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[FE8] Long Hike Draft

Might Gaine

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I think part of it is that I literally never bother with efficiency (usually I grind the hell out of EVERYTHING), so I appear to have a different perspective/definition of what does or doesn't make a good unit. Amelia and Nino - in my experience, and as an example - if given proper care and leveling, are often able to single-handedly wipe out massive swathes of enemies. I like this. I like it a lot. Marcus starts out fine, but I find that using him becomes less and less effective as time passes, as he's frequently unable to catch up with the rest of the army in terms of ability, until he's more of a hindrance than an asset.

But here's the thing, dudesk: so can Seth and Franz and Kyle and Ross and Cormag and Tana and

Yeah, Amelia can solo X given Y resources. Given Y resources, Franz can also solo X. Vanessa can also solo X (and fly). The numbers are right there. You can have had good luck with Amelias, but them's the breaks. I once had an FE11 Marth who 1RKO'd most of the first half of the game. With Iron. Marth is still a shitty unit, though.

Also, I noticed earlier, but might that be Yomiko Readman in your signature?

Nope. I actually have no idea who this Yomiko is.

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I know. I even use Kyle and Ross most of the time (which, in the case of Kyle, is kinda wierd because Cavaliers aggravate me, although he makes an excellent Great Knight). My Vanessas, though, more often than not tend to be kinda lame.

Before anyone (most probably me) starts getting huffy (in my case, again), let's just agree to disagree and drop it.

Yomiko Readman is the main character of the anime Read or Die - wait. wait wait wait wait wait. thinking..... Kinon, from Gurren Lagann? The glasses and long brown hair threw me for a loop.


Edited by Might Gaine
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The thing is, Franz and Vanessa are both unusable under this Draft cause they're mounted.

If anyone wanted a Lance Unit, they'd only be able to choose Amelia or Duessel or Ephraim. Most of the other Lance Units are actually Mounts, sadly.....

EDIT: I forgot Gilliam. And that made me realist that Might has most of the Lance Units usable under this Draft O.o.

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Bleh, I've only just realised how much I relied on Mounts for all my Lance needs...

EDIT: Oh, made me realise something, is it easier to use Lances from stop a Mount?

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You mean, in real life? I dunno.

Hahaha, maybe now you'll appreciate infantry lancers a bit more when you have them.

MUWAHAHAHAH! 'Tis a shame you cannot benefit from the nigh-unkillable Moulder the Manly! Seriously, he should've died about ten times by now and he hasn't.

Finally time to promote Garcia. Since STR is his best asset, I'll play to that and make him a Warrior.

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I'm having problems with Chapter 5. My team doesn't have good enough bases to handle that.

EDIT: And I'm continuing my playthrough after school when I reach home. And yeah, I meant in real life.

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Garcia and Eirika should be able to take the bandits, with Neimi and Artur killing them on the next turn, then block the soldiers from hitting Natasha and the squishy guys and eat some vulneries. The soldiers will sui themselves, and you can move Natasha up to get Joshua. From there it's easy. The main thing is to send them all up the same path--the eastern path.

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Garcia and Eirika should be able to take the bandits, with Neimi and Artur killing them on the next turn, then block the soldiers from hitting Natasha and the squishy guys and eat some vulneries. The soldiers will sui themselves, and you can move Natasha up to get Joshua. From there it's easy. The main thing is to send them all up the same path--the eastern path.

Hmm, I'll think about that. I tried sending Garcia through the Western area, though, since he can handle those opponents.

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Far be it from me to tell you how to play, but it's generally less painful if you keep your smaller team in a group, so you can push through to the boss quicker. Most people leave the western enemies alone - the experience isn't worth the trouble, and you can reach the villages by going through the centre, where Joshua is.

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Update woo!

Chapter 6 11/89

Had one hell of a time getting through this chapter, but thanks to the magic of Colm the man on a mountain I was able to get past the clusterfuck and take out the boss with Ross. Oh, and the MANLY MEN of Ide got their C support. :D

Chapter 7 7/96

Yay waterwalk! I had Ross and Eirikia cross the river while Garcia and Colm murdered their way through the south. I got some really good levels in this chapter. :D

Chapter 8 15/111

Eirika went to assist Ephraim while the others went north. I handed Colm the Armorslayer to help take care of the Knights and he even got to kill three of them. :D After Eirika got her brother, they made their way back to the throne room and Ephraim claimed the boss kill.


