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[From hack to indie] Path of the Midnight Sun

Alfred Kamon

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Hm, yeah...

Just keep in mind that Shiori and Faratrass won't promote until the beginning of chapter 16... so yeah, you've got a lot of time to train them.

Then I guess I should use the tower for other units, such as Sae'rah, because it's once per chapter you said.

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You can get Sae'rah to level 10 to promote her long before chapter 8, so you don't really need tower for her since she'll be gaining proper experiences afterward with higher than usual of her archetype stats.

She's wonderful when you get her to the base promotion by chapter 8 basically ORKO every monsters that doesn't have axes like horsefreaks.

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I sunk all my training into Alfred, and he (with support from a physical unit) can pretty much decimate everything in Chapter 8 easy. Next run I wanna try Saerah and Djambo, but they are kinda hard work to level up.

Menmus really good once you get him to >15, (12/14 speed and def at level 20 tho...) before that hes really very squishy also the cavalier was a certain godsend, cause I didnt have enough physical walls asides from Fa, Hellios and Menmus

Edited by Umezono
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I'm only on Chapter 3, but I must say Fa feels absurdly overpowered.

I suppose her problem is that she won't promote till never, so she's got that limiting her, at least.

I'll get some more useful comments once I get further in the hack. For now, I have to say the internal balance feels sort of wonky, what with Hellios and Fa being able to decimate entire armies while taking very little damage, while Cristoph dies in like 2-3 hits from anything and everything.

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I didn't know I was a unit! XD

lol my bad

@cancer lancer: fa is a great physical wall, but her base res is bad + its growth always seems to be shit so she can get battered pretty bad by magic users, which are plentiful later on

i agree cristoph is really not worth the trouble tho, but you should probably note that most of the units will die in 3 attacks without proper strategy on hard mode, because the enemies have really high atk/mag in every chapter + strong weapons.

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I'm on hard mode, btw. Is there a noticeable diff between normal and hard? I only ever play on a mode below top difficulty when I see the words "lunatic," because FE12 and FEA lol.

On another note, Andre is a based god.


Is his def growth supposed to be that high? Lol mine kept gaining like 4/5 stats every level...

Chapter 6 now, other notes are that aside from Cristoph who really is just a bad unit, most of the characters are handy in their own way (buff Cristoph? :o)

Menmus might start out weak, but his utility and (at least from my perspective) decent growths helps him become a decent unit pretty quickly. Schwarz is just great. Bad skill is completely alleviated by the fact that swords have such great hit rate, and his Estoc is really handy. Cattleya and Rya are both great anti mages, where as Ume mentioned, Fa does falter. Weiss is powerful, but by the time I get him to my main group he's already level 20 and just steals EXP, like Shiori did.

Wonky bits include that Hellios is still the second coming of Seth, and he levels really quickly, too, so I didn't stop him from getting like 2 million kills. And that Cristoph is absolute ass (But I'm still using him cause I bothered training him... Ugh). And also, maybe it's just my own experience, but Andre really is godly...

Have not tried Garion or Djambo, though they both seem like good units. I feel I've enough axe users as is.

Edited by Cancer Lancer
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You're going to be disappointed when you get to chapter 8 then from what you said.

There is no difference between normal and hard at the present moment if i remember correctly, Kamon wanted to focus on one run balancing rather than doing all balance at once.

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@Cancer Lancer: Thanks for the feedback.

Yeah, I should seriously buff Cristoph a bit.

I don't think Hellios is a problem, as Fateborn said.

Also, @Fateborn: Hard mode still has its bonuses.

It IS harder... and some chapters are quite unbalanced.

Cristoph is decent in Normal mode (he doubles pretty much everything) but he sucks in HM.

Also note that my Normal Mode is harder than Awakening's Hard mode.

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yeah, some chapters are imba, where really you absolutely need hellios to get around. i hope you dont consider hard to be "luck based" cause thats artificial difficulty.

i agree cristoph is awful in HM, he needs a buff.

menmus doesnt get useful till later imo, because of his subpar defense which you have to level up a lot to cover.

weiss, rya, andre kind of form an unholy trinity of super powerful brokenness, theyre all so good.

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Used Hellios because my only playthrough was a blind Hard Mode one (that one mode that isn't balanced). I think I can get away with minimal usage of him in Normal (which I'll try one day).

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I simply MUST know where you got those Etrian Odyssey midis from.

It's like my favourite series ever (actually surpassing my like of Fire Emblem. Unfortunately, the fan base is too small :/), so I simply MUST know!

Edit: In other words, I now know of... Uh, that big spoiler thing. I had a hunch, but it didn't stop me because GLORIOUS Oifaye.

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I know I picked up a few Etrian Odyssey midis from the new files section on VG Music. Except that part of the site is still down since they moved servers, and my collection is mostly improperly marked. Here's the one I can find, for whatever good it may do you (or anyone else who finds a use for it - Alfred, that includes you too!).


That's "Hoist the Sword with Pride in the Heart", from Etrian Odyssey 3 for the record.

As for where Alfred got his, well, I know he browsed a lot of Japanese sites as well. Perhaps he picked them up from there?

Edited by Wayward Winds
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I wonder when the new chapters will come out... it's been about 3 months or so now :/

Well I can't really argue with games coming out, it's a pain to program them. Though I would like to suggest giving Christoph and Cattleya a bit of a boost. Do statue frags exist in sacred stones? Cuz their cons are really low :(

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