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[FE4] Everybody hates Gen 1


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Yeah, sure it is, I can play through on savestates. It's just a heck of a lot more annoying when, oh, Cel gets hit by three 20%s in a row and oh snap my last savestate was 5 turns ago. Stuff like that. Even putting aside the possible abuse cases. Further testing reveals that it's saving in general which is broken, rather than autosave, and how exactly this happened I have no idea. So I guess I'm going with savestates after all.

There's gamebreaking, and then there's rules, and rules are set in place to prevent gamebreaking. And the way it's phrased in the first post implies no Fin either, even though he wasn't the actual target.

Oh, how does one make 16 turn C6 while still visiting the church anyway. D: I think I got it. Now to get Arthur to kill Schmidt, since he refuses to stop going up the asdf mountain.

Edited by Kiriane
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C6 - 16/16 turns

Standard clear. Is it possible to keep Ganeishire castle? That one bandit always kills it. Julia get, Relive get, Arthur stands on a mountain and kills Schmidt for the Hero axe and gets Mgc on two of his 10 level-ups, yay. Celice does not reach level 17. I could really care less, as I didn't plan to promote him until C8 anyway - it's better to have him on foot crossing the desert.

Man, my Scrub Squad is getting awesome already.

Plan for C7: Arthur promote, Tinny clear Arena, Lynn clear Arena with Sleep sword + Ambush because why not, Celice to level 20 so he can promote immediately next chapter so I can give the Elite ring to Delmud.

About the save file: I gave up and I'm using save states 1-4 now. Autosave stays ON so it can remind me to save state at the start of each turn. Goodness knows I'd never remember otherwise.

Edited by Kiriane
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Yes, but he has 6 move dismounted, right? 9 move mounted. As opposed to having 9 move throughout. Is my logic wrong?

Oh right, Yuria. Who cares about Resire? but I uh brought her over to heal the Johalva squad a bit instead. Oh well. Ganeishire castle hardly matters.

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Oh, curse it. Played through C7 and Ares just plain didn't appear. Looks like the corruption mucked around with more than just the saving capability. As I'm pretty sure it started in C2 - that's the only time when anything happened out of the ordinary - I'm going to have to redo this whole stupid thing from scratch. Go me.

For reference, though:

Yied captured on turn 11

Melgen captured on turn 19

Darna captured turn 24

Alster captured turn 33 (would've been 32 if I had Lynn)

I'm looking forward, therefore, to C7 32/48. Eventually. When I get un-annoyed enough to start this over.

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Jabarro and his squad appeared. Shanan murdered them. Lynn and Ares conversations prior to the actual spawning event all appeared.

The other thing is that I think Delmud was standing on the space that Ares appears on, though I've never actually seen that affect anything before either.

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To Yied - 10 turns

Lana takes the Leg Ring before Celice promotes as usual. By selling status staves, she also gets the Knight and Elite Rings. Celice takes the Speed Ring in return. On turn 2, Lana moves her full distance, Oifaye placed in the square above her, and Rescues Celice. It's slightly hairy, Oifaye needs to either dodge or be ignored by one of the two dark mages around, but it allows Celice to reach Yied in 10 turns. The others handle dark mages and get into position.

Fin destroys everything near him with 25 Str + Silver Lance/Javelin.

To Melgen - 4 turns

Celice moves his full distance after getting a Hero Sword. Lana, standing at the edge of the desert, Rescues him and Cantoes. From there, these two work their way down, with Oifaye chipping in to break the mage barrier around Ishtor. I backed Lana's ability to dodge any physical attackers; killing Liza seemed to help. By the time Celice seized, Lana was 4W of the upper mercenary, and Janne has made her way to near the western gate to Alster. This will be vital in the next assault.

To Alster - 3 turns

Oifaye kills the lower mercenary, so Lana can move her full distance twice. Before the second time, Oifaye and Janne fill in the gaps so that when Celice is Rescued, he gets put on the eastern side. This allows Celice to reach Blume in two turns. Fin comes around the east side to remove the general in the way, Celice uses the Light Sword to kill the mage squad, and Hero Sword to kill Blume.

<3 Claude!Lana.


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Lol. You didn't even get Aless did you. Somebody really wants that earlygame gap to stay. =P

By the way, are there any abusable armies at chapter 3? I've been wondering...

If Eltshan's is he doesn't count lol, not a fight I'd want to drag on.

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I know, right?

@#$% you beat what I figure the floor of my C7 playthrough would be by FIFTEEN turns.


I don't even

I'm surprised too. She's almost bannable when you don't have Leg Ring Celice.

I vaguely recall somebody doing Darna -> Alster in 4 turns (Cam I think). Leen needed Knight + Leg rings.

Lol. You didn't even get Aless did you. Somebody really wants that earlygame gap to stay. =P

By the way, are there any abusable armies at chapter 3? I've been wondering...