Eirika 17.37 09 19 20 15 08 07 A Sword

Ross 11.38 16 11 09 12 08 05 B Axe C Garcia

Garcia 12.48 11 09 08 07 08 01 B Axe C Ross

Colm 18.02 31 08 11 20 14 06 03 B Sword

Ephraim 15.37 15 13 15 16 10 3 A Lance

I loaded up Ephraim with Seth's Silver Lance, the Killer Lance, a Steel Lance, his Reignlief, and an Elixer for when he comes back. And if it wasn't obvious I'm going to Eirika's Route.

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Now for a proper update from yours truly.

Chapter 10: turncount: 17. While Eirika goes down to recruit Innes and Tethys, Gilliam, Garcia, and Amelia go on a killing spree. A few sellswords try to off Moulder, but of course they can't even touch him, he's so manly. Innes, that bastard, makes me waste an extra turn trying to recruit him. Garcia promotes to Warrior, and resumes his killing spree. Marisa dies, but she was undrafted anyway so it isn't a problem.

Chapter 11: turncount: 14. Penalty: 10. Moulder, having been given a Torch staff, finally gets a chance to gain enough experience points to start catching up with everyone else. I left Amelia on a forest near the beginning, so she'd be able to mop up the reinforcements that come from that way and soak up the experience. A good two or three levels were to be had. L'Arachel recruited Dozla, and was then attacked. And then killed. Ah well, such is life.

Chapter 12: turncount: 11. First, I rearrange my units so that Amelia is at the front. I send her to get the first kill, then have Tethys give her another turn. From there on, I have Amelia charge North, into the thick of enemy lines. Kinda like Leeroy Jenkins, except cute and badass and all but invincible. The rest of my army proceeds normally, taking care of enemy monsters that Amelia passed by.

Chapter 13: turncount: 4. I send Garcia and Gilliam to form a wall against the main enemy forces, while Innes and Eirika work on securing my center. Once that's done, I send Amelia out as a spearhead into the enemy center because a) she's my second best tank, even unpromoted and b) she's still a little behind in experience, although she's catching up quickly. I'm almost surprised at how quickly this was over. Amelia maxes out her STR at LV17.

Chapter 14: turncount: 23. Sent Dozla off to the side where Rennac is, while everyone else goes into the main area. Dozla actually had about an impressive string of dodges for a while, though he still needed Gilliam to provide backup. Had Innes stick in the first corridor to deal with reinforcement Archers. Amelia reaches LV20, and is now being promoted to General.


Eirika: LV 20, HP 29, STR 11, SKILL 19, SPD 19, LCK 15, DEF 7, RES 6

Gilliam: LV 9.24, HP 51, STR 21, SKILL 14, SPD 12, LCK 11, DEF 25, RES 9

Moulder: LV 19.78, HP 33, MAG 14, SKILL 12, SPD 15, LCK 3, DEF 8, RES 9

Garcia: LV 4.15 Warrior, HP 44, STR 24, SKILL 17, SPD 10, LCK 10, DEF 10, RES 8 (kinda disappointing, overall)

Amelia: LV1 General, HP 39, STR 22, SKILL 20, SPD 19, DEF 20, RES 10

Innes: LV 3.94, HP 33, STR 14, SKL 14, SPD 16, LCK 15, DEF 11, RES 9

Tethys: LV6.50, HP 23, STR 1, SKILL 2, SPD 16, LCK 14, DEF 7, RES 9

Dozla: LV4.22, HP 46, STR 20, SKILL 14, SPD 9, LCK 5, DEF 11, RES 7

Also, Moulder and Gilliam have a C support.

Damn, this next chapter is going to suck for the turncount, since I'm probably going to end up playing it more like a defensive seige than a seek and destroy. Fricken desert....

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Generally, NPCs can do whatever they want without Penalty. L'Arachel shouldn't give you penalties unless she became a part of your team.

EDIT: Looks like she became a part of your team. That sucks bro.

Edited by Ring Wraith
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[spoiler=Chapter 4: Ancient Horrors]

[spoiler=Pre-Chapter Stuffs]

Gave all of Colm's items to the Supply.

Withdrew Colm's Iron Sword for Eirika.

The Hand Axe received from Chapter 3 was placed into Supply.

