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Your Favorite Character


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Ike (unsurprisingly), Oscar, and Boyd...That's it, really.

Yay more Ikey and Boydy love!

But seriously no love for Geo? Everything about him is so hot; that wispy curly hair, those blue puppy dog eyes, that handsome pretty boy face, that colour palette, that bulky armor piece (makes him look so big and manly) and that attitude - oh I would do anything for you princess...ohh just imagine what he would do for his princess biggrin.gif...

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In terms of story, Jill hands down. Not often you get so much character development for a minor character.

In terms of gameplay...Mia. Why else would I be named Duels at Dawn? ;):

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^No love for Geo because he's a rubbish unit in PoR and a very average one with little game time in RD.

This, pretty much. He has a pretty boring personality too, imo. Geoffrey's just your generic chivalrous uptight knight. There's nothing interesting or unique about his character. He also shares way too much in common with Kent from FE7. They both:

- Gain command of the knights of their respective nations

- Are uptight

- Are chivalrous

- Are into their princesses for some length of time

- Can marry said princesses

- Are friends with a reckless and proud knight (Kieran in Geoffrey's case, Sain in Kent's)

And I can't really think of anything else other than the obvious (both being horse knights, etc.). Geoffrey is almost like a carbon copy of Kent, only he's a blue knight instead of red. He could easily replace Oscar as the green knight though and still fit the whole green/red knight tradition.

I used to like Geoffrey. But then he started boring me because he never said or did anything remotely interesting. The only thing that makes me like Kent a little more though, is that he's is actually funny when Sain annoys him (like his facepalming in that one CG lol). He's actually been able to make me laugh, and for me, that's a plus. Geoffrey's never made me laugh at all, except in my own writing where I correct his problem of having no interesting/unique characteristics. Kent really has no interesting characteristics either though, imo.

I guess I just always seem to prefer the reckless proud knights. :P:

Edited by Anacybele
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I don't think Geoffrey and Kent are that similar at all. Kent's main priority as a character is to be the chivalrous uptight knight focused on his job, and if you support him with Lyn or Sain you find out he likes her too (but he can also like Fiora, which is a pretty funny support actually). Geoffrey is chivalrous too but he is devoted to Elincia. She is the meaning of his life and of his character. He's not even as uptight as Kent when it's not about protecting Elincia. I get how that can be boring to some people, but it's not the same "boring" as Kent. In fact, I like Geoffrey and don't really like Kent.

The characters I like the most are Calill (first class mage and first class character too) and Reyson (strong, independent heron who needs no combat).

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My first choice would probably be Tauroneo which was a big suprise to me. I thought he was boring at first, but I really like his backstory in the Rolf support and his boss conversation with Ashnard and Bryce.

Titania for her personality and her looks don't hurt her either.

As for others uh I always thought Tormod and Callil where pretty awesome.

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I don't think Geoffrey and Kent are that similar at all. Kent's main priority as a character is to be the chivalrous uptight knight focused on his job

Which is Geoffrey's priority too when it comes to serving Elincia. I agree with you, he's quite devoted to her. He'd want her to be happy no matter what. And if you support Geoffrey with Callil in PoR, he basically says he loves Elincia (though I believe these feelings were short-lived. However, I won't get into that because it's off topic). Again, just like you can find out Kent crushes on Lyn.

But we can just agree to disagree. I don't like Geoffrey, but I kind of like Kent. :P:

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Zihark is one of my all-time favourites.

He's got an interesting personality (even if he doesn't get the deserved amount of Supports; but hey, one of his deleted supports was with Ike), he's bad-ass, a Myrmidon/Swordmaster/Trueblade and he's a furry lover.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've always just said Ike and Ranulf were my two favorites and that I couldn't decide which one I like better, but after much thought and a piece of cake, I've finally decided which one I like better. Ranulf. He's just... awesome. I love his personality, he's amazing in battle, and that hat thing he has is just awesome. Ike's a close second, though, and a special mention goes to Lethe for being my favorite female game character ever, Boyd 'cause he was my favorite when I was younger, Mordecai since I think he's just an adorable and awesome gentle giant, and Keiran because I always seem to love the funny guy in the red/green cavalier duo. :p

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Ike! I love him to bits! And I loved him even more in RD. I just like his design, his personality, his skills, and his sexiness and hotness. <3

Dude he's generic as fuck

Anyway, my favorite is Jill. Truly one of the best-written characters in the series. She goes through a justifiable character change, and it's spectacular.

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Dude he's generic as fuck

Anyway, my favorite is Jill. Truly one of the best-written characters in the series. She goes through a justifiable character change, and it's spectacular.

Jill is a pretty awesome character, I will agree with you there. I just got to the part where Haar comes to talk to her in one of the info conversations. Pretty interesting. I like how she's somewhat mentioned in the main plot, unlike how most characters are never seen again.

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