If Eltshan's is he doesn't count lol, not a fight I'd want to drag on.

If you were talking to me, Aless automatically joins the turn after you conquer Melgen. So it worked out well for me.

I don't think so. Maybe Pizarl, if you kill off all his cronies first.

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I vaguely recall somebody doing Darna -> Alster in 4 turns (Cam I think). Leen needed Knight + Leg rings.

you can do it with rescue lana and laylea if you play your cards right

you also need someone to kill blume (unless celice can ORKO him with a double crit, which sometimes doesn't happen)

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If you were talking to me, Aless automatically joins the turn after you conquer Melgen. So it worked out well for me.

I don't think so. Maybe Pizarl, if you kill off all his cronies first.

Oh right. So he does, for some reason I mixed up his recruitment and the conversation he can have with Celice when he joins, derp.

And yeah I'm guessing the pirate army is abusable, I still have to check though, I always kill the leader first since he's on the front of the army. :/

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To Conote - 6 turns

I wanted to Warp Lana first, but Ovo's squad wouldn't suicide on Celice if Lana was around, so instead I Warped Celice, then Lana, then Aless. Aless and Janne thinned out the troubadours who wouldn't attack Celice, while Oifaye, Radney and Julia tackled Mohammad's squad. Femina bought the Elite Ring and cleared the Arena, then flew over towards Manster. I secured the bridge on turn 5, but coming too far over got my units a face full of Thorhammer, so Aless stood on the bridge, Lana behind him and Celice behind her. Ishtar ran up the road, not blocking Aless who killed the general, Lana Rescue Celice into range of Blume.

To Mease - 6 turns

My original plan had Lana next to the bridge to Manster on the seize turn, so she could Rescue Celice towards Mease after he recruited Hawk to save the turn lost. But she wasn't that far. Specific positioning with Aless meant Lana could Rescue Celice close enough to reach Manster in 2 turns. Julia Warped Oifaye up to Conote, and by turn 3, Lana reached 2W of the Manster gate, with Aless above her and Oifaye to her left. When she Rescued Celice, he went below her. Meanwhile, Femina stood on the gate, and Hawk was Returned by Janne so he could Warp Julia to pick up free levels. On turn 10, Celice reached three squares from the first ballista in his way :/. So Lana walked down and Rescued Aless on turn 11 so he could knock off the first ballista, and Celice could kill the second and move within range of the throne.

Julia ate enough civilians to reach level 18. She should be able to promote after the C9 Arena.



To Luthecia - 6 turns

It's always trickier getting through Hannibal with less move, but I managed it, because I'm awesome. Lana doubled back after Rescuing Celice on turn 2, to Rescue Leaf on turn 4 so he could talk to Altenna without having to get in range of dragon riders. Sage Julia ran across the mountains.

Trabant reaches a spot on turn 6 two squares from a mountain tile that Julia can reach on turn 6. You can see where this is going. Femina went with her with the Light Sword as backup because Julia couldn't manage more than 72 hit. (Would've given her the other Skill Ring, but Corple had it).

To Grutia - 5 turns

Lana was Warped to Luthecia, Corple Returned, and Celice reached the throne on turn 10. BUT he didn't seize, he went to the gate so that Altenna could speak to him on turn 10 EP. I effectively lost one turn on her. Aless got Tornado.

To Thracia - 4 turns

And then I win it back immediately by Lana being able to Rescue Celice towards the goal. :D Celice didn't lose any ground by hanging out of Arion's range, so he only had to survive one round without being Continued. Janne got a defense boost from Shanam. (I think it's him anyway).


Edited by Kamekameha
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  • 2 weeks later...


THE SAME THING HAPPENED TO MY SAVE FILE. AGAIN. Best I can figure is it's a result of excessive turncount in one of the earlier chapters, so something spilled over somewhere. No graphics glitches or anything this time, so while I do have backups for every single castle, I wouldn't know where to begin. Let's just hope Ares shows up this time?

If it happens again I'm giving this up for adoption. Stupid glitchy thing.

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You sucked so hard the game glitched up? I'm impressed. :P:

Maybe the corruption is not in the savefile. You could try getting a new "cartridge" of the game and seeing if it happens when you load that save with it. Even if the problem still happens, I wouldn't start a new game with the old "cartridge" again.

And make sure this time you don't let the OLD MAN show you how to catch a WEEDLE, all kinds of bad stuff could happen.

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It isn't so much sucking as a whole lot of really inefficient turns grinding things like Deirdre's levels. Because Celice starting with 1 extra Mdf is so important, y'know? >.<

Yeah, it fuzzes up on both English and Chinese versions. I don't want to look for my Japanese ROM, though it's definitely somewhere.

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It may be your only chance. I know a lot of bugs can be bypassed by using the Japanese version. Of course, that's only if the translation patch is causing the bug.

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