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Your most difficult fighting game move to input

Gold Vanguard

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A lot of people seem to be tripping up on the 720's and SFIV's inputs. It's hard to do on pad, but it's a lot easier to do on Arcade Stick. Also, for 720's as long as you can buffer the 720 (Focus Attack, FADC, jumping, taunting), you shouldn't have a problem with it.

As for hard moves, I'd say anything involving 1-frame links and very specific timing in Street Fighter, as well as those that require plinks and double plinks. Try pulling one of these off:

Aside from those, there's also the excessively long combos in Marvel 3, especially those that abuse the Dr. Doom infinites. It's both timing and memorization of a very long moveset. Illustrated here:

Jesus Christ this. Street Fighter is such an unforgiving whore about linking. Like seriously? One and two frames to do this? That's not even perceptible to the human eye! Your reflexes have to be ridiculous to pull it off in multiple situations. There was one that Makoto had that just pissed me off, had to struggle with the Trial for like an hour.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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SHDL is also like, the most useless advanced tech ever ._.

i can't do doubleshines and shit, but that's why i don't play spacies. edge canceled egg tosses with yoshi are something that i have trouble doing with precision, though.

Bolded: ikr?

I also dont play spacies in melee, though I know how to use them well enough. Mostly go Sheik in tournament and Marth/John Link when Im up against a jigglerpuf because fuck that matchup.

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I see a distinct lack of Tekken in here. It's not a matter of actually moving the joystick/pressing the button, it's a matter of using the move at the right time.

That's every decent fighting game. Ever.

You're not gonna throw a 30 frame move unless you know it will safe or it will connect.

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Er, talking about Melee here? Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

Also, IMO framedata is more important in Tekken than in most other games, due to the blocking system being more complicated. But of course, knowing your frames is useful anywhere.

E: oh lol PKL outspeeded

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That's every decent fighting game. Ever.

You're not gonna throw a 30 frame move unless you know it will safe or it will connect.

Tell me how many different ways you can break a throw in Blazblue. Or if you need to alter your bread and butter based on your opponent's distance to the edge of the stage. Among other things.

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Tell me how many different ways you can break a throw in Blazblue. Or if you need to alter your bread and butter based on your opponent's distance to the edge of the stage. Among other things.

How is that relevant? Using the right move at the right time is important in every single fighting game ever made.

It doesn't really matter how many ways you can break out of a throw in Blazblue compared to Tekken, just like it doesn't really matter how many ways you can counter opponents' attacks in Tekken compared to Dead or Alive. And for the record, you may need to alter your basic combos to produce more effectiveness as you approach the edge of the screen in Aksys games as well.

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I've yet to pull off Peacock's 3 level blockbuster because the timing window is pretty short, that's one of the few things that I've never really gotten the hang of that I tried hard at. I'm not really any better at 720s though

also this is a little sad but I'm terrible with Dhalsim's teleports--pressing the buttons themselves isn't so hard, knowing where to teleport to and which buttons to press to send me in the strategically sound direction is something I find terribly difficult

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How is that relevant? Using the right move at the right time is important in every single fighting game ever made.

It doesn't really matter how many ways you can break out of a throw in Blazblue compared to Tekken, just like it doesn't really matter how many ways you can counter opponents' attacks in Tekken compared to Dead or Alive. And for the record, you may need to alter your basic combos to produce more effectiveness as you approach the edge of the screen in Aksys games as well.

Difficulty can be seen as either "who made the biggest mindfuck of a joystick motion", or "how the hell do I use my toolkit". I chose the latter.

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You act like those two things are mutually exclusive in any fighting game.

They can both or neither be found in different modern titles. SF, BB, VF, DoA, etc. I also have absolutely no clue what you mean when you are referring to joystick and mindfucking, especially in Blazblue's case. Are you telling me quarter-circles are mindfucking now?

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You act like those two things are mutually exclusive in any fighting game.

They can both or neither be found in different modern titles. SF, BB, VF, DoA, etc. I also have absolutely no clue what you mean when you are referring to joystick and mindfucking, especially in Blazblue's case. Are you telling me quarter-circles are mindfucking now?

There's been mention of pretzels earlier, and I don't think those are trivial. As for whether they're mutually exclusive, I never said they were. I simply interpreted the question in a way that most of the posters didn't really do.

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Tell me how many different ways you can break a throw in Blazblue. Or if you need to alter your bread and butter based on your opponent's distance to the edge of the stage. Among other things.

Uh... One. It's just a matter of reacting or realizing that your opponent will go for a throw.

Sometimes you have to make adjustments to suit your needs. That's part of any fighting game.

Difficulty can be seen as either "who made the biggest mindfuck of a joystick motion", or "how the hell do I use my toolkit". I chose the latter.

Knowing the ins and outs of your characters tools is essential. Knowing when and how to use them is another thing entirely that comes with experience.

There's been mention of pretzels earlier, and I don't think those are trivial. As for whether they're mutually exclusive, I never said they were. I simply interpreted the question in a way that most of the posters didn't really do.

Move inputs are just a part of fighting games.

Although some games can get kind of ridiculous with them. >_>

Then there's the whole frame links you may have to know for some games. Just Frames for the win~

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There's been mention of pretzels earlier, and I don't think those are trivial. As for whether they're mutually exclusive, I never said they were. I simply interpreted the question in a way that most of the posters didn't really do.

There are no moves in Blazblue that go beyond quarter/half circles to my knowledge. There are Tager's 360s and 720s, but that's true of pretty much any grapple character in any 2D fighting game that isn't laughed at.

I'd say outside of isolated cases, most modern fighters have eliminated the existence of moves that are just plain hard to pull off. There may be people that find it difficult to pull off a charge move or a Shoryuken, but for the most part they are simple and take little time to learn.

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