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Warpskipping-what isit?

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You use the warp staff to clear a chapter nearly instantly by sending a powerful unit to kill the boss guarding the throne, then dancing to the warper and doing the same thing to your lord to seize the throne in the same turn (or some variant of this). It's a quick and painless way to clear certain chapters.

Edited by Silvercrow
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You have a minimum of two staff users, warp one character next to the boss, kill the boss, trade the warp staff to your other staff user, warp the lord in, seize, win.

Takes only one if you've got a defeat boss chapter.

Oh, yeah, dancers work too.

Edited by SgtSmilies
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Warpskips are usually done in the endgame chapters where maps are bigger. C21 of FE6 is a good example. And yes, Hammerne is usually used on Warp. You get ~14 warps to use, so that's 7 chapters of warpskipping.

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