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Micaiah's growths


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Even so, you can always escape. The only down side is you get Ena instead of Nasir. Really, nothing too bad.

I always do because fuck that mission. I hate luck based stuff and the BK loves to murder Ike, Aether or no. And since i dont use Nasir in RD, yeah.

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Suddenly, things make a lot more sense.

i chuckled hard on the inside.

my first playthrough of fe10 was on normal, and it felt like fe9 hard mode in terms of difficulty (at least miccy's chapters do).

Edited by Eltoshen
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Playing RD's normal mode the first time was a lot harder than expected because most of the DB was so bad compared to the usual accompaniment of cavaliers. Sothe and Nolan were the only ones who stood out. I restarted on easy and it was eaaaasy, and I blazed through the game. Returning to the normal mode run, despite the different objectives, the game felt a lot more manageable anyway and not really that hard after all. Not using Micaiah's Sacrifice is a mistake if you ask me, seeing as she is already one-rounded by a majority of enemies. In normal mode and higher, Micaiah being doubled is pretty much the default. Worrying about Micaiah surviving attacks is a waste of time so she shouldn't be getting hit at all.

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It was a serious question. I don't doubt your skill, but what I do doubt is that Ogma would be strong enough to last more than 3 rounds, unless there was major clock abuse and Ogma killed every enemy. But whatever, construe it as you will.

he can't even last 2 rounds if he gets hit both times, but gomer is "easy" (relatively) because you have any one of ogma, barst, and jagen to EP counter him, doing 8, 13, and 12 HP damage to him, respectively, and ogma only faces 47 hit. heal with wrys + fort while another is in position, rinse, repeat. it's not bullshit like the chapters 1 and 3 bosses because gazzak outheals basically everyone but jagen and hyman is just way too fast.

plus if you savepoint abuse, you actually have an >18.5% chance of killing him in 1 turn with barst, jagen, ogma, and caeda (hit rates 47, 59, 81, 59 at base, respectively). that's actually much better than the conventional chancy strat for killing hyman in 1 turn, which is >14.5% (ogma has 78 hit 25 crit, barst has 74 hit and a 74% chance to not recoil).

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I thought it existed outside of Japan too, only it was renamed "hard mode." xP

Japanese normal mode = US easy mode

Japanese hard mode = US normal mode

Japanese maniac mode = US hard mode

Same with RD. That's what I always thought because of RD not accepting PoR easy mode data in data transfers.

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Ah. Then that explains why PoR easy mode data transfers don't work except for those who got their discs replaced and such.

Im kinda down with it being that way personally. Its too easy to get nearly everyone you used on your team to level 20/20 in Easy mode. Normal mode, you can still get a good number of guys that level by the end, but just not as many. So transfers for RD become more selective and not everyone you used gets all broken.

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Im kinda down with it being that way personally. Its too easy to get nearly everyone you used on your team to level 20/20 in Easy mode. Normal mode, you can still get a good number of guys that level by the end, but just not as many. So transfers for RD become more selective and not everyone you used gets all broken.

I'd rather be able to use easy mode data. I had underleveled people by the time the BK fight rolled around in my attempt at a normal mode playthrough of PoR. You just don't get enough experience in normal mode to make data transfer to RD worth while.

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Aye, this topic is not for discussing difficulty settings. Of course, the discussion isn't harming anybody, it is just has nothing to do with the topic.

Should you wish to discuss that, then feel free to make a thread dedicated to it.

Since the OP's question was answered, I will lock the thread.


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