Spread out the Vulneraries so everyone had at least 2.






Our second Drafted Unit. He's pretty solid, with good Growths in Mag and Spd. His bases are also not bad. He's going to promote into a Sage later on and become our Excalibur user, since Anima is generally the better weapon type, being cheaper and lighter.

[spoiler=Attempt 1: 9 Turns]


Started off simple enough.

This Chapter was a simple one. All I did was rush all of the characters towards the center of the map. I had Eirika and Artur weaken the monsters while Neimi finished them off. Garcia was able to single-handedly deal with some of the other monsters on his own. When the Revenant reinforcements appeared, I sent Artur to deal with them Artur + a Forest tile quickly dealt with them. Neimi got the boss kill and ended up getting most of the level ups in this Chapter.

[spoiler=Level Ups]





To be honest, the level ups in this Chapter are not really that magnificent. Garcia, to date, has not gained a single point in Spd. Hope he gains some soon or he might actually become deadweight. Sad that Artur did not get any Spd points. That will hurt his usefulness in the next few Chapters where he can't really reliably double the opponents.

Current Turn Counts: 48

You guys just made me feel that I am playing and updating too slowly. Since I just got home, I'm going to fire up Chapter 5. Enjoy the Chapter 4 update though. Also, I think it necessary that we should create something like a Table of Contents somewhere on the first page or on the first post. So it's easy for everyone to see where all the updates are.

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Well, I don't have much else to do, so....

Chapter 9 20/131

OH MY GLOB ROSS YOU ARE MY HERO EVEN THOUGH YOU'RE A PIRATE. This brave man was able to get the Rapier and endure a horde of enemies with only 2HP left after running out of his Elixer. He even fixed his speed and skill issues! I did miss getting Amelia because of stupid Mercs, but I don't even care man.


Eirika 19.15 11 20 20 15 10 07 A Sword

Ross 15.60 18 12 12 12 08 05 A Axe C Garcia

Garcia 14.21 12 09 08 07 09 01 A Axe C Ross

Colm 20.-- 32 09 11 20 15 08 03 A Sword

Ephraim 15.37 15 13 15 16 10 3 A Lance

That is one sexy Ross. C: Now I need to figure out who I want to use the Ocean Crest on. I'm leaning towards Colm, since his level is maxed and it'll be a little while longer before Ross maxes his.

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[spoiler=Chapter 5: The Empire's Reach]

[spoiler=Pre-Chapter Stuffs]

Transferred all of Lute and Natasha's items into Supply.

Bought a new Lightning for Artur from the Armory (surprised I didn't buy anything for the first 4 Chapters).







I'm adding this here only because I didn't visit her village last chapter, so she only joins our team this Chapter. Lute becomes a very good Mage and Sage later on in the game, featuring high Mag and decent Spd. The only drawback is her low Con, and the fact that I didn't manage to Draft her in time (she was picked by Ring before I could pick her...). Thus, Lute will be sitting on the fence throughout this whole Draft. The only good about her is that her Fire tome can be used by Artur later on when he promotes into a Sage, so that he doesn't accidentally get an S Rank in Light.


Natasha is a decent healer, with a decent Mag Growth. The only problem with her is that both Valkyrie and Bishop has a Mag Cap of only 25, so her healing powers and potential is limited. Otherwise, she is a better healer than Moulder, because she tends to have decent Spd and Luk, ending up with better Avoid than Moulder. She's not Drafted, though, so all she can do in this playthrough is to recruit Joshua. Her Mend will be useful later on to up Artur's Staff Rank to B ASAP so he can use a Physic Staff.


Ahh, the King of this Draft. He is what I consider to be the best Unit I have in this Draft. In addition to that, he's actually the King of Jehanna. He starts and will end up with very high Skl and Spd, with decent Str, giving him very good Avoid and a very powerful offense. After we recruit him, the next few Chapters will be a breeze.

[spoiler=Attempt 1: Failed]

I separated my team too much, Garcia headed to the West, Eirika went South to the Village, while Artur and Neimi tried to hold out on the North and Northeastern entrance. This ended with...


Artur dying...

[spoiler=Attempt 2: Failed]

Learning that Eirika was important to dodge tank, I made Eirika follow with Artur and Neimi on the Northeastern entrance. Without Garcia to help them tank though, the enemy was able to waltz in and...


kill Neimi...

