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[FE7]EHM draft


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Chapter 14 - 4/29

Serra gets Erk for Priscy->Raven->Lucius. Marcus ferries Trolliwood and drops him on the centre, then they split: Marcus goes west and north, and Eli goes south handling pirates, a knight and a cav. Guy takes the soldiers and Reb just ORKOs the soldier in front of the northern bridge to clear Marcus's way.

Chapter 15 - 6/35

¬_¬. Marcus crosses the mts ferrying Eliwood but stupid enemies got in the way. Sain lanced some mercenaries, and Guy blocked the enemies' path to Merlin while Becca doubles enemies on the rear.

Chapter 16 - 9/44

Damnit, Priscy had to retreat cause some archers were in the way. Sain escorted Marcus to the hall connecting the throne room and then escorts Priscy to Raven. Guy and Becca killed a couple of archers. Matthew got the Hero Crest, though no Knight Crest.

Chapter 16x - 3/47

Lucius trained a bit here, he needs to get levels to outclass Guy. Marcus goes to the middle, Becca and Sain clear his way to Fargus. Eliwood Rapier crts Damian & Co.

Chapter 17 - 3/50

Sain and Marcus rush to Zoldam killing tons of shamans. Hmm, Sain is getting varied lv. ups, he's not getting str so consecutively. Guy, Eliwood and Lucius kill some mercs on the east. Bought some shit.

Chapter 18 - 5/55

Got Dart. Marcus torches and rushes to Uhai, Sain and Becca support him from the rear. Guy and Dart go northeast while Lucius kills pirate reinforcements near Merlin, and gets a couple of lv. ups.

Chapter 18x - 5/60

Marcus and Sain again. Dart and Becca kill pegs. Guy kills a mage and gets the Icon. Lucius goes to the middle of the battlefield and kills bandits and knights. Marcus hits Aion twice with Jav, so Sain can kill him and get the lv. up.

Chapter 19 - 4/64

gtfo Legault. Sain, Marcus and Eliwood rush to Darin. Dart and Lucius kill some enemies in the way. Becca gets the Killer Bow, Lucius gets the Longbow, although I didn't get Brave Bow. Marcus had to kill Darin cos' Sain had not enough str to deal 16dmg with Heavy Spear, your bad Sain. Anyways, bye bye Marcus!

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Chapter 20 - 3/67

Sain rescue drops Lucius ahead. Then, Sain hurts BALLeg, Lucius kills him. Lucius's such a boss dodging and killing knights.

Chapter 21 - 2/69

Sain lures Ewwbans, Dart kills him.

Chapter 22 - 6/75

Sain promotes, Lucius owns the map, he gets hurt on purpose and was left at 1HP to lure the shaman, kill him and get Luna. St00pid!!! +2 turns for Ocean Zeal and Guiding Ring. Credits to MAtthew, the only thief that does the MATTHS.

Chapter 22x - 17(free)/75

Whee! Time to train guys!

Chapter 23 - 3/78

Everybody promotes (Rebecca with abnormal str and sp, Guy with capped sp, Lucius with crappy sp but good def, and Dart with good skl). Lucius gets to B staff due to Mendspamming last chapter and torching here. Sain and Afa!Lucius rushes to the myrms. Fuck, Lucius has low sp! Rebecca is danced and bows Lloyd. Lucius blesses him with St. Elimine's Lightning!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Chapter 24 - 11/89

I'm bored. Rebecca killer crts Vaida. I'm killing Vaida, ultimately.

Chapter 25 - 7/96

Dart ferries Eli while it snows. Then Sain gets him and rushes. Dart crts Kenneth.

Chapter 26 - 15/111

Nino gets 3 level ups. Whoo! Ninian and Eli C, Dart and Becca C

Chapter 26x - 20 (free)/111

Nino is getting nice levels. Why didn't you appear earlier?

Chapter 27 - 6/117

Boobts Sain rushes to the village. Lucius rescues him, he Brave Lances Linus. Dart gets the pals and gens, Becca helps him with the cavs on the east. Nino and Jaffar build support and stay still for the chapter.

Chapter 28 - 4/121

Lucius rescues Eli, warps him. Eli javs the warrior and double crts the zerker. Takes the spot.

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Time to finish this!

Chapter 29 - 11/132

Wait 11 turns ¬_¬. Nino and Jaffar defend the western part of the throne room. Guy, Eliwood and [asleep]Boots!Sain defend the eastern side. Dart, Rebecca and Lucius go down. Dart hand axes everything, Lucius heals/kill any enemy Dart couldn't (longbows), Rebecca kills high-leveled druids. Jaffar gets Lockpick and opens every chest with Boots!Sain's help (rescue-canto-drop abilities).

Chapter 29x - 5/137

Dart and Eliwood train at the arena. Eliwood fails to hit enemies :s. The rest buy shit.

Chapter 30 - 5/142

Victory or Death! Lucius rushes and rescues Nils, gets danced, rescues Eliwood, Boots Sain reaches the middleish part. Lucius, Eli and Sain move forward more during a couple of turns until Lucius warps Sain, who rescued Eliwood, on a forest tile blessed with Ninis' Grace. Sain tanks and kills everything, he even dodged Limstella's Bolting. On PP4 Sain equips BLance and makes Eli equip Javelin and drops him a tile away from Stella while he stays in front of her. At EP4, Eli kills snipers, paladins and knights, and dodge-counters Stella. At PP5, Sain Brave crts Stella, and thus, Eli seizes. Meanwhile, Guy and Becca deal with enemies at the north, Dart defends Nils with Lucius's magical aid, and Nino and Jaffar train a bit killing knights, gens and troopers at the south.

Final - 3+1/146

Stage 1

Everybody gets a key. Sain opens Darin's door and enters equipping the BLance, Nino opens Ursula's so Becca Killer crts her, getting Excalibur, Guy moves towards Brendan's door, Lucius moves up and Physics Becca, Dart moves, gets vigored and opens Lloyd's door equipping the Swordreaver, Jaffar stays near Nino, Athos equips Luna and moves towards the magic room. On synthesis, everybody takes care of a door, so at the end, Athos gets warped by Lucius and Luna crts Nergal.

Stage 2

Stupid Athos Luna crt'd the dragon at 25HP after Eli and Sain almost diedFacepalm_emote_gif.gif

Final TC: 146 turns


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