don't I? (Tricky stuff with Fin just never crossed my mind because Fin was free last time, basically. So we get to play semantics with whether Fin counts for that rule, and I'm a meanie at heart so I say he counts. And a masochist, apparently. I'll change this if someone comes up with a really good argument.)

Never mind, I have lots of swords for Oifaye!

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it's not like ASAELLO and HANNIBAL and SHARLOW are gonna be the most coveted picks anyway

You mean Tristan/Dimna/some scrub there instead of shota sigurd.

Don't ditch the shota sigurd. He's like my only rescuer :'c

Meanwhile I take forever in chapter 1.

When I get to about chapter 3-4 I'll take pics of stuff I guess.

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Meh. I only put up the interesting/funny pics from end C5 that are relevant to my gen 2 run. Like RNG abusing Jamuka so Faval starts with 2 extra skl points. Mostly, pictures are kept relevant to the draft at hand, so I wouldn't really expect anything besides level 30 Diadora and Fin from chapters 3-4.

And yeah, don't diss the shota sigurd, man.

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:/ I don't know about snes9x but don't you have a back-up save file/save state anywhere?

Also where is the file corruption? Is the ROM corrupted or the save file?

If it's the ROM then just get that ROM version again, probably from wherever you got it first, replace the old one and rename the save files to have the same name as the ROM sans the file extension (aka. don't put the ".smc, .sfc...").

If it's the save file then... well... you better have something as backup. @_@

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I have backups left right and centre. After some testing, it turns out that autosave works fine in gen 1; then I end it, get the cutscene, move Celice in gen 2...and autosave conks out. This happens on both the English and Chinese patches. I've played a different draft's gen 2 through on this (Chinese) ROM, autosave worked fine there so I believe it's the save file.

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@The Fin thing, I don't think it's much of an issue. Hero Lance isn't too gamebreaking, and it only comes a chapter early. For the record, I took it off Fin because I wasn't sure how to interpret that rule.

@The autosave thing, is it possible to disable it or something?

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