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[FE7]EHM draft


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Chapter 11 - 4/4

Becca hits and Trolliwood crt'd! Lowen gives wpns to Marcus. Marcus rushes and rescues Eli. MArcus moves all the way to the house while Becca loldefends the fighters. Becca gets the shield, Marcus kills the bandit boss and Eli seizes.

Chapter 12 - 6/10

Eli and Becca east! Marcus went north first to get rid of a bandit. Marcus got the boss kill again. Oh, Eli gets the ring and the shield.

Chapter 13 - 8/18

Dat' Guy Facepalm_emote_gif.gif. Also, Marcus had to break the tree cause if Becca does it, then the bandit would've destroyed the village, so derp. Matthew got Guy. Guy lured enemies because he had 3HP but forest is so awesome.

Chapter 13x - 7/25

Marcus gets the gold and everybody self improves

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I already started.

Chapter 11 - 4 turns (4)

Having Lowen and a Fighter makes this a cakewalk. Got the Draco, and fed Lowen kills. The Draco/Ring found their way into Lowen's hands to be used sometime in the near future. Don't remember when.

Chapter 12 - 4 turns (8)

Marcus goes right, leaving some mooks for Dorcas and Eliwood to pick off. Lowen goes north to get the exp that Hector/Oswin would have gotten instead.

Chapter 13 - 5 turns (13)

Positioning didn't work out. Lowen went south for exp, everyone else rushed left.

Chapter 13x - 7 turns (20)

Focused kills on Eliwood and Lowen.

Chapter 14 - 3 turns (23)

3 turning this feels good. Bro Lowen ORKOed a Knight!

Chapter 15 - 5 turns (28)

Wil gets fed kills, Marcus carries Eliwood, and the two groups grab a village each.

Chapter 16 - 8 turns (36)

I'm fairly sure Lowen shaved at least a turn here by smashing Archers out of the way.

Chapter 16x - 3 turns (39)

Marcus doesn't mess about.

Chapter 17 - 3 turns (42)

Hey look! A boat! And a boss! Oh wait, Marcus killed him.

Chapter 18 - 5 turns (47)

Marcus rushes south, Lowen and Dorcas go right, and everyone else holds the starting position. Florina grabs her sister, that Axereaver is pretty nice.

Chapter 18x - 5 turns (52)

Marcus carries Eliwood and charges. The others beat up some enemies for exp. Got a Swordreaver, which might be nice.

Chapter 19 - 5 turns (57)

Darin is no match for Marcus and Lowen dream team. Which just disbanded. Because Marcus is old or something.

Chapter 20 - 3 turns (60)

Lowen promoted, and Axereavered the boss (yeah! Thinking ahead!). Everyone else bumbled around training. Wil shot some Wyverns with his REALLY BIG BOW.

Edited by Serious Bananas
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