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dis hck is goin 2 improv dah gaem so gud b/c dah old gaem wuz vry ez nd i am making it harder

am goin 2 replace erika with my originial caracter shadow and seth wit mi othr oroginial caracter mark b/c dey are gay lov3rs

doin dis wll magickally rebalance dah gaem

also im goin 2 maek 3rd tires nd turn amelia into a night

i ned hlp i dunno how 2 hack i ned some1 2 halp me do all dah hckings

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dis hck is goin 2 improv dah gaem so gud b/c dah old gaem wuz vry ez nd i am making it harder

am goin 2 replace erika with my originial caracter shadow and seth wit mi othr oroginial caracter mark b/c dey are gay lov3rs

doin dis wll magickally rebalance dah gaem

also im goin 2 maek 3rd tires nd turn amelia into a night

i ned hlp i dunno how 2 hack i ned some1 2 halp me do all dah hckings

are you makin france an merchenarie and gilam a trubld bcuz i will hlp u do dis ting bcuz i luv merchenaries andtrublds vry much :)

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This is the worst idea I've ever heard of. It puts forum members to shame. It puts Fire Emblem 8 to shame. It puts serenesforest to shame, and worst of all, it puts LIFE to shame. I'm not kidding. I want to kill myself now that I've read this. This is stupid.

This is going to be a disaster! This is just going to have disaster written ALL over it! It's an abomination of mankind! This just... ruins FE8 for the public! God damn you!!! Why would you even post this?! This is completely unnecessary!

Look at what you've done, Joe Kerr... Look at the blood that is on your hands now... Let it burn into your mind... and never forget it...

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This is the worst idea I've ever heard of. It puts forum members to shame. It puts Fire Emblem 8 to shame. It puts serenesforest to shame, and worst of all, it puts LIFE to shame. I'm not kidding. I want to kill myself now that I've read this. This is stupid.

This is going to be a disaster! This is just going to have disaster written ALL over it! It's an abomination of mankind! This just... ruins FE8 for the public! God damn you!!! Why would you even post this?! This is completely unnecessary!

Look at what you've done, Joe Kerr... Look at the blood that is on your hands now... Let it burn into your mind... and never forget it...

I'm pretty sure Life doesn't like you either :awesome:

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This is the worst idea I've ever heard of. It puts forum members to shame. It puts Fire Emblem 8 to shame. It puts serenesforest to shame, and worst of all, it puts LIFE to shame. I'm not kidding. I want to kill myself now that I've read this. This is stupid.

This is going to be a disaster! This is just going to have disaster written ALL over it! It's an abomination of mankind! This just... ruins FE8 for the public! God damn you!!! Why would you even post this?! This is completely unnecessary!

Look at what you've done, Joe Kerr... Look at the blood that is on your hands now... Let it burn into your mind... and never forget it...

Said like a true hero.

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