[spoiler=Attempt 3: Failed]

This one started off the same way as Attempt 4, you can read Attempt 4 for to see what Attempt 3 was like. The only problem was that...


I accidentally left Garcia in Joshua's range and he one-shotted Garcia with a critical...

[spoiler=Attempt 4: 11 Turns]

I sent the entire team to the Northeastern entrance, with Garcia tanking the enemies coming in from the North and Eirika heading as far out East as she can.


This is how the end of Turn 2 looked like.

More fighting ensued at the area. Several level ups happened.

After that, I sent Eirika South to the village (since I only needed her to dodge tank the Brigands coming from the East).


Meanwhile, Natasha headed North to recruit Joshua.


Garcia went to Rescue Natasha cause she was in range of the nearby Soldier.

After Joshua was recruited, I sent him East to deal with the two Brigands that had just appeared,


while Artur visited the Village for an Armorslayer.


On the next turn, Eirika reached the Southern Village and got the Dragonshield.

Neimi went West to get the Secret Book and attack the Archer from across the wall while Garcia, Joshua and Artur rushed North to take out the two new Brigands. I forgot to screenshot the visiting of the Village, but you can see from the next two screenshots that they have been visited. Natasha was rushed South, out of harm's way.


After the Brigands were dead, Joshua rushed West for the Torch.

Meanwhile, Garcia and Artur swiftly dealt with the Boss (so much for the Armorslayer, didn't really need it). Artur got the killing blow.


Chapter ends with our team receiving the Guiding Ring for saving all of the Villages. This Guiding Ring will most definitely go to Artur, since he'll definitely be the first of our Magic Units to reach Level 20.

Current Turn Count: 59

Oh well, I finally got Chapter 5 done. I realise the reason why I'm actually slower is because I actually spend a lot of time screenshooting and typing out the updates.

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[spoiler=Chapter 5x: Unbroken Heart]

[spoiler=Pre-Chapter Stuffs]

None, there's no Pre-Chapter for this Chapter.



Ephraim is a decent character, with very good all-round Growths. His only problem is that his Promoted Caps are a little too low for his Growths. However, he can't Promote in this run through, so that is inconsequential. He'll be the only one on our team who can use Lances. However, since he can't Promote, there's no way that he can use the Vidofnir.


Ahh, Forde, he's the Skl/Spd of the two Cavalier brothers in FE8. He has solid bases, with a decent enough Str such that he'll actually be useful throughout any runs of the game. He's a Mounted Unit, and thus, banned from this playthrough.


The Str counterpart of the two Cavalier brothers in FE8. Unlike Sain, he won't actually have good enough Spd to max out his Spd. Who cares though, he can become a secondary tank (on a horse) cause he has quite decent Def. He's Mounted, so we can't use him here.


Let's not talk about this guy. He's like a second Seth. In fact, he's just the Seth replacement for this Chapter.

[spoiler=Attempt 1: Failed]


The RNG hates me on this playthrough, I missed important hits of the Javelin, eventually causing the Mage in this pic here to kill me on the counterattack.

[spoiler=Attempt 2: 23 Turns]

I started out by trading everything onto Forde then rescuing Forde with Orson. Orson will slowly follow Ephraim throughout the entire Chapter, acting as a mobile Supply Convoy, with his ability to access Forde's items via the Trade command.

Ephraim goes up to deal with the two Soldiers. Then, I heal up with a Vulnerary and prepare to deal with the Mercenary and the Fighter. Honestly, I think this was the hardest part of this entire Chapter: surviving the initial charge of the opponents. Ephraim will step down after the attacks to kill the Fighter with a Javelin. This puts him just in the range of the Archer who Ephraim doubles with his Javelin and kills. Next, he kills the Knight with his Reginleif.

Having defeated the initial charge of enemies, Ephraim heads up the corridor, healing with a Vulnerary and equipping a Javelin so that he can kill the Mage when he attacks Ephraim across the wall.

I ignore the two Chests (just another Elixir and a Killer Lance that I do not really need since I don't really have a Lance User on this playthough). I run all the way up and around the narrow corridor, killing everything that attacks Ephraim. I ignore the Easternmost path (that contains lots of Cavaliers). When on the narrow corridor, I snipe the Fighter in the Chest room with my Javelin. That kills him and allows me to get the Exp from him while conserving my Door and Chest Keys, which I will definitely need later on, since I don't have a Drafted Thief.

