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Do you ever change the control scheme in a video game?

Gold Vanguard

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In Starfox: Assault it's almost vital to change the controls. You get to choose between 3 different settings and the default one doesn't allow to run and aim. It's only the third scheme that allows to run while aiming with the C-stick.

Realizing this makes the game lot more enjoyable.

And for the Mega Man Zero collection, I changed it so that B is jump to be consistent with the ZX games on that console.

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Yes, on SSBB I turn off that stupid tap jump for classic and nunchuk controllers. And for the VBA I switch the X and the Y from the standard.

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All the time.

Notably, MMOs tend to come with Q and E as strafe (that becomes A and D) and every FPS manufactured since Enemy Territory has CTRL as crouch, which just don't fly (C, bitches; serious sam 3 did this by default \o/) and Skyrim had use and third-person (?) reversed from Oblivion, which I had to fix.

Then there's VBA-M rebinds, SNES9x rebinds, Classic Controller in MHT, and a host of others I can't be fucked to remember.

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every FPS manufactured since Enemy Territory has CTRL as crouch, which just don't fly (C, bitches; serious sam 3 did this by default \o/)

I've had shift as crouch since I started playing tf2 pc for so long, I forget whether that or ctrl was the original. I love it because it's where my pinky goes automatically with the wasd setup, yet I have no idea whether to actually credit tf2 for it anymore.

totally haven't said this a million times already My f, w and tab keys are broken on my current computer, so szxc has become my default. That not every game allows me to change this has led to some weird situations:

-Briefly in Mass Effect 3, I didn't think they could be changed for some reason, so I was sideways-rolling everywhere online (this is actually half-viable with humans imo) (but krogans are fucked so :((( )

-In Payday: The Heist, you switch class progression with tab ingame only, so I've been playing whatever the game sees fit (thankfully got it set to medic, then switched to support/technician guy when the former maxed out, my favorites)

-The Walking Dead really doesn't let my change any controls at all, and is a fixed-camera adventure game, so the 1/4 day I spent trying to install it didn't turn out to be the most rewarding ever

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Yeah, in SSBB. I turn off tap jump because I feel uncomfortable with it around. And I also change Y to grab for faster Zairing with Toon Link because I use X instead for jumping. I also change the L trigger to attack (I use R to shield) so I can DACUS with sheik easier.

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- Camera controls almost always get a do-over. I learned my CC from FFXIII, and trying to do it any other way makes me sick.

- Legend of Heroes has two control schemes. The default one makes no sense in my gamer mind, so secondary it is!

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I forget whether that or ctrl was the original.

I assure you, CTRL was the original. Shift was walk.

CTRL is default crouch in all (?) Source games I think.

EDIT: period and period what is period

Edited by Mr. Sparkles
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