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Rate the Pokemon - HGSS Edition

Ema Skye

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Rules (stolen from Venusaur who's were adapted from Fire Emblem RTUs and shamelessly stolen and adapted from Knuckles/Folgore Blue/other previous names I can't remember):

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly. You can a bit,


- This RTU series is for Heart Gold and Soul Silver.

* +/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly.

- Votes are made out of 10. You cannot rate a Pokemon above 10 or below 0. Try to keep it easily calculable, for my sake.

- The rating topic will be updated whenever I can (or feel like), but I will try to allow at least 24 hours for each topic. If not enough votes are in, the current ranking continues on the the next day.

- A Pokemon being inferior relative to another Pokemon does not reduce their rating, though it may be mentioned. Just don't factor it into the rating itself.

Remember, it's about what the Pokemon can do.

- HOWEVER, if it locks you out of the other choices (starters and fossils, mainly), up to one point may be deducted. (oh lordy, so much Chikoria hate coming)

- If a vote is unacceptable (rule breaking, terrible reasoning, etc.) , I'll give you a chance to revise it, and explain why it was rejected. I'm generally okay with most votes though, even if you don't explain it. However, if you're vote is off by a significant amound when compared to the rest, I will ask you to explain your reasoning if you would like your vote to be counted.

- We are rating in-game performance only, up until we beat Red.

- Evolution lines get condensed, so treat, say, Chikoria/Bayleef/Meganium all as one unit.

- Due to the sheer MAGNITUDE of Pokemon, we will be doing two Pokemon lines per day.


Cyndaqui/Quilava/Typhlosion: 8.00

Chikorita/Bayleef/Meganium: 4.56


Day 1: Chikoria/Bayleef/Meganium + Cyndaquil/Quilava/Typhlosion

Day 2: Totodile/Croconaw/Feraligatr + Pidgey/Pidgeotto/Pidgeot

Edited by Piss Sick Lawyer Lucina
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Chikorita as a starter is pretty useless. Its shining moment, when I ran it, was a takedown of Lance, teaming up with Steelix and a fuckton of healing potions to force Lance's Dragonites to use all their best moves to utter minimal effect. I was severely underleveled, so I couldn't take them on with brute force. That's about it, though. I never really found it to be particularly essential to my team, which is pretty unusual for my team-building. Kinda wish I'd chosen Cyndaquil that playthrough. 4/10; it has its moments, but it's definitely the worst starter.

Cyndaquil on the other hand? It definitely has its moments. There's a bit of a slog mid-game, while it's stuck in that Quilava stage mid-30's, where it really starts to slack. But other than that, it's definitely a solid choice, and has the potential to be a cornerstone of your team, something Chikorita definitely lacks. 8/10.

First one to rate that Pokemon. Fuck yeah.

Edited by Arch
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Damnit Arch, you beat me.

Chikorita takes SUPER EFFECTIVE damage from 5 gyms and does Not Very Effective damage to 6, compared to doing Super Effective damage to 2, don't even get me started on the Elite 4. Not to mention the fact that Grass is not that strong to begin with-ish. If you are looking for a challenge, Chikorita is your choice, but if you aren't go with something else. And Chikorita isn't Bulbasaur, Treeko, Turtwig or Snivy, so yeah. 3/10

Cyndaquil is that something else. He does Super Effective damage to 4 leaders' Pokemon, while only suffering Not Very Effective damage against 2 leaders in Kanto, and by that time you already have TMs to help increase Typhlosion's movepool against them. And Typhlosion is awesome so yeah. All in all, Cyndaquil is really useful throughout while not suffering much. (9)/10

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I'll start with Chikorita. Beyond being my favorite of the three starters, it's kinda you're typical Grass-type starter: support moves and powders. It's the best starter to face Whitney with due to both of those factors, same with Chuck's team. Then it's uh... not that good. Not terrible, since quite a few of the late game Pokes are weak to Grass (all 'dem Gravellers, and Water-types). It's definately an upward climb for Chikorita, but it's fortunate enough to get quite a few allies that mesh well with it (Geodude being one of them). You're reward for sticking with something rather mediocre like this? An excellent Pokemon for Kanto. It'll nuke Brock and Misty, resist Lt.Surge and respond with Earthquake, it'll resist Eirika and fire back with Body Slam and it'll be able to withstand Sabrina and fire back with Body Slam or Earthquake. Janine and Blaine really only give it problems, but those are the easiest two Kanto gyms. Cyndaquil and Totodile cannot match this performance. I'll give it a 5+1 bias = 6/10.

As for Cyndaquil, it's interesting. It's effective on 3 Johto Gyms, and 1 Kanto Gym, essentially Chikorita's opposite. Unlike Chikorita, it takes a while to get any solid damaging moves. Lv.19's Flame Wheel will be the first move to outmath Chikorita's Lv.7 Razor Leaf (Yeah...). It's straight up offense as opposed to Chikorita's supportive utility, This means that outside of it's four gyms to clean house, it's not doing much else. You get a pretty sweet reward with Typhlosion and it's awesome movepool. In Kanto, it's not that good due to a poor gym performance. Let's give you a 7.5-1 bias for lazy stats (same as Charmanders >.<) = 6.5/10

Edited by Piss Sick Lawyer Lucina
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Chikorita was the first starter I used in gold. Unfortunately my gameboy colour was stolen so I did't get very far, but I could try again in Crystal where I choose it too.

As a kid I though Chiko was pretty good, but now I know better. Grass is really, really bad in Johto it only hits poliwrath and pryce's pokemon for super effective damage. The rest is either neutral or resisted.

Its good against normal encounters, but its really an inferior choice in gyms. 4.5/10

Cyndaquil is my favorite of the 3. Cyndaquil is cute and Typlosion is awesome. Its doing pretty good ingame too, Fire is a pretty good type for the gym leaders and it can hit a lot of elite 4 mons for super effective as well.

His movepool is kinda sucky though.

8.5+ 1 bias.


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I'll start with Chikorita. Beyond being my favorite of the three starters, it's kinda you're typical Grass-type starter: support moves and powders. It's the best starter to face Whitney with due to both of those factors, same with Chuck's team. Then it's uh... not that good. Not terrible, since quite a few of the late game Pokes are weak to Grass (all 'dem Gravellers, and Water-types). It's definately an upward climb for Chikorita, but it's fortunate enough to get quite a few allies that mesh well with it (Geodude being one of them). You're reward for sticking with something rather mediocre like this? An excellent Pokemon for Kanto. It'll nuke Brock and Misty, resist Lt.Surge and respond with Earthquake, it'll resist Eirika and fire back with Body Slam and it'll be able to withstand Sabrina and fire back with Body Slam or Earthquake. Janine and Blaine really only give it problems, but those are the easiest two Kanto gyms. Cyndaquil and Totodile cannot match this performance. I'll give it a 5+1 bias = 6/10.

As for Cyndaquil, it's interesting. It's effective on 3 Johto Gyms, and 1 Kanto Gym, essentially Chikorita's opposite. Unlike Chikorita, it takes a while to get any solid damaging moves. Lv.19's Flame Wheel will be the first move to outmath Chikorita's Lv.7 Razor Leaf (Yeah...). It's straight up offense as opposed to Chikorita's supportive utility, This means that outside of it's four gyms to clean house, it's not doing much else. You get a pretty sweet reward with Typhlosion and it's awesome movepool. In Kanto, it's not that good due to a poor gym performance. Let's give you a 7.5-1 bias for lazy stats (same as Charmanders >.<) = 6.5/10

I'll just use this as my rating because I'm kinda lazy. Also, I agree that Chikorita's pretty good against Whitney (though the gender ratio screws you over big time).

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I'll start with Chikorita. Beyond being my favorite of the three starters, it's kinda you're typical Grass-type starter: support moves and powders. It's the best starter to face Whitney with due to both of those factors, same with Chuck's team. Then it's uh... not that good. Not terrible, since quite a few of the late game Pokes are weak to Grass (all 'dem Gravellers, and Water-types). It's definately an upward climb for Chikorita, but it's fortunate enough to get quite a few allies that mesh well with it (Geodude being one of them). You're reward for sticking with something rather mediocre like this? An excellent Pokemon for Kanto. It'll nuke Brock and Misty, resist Lt.Surge and respond with Earthquake, it'll resist Eirika and fire back with Body Slam and it'll be able to withstand Sabrina and fire back with Body Slam or Earthquake. Janine and Blaine really only give it problems, but those are the easiest two Kanto gyms. Cyndaquil and Totodile cannot match this performance. I'll give it a 5+1 bias = 6/10.

As for Cyndaquil, it's interesting. It's effective on 3 Johto Gyms, and 1 Kanto Gym, essentially Chikorita's opposite. Unlike Chikorita, it takes a while to get any solid damaging moves. Lv.19's Flame Wheel will be the first move to outmath Chikorita's Lv.7 Razor Leaf (Yeah...). It's straight up offense as opposed to Chikorita's supportive utility, This means that outside of it's four gyms to clean house, it's not doing much else. You get a pretty sweet reward with Typhlosion and it's awesome movepool. In Kanto, it's not that good due to a poor gym performance. Let's give you a 7.5-1 bias for lazy stats (same as Charmanders >.<) = 6.5/10

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chik 5/10

grass sucks in jotoh and it's outmanned, outgunned, and outclassed in kanto so nah

cynda 9/10

good vs 3 gyms and only bad against like chuck and clair

does work

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Chikorita. You get WTD in the first two gyms, but unlike Charmander, you do not kick ass when you evolve. You suck more.

-1 because I have yet to have a good Meganium.


Cyndaquil~ my favorite starter in the Johto series, Cyndaquil's line obliterates most of the gyms, barring Whitney and Clair. Bugsy kneels over and takes it like a man because of Cyndaquil. Also, NO FUCKING FIRST ROCK GYM.

+1 because CYNDAQUIL


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