Then, I just rush all the way down and around into the Throne room. I kill all the units on my counterattacks, ignore the Monk and the Shaman inside, and proceed to two-round the Boss, and rescue the Throne, saving two turns cause I didn't kill the Shaman and the Monk (my Javelin actually broke earlier or else I would have taken them on).

[spoiler=Level Ups]



Oh god, Ephraim, you are a god, those are awesome Level Ups all around. I'm glad that you'll actually be useful now, despite the fact that you'll never be promoted.

Current Turn Count: 82

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And I thought I was thorough with updates! I usually do mine in the following format:

Chapter number - turns/total turns

Stat boosters, promotions, reclasses for DS games, summary which may include some notes on failed chapters, weird RNG occurrences, etc.

end of chapter stats for all drafted units, and the occasional DS generic unit

This will save you time, especially on the long chapters (like Chapter 9).

Edited by eclipse
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[spoiler=Chapter 6: Victims of War]

[spoiler=Pre-Chapter Stuffs]

I bought a Steel Bow for Neimi, an Iron Sword for Joshua and a Steel Sword for Joshua.







Yes, my Arthur has not gained a single point in Spd since joining. Sad life here...

[spoiler=Map Formation]


[spoiler=Attempt 1: Failed]

In this Attempt, I rushed a little bit too much and...


Joshua died...

[spoiler=Attempt 2: Failed]

Same as Attempt 1, although I had moved slightly slower. Still,


Neimi died...

[spoiler=Attempt 3: Failed]


This Attempt, I did it slightly slowly, but I was too slow, and the Bael managed to kill a Civilian (Turn 10). I had to restart since I needed the Orion's Bolt. This is the only place where I can get one to Promote Neimi.

[spoiler=Attempt 4: 8 Turns]

In playing this Chapter, I had Eirika and her Rapier go top to handle all of the Cavaliers, since their Def is too high for the rest of my team to engage with. Throughout the whole Chapter, she's moving around, cutting down all of the Cavaliers that come from the top and the bottom of the map.

The rest of my Characters moved right, taking positions in the Mountains and fended off the enemies there for a few turns. Once only a few enemies are left (one Priest, one Fighter, one Archer and one Soldier), I had Joshua rush for Novala. Neimi followed closely behind, killing the Mage, the Fighter (since it was on the way). Garcia and Artur took care of the rest of the enemies.

Also, throughout the Chapter, several items were gained:

Iron Blade



Yeah, I missed the screenshots for the items I obtained. They came right after I screenshot a Level Up and I missed them while pasting the image over.

Joshua took the killing blow on Novala and...


ended my Chapter receiving the Orion's Bolt that I need for Neimi's Promotion to Sniper.

[spoiler=Level Ups]






Yes, that's Artur's first Spd stat. I really need more of that or I'll have to end up relegating Artur to Staff spam duty after Promotion. Oh, and that's Garcia's first Spd increase too, but that's normal, since Garcia has such a low Spd Growth anyway.

Current Turn Count: 90

Wow, that was an intense Chapter. Despite sticking hard, it's a bit difficult to prevent the deaths while moving through the fog. And when moving slowly and cautiously, the Bael eats up the Civilian too fast. Oh, I'm probably only going to continue the gameplay and recording tomorrow or later tonight.

EDIT: Since I just completed Chapter 7 and there are just nice 50 pictures from these two Chapters. Glad that Chapter 7 is actually quite easy to complete.

[spoiler=Chapter 7: Waterside Renvall]

[spoiler=Pre-Chapter Stuffs]

I didn't do any Pre-Chapter Stuffs this Chapter.







[spoiler=Map Formation]


[spoiler=Attempt 1: 13 Turns]

This is a relatively easy Chapter. I just rushed everyone over to where the Boss is. Not much to say about it. Eirika with a Rapier killed the Boss in one round. When the team went up the path to the Boss, I left Artur behind to kill the Mage and the Fighter following us.

Got the Knight Crest and a Pure Water in this Chapter. The Knight Crest is useless, since the only characters who can use it are Gillian and Amelia, both of which we do not have. The Pure Water can be useful against some bosses that use magic, but not as useful as some other items are (*ahem* Vulnerary says hi).

[spoiler=Level Ups]





Arrrrrgh, Artur still won't get Spd.....

Current Turn Count: 103

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Generally, NPCs can do whatever they want without Penalty. L'Arachel shouldn't give you penalties unless she became a part of your team.

I kinda figured that, which is why I didn't penalize myself for the kills Gerik made in his chapter.

EDIT: Looks like she became a part of your team. That sucks bro.

Yes. Yes it does. And I'm having a massive shitstorm of trouble with the current chapter, spent two and half damn hours having to do one reset after another - wait. Maybe if I send Amelia to deal with Caellach instead of Gilliam, send Gilliam to the south, and have Garcia deal with the pegasus reinforcements? But damn, that won't do much to solve the problem of everybody and their mother targeting Duessel and Knoll - wait, if I send Dozla and Eirika over that way to begin with... hrm.... hrm.... HRM..... okay, this just might work.

Not having Duessel around is kinda screwing me over. Starting to wish I'd gotten him instead of Dozla, but spilt milk and all that. Time to try out my new strategy.... right after I get some breakfast.

Sucks that Amelia, Eirika, and Moulder are the only units with decent speed, Eirika's STR is only up to eleven... Garcia and Dozla have decent/good STR (Garcia moreso), but kinda suck with survivability. Gilliam's the tankiest unit I've got, but he's still in extreme suffering of SPD screwage. If I were to get another Speedwing, it's actually a toss-up on who I'd use it on - Gilliam, Dozla, and Garcia ALL need it so they can more reliably double and evade hits, but Gilliam's got probably twice as much DEF as the other two. Ah well, at least I consistently get to promote Moulder by turn 3 or so.

I had to restart since I needed the Orion's Bolt. This is the only place where I can get one to Promote Neimi.

There is also the Master Seal in Chp 15.

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Prologue: 2 Turns

Seth trades and moves up, Eirika moves right. Bandits sui. Eirika moves into the trees and crits the boss. She gained a level, but I didn't record it.

Chapter 1: 5 Turns

Eirika moves, Seth gets out of the way. Bandit suis. Eirika attacks soldier for a crit, Seth continues to get out of the way. Bandit suis, soldier hits and dies. Eirika moves and equips Steel Sword and I meant to eat a vulneary, but forgot. Thankfully she dodged the Soldier and killed it, but the bandit lived. Move in front of the boss and eat a vulneary. Kill him and bandit during EP. Seize.

Unit		Lvl	Exp	HP	Str	Skll	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Eirika		5	16   19	 6	11	11	8	5	2

Chapter 2: 6 Turns

Not terrible. Got the red gem. The most annoying thing was the reinforcement bandits. Ross actually helped by killing one of the guys Eirika left at 1 HP. Garcia killed the two by him, then I had Vanessa drop him closer to the others. He ran off like a coward, so Eirika finished the job.

Unit		Lvl	Exp	HP	Str	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Eirika		6	97	20	6	12	11	9	5	3
Garcia		Base

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Sucks that Amelia, Eirika, and Moulder are the only units with decent speed, Eirika's STR is only up to eleven... Garcia and Dozla have decent/good STR (Garcia moreso), but kinda suck with survivability. Gilliam's the tankiest unit I've got, but he's still in extreme suffering of SPD screwage. If I were to get another Speedwing, it's actually a toss-up on who I'd use it on - Gilliam, Dozla, and Garcia ALL need it so they can more reliably double and evade hits, but Gilliam's got probably twice as much DEF as the other two. Ah well, at least I consistently get to promote Moulder by turn 3 or so.

Heh, I'm actually having a problem with the converse (with the exception of Artur and Garcia). Eirika, Neimi and Joshua have really good Spd, but not very good Str, making me have to use the Rapier just to deal with the high Def Cavaliers in Chapter 6. At least Eirika is slightly Str Blessed.

And right now, I'm stuck deciding whether or not to Promote Artur early for Staff spammage.

EDIT: I decided to do so anyway. Artur + Dragonshield can tank up those three Knights that kept killing Joshua.

[spoiler=Chapter 8: It's a Trap!]

[spoiler=Pre-Chapter Stuffs]











[spoiler=Map Formation]


[spoiler=Attempt 1:Failed]

I moved up with everyone, leaving Eirika to handle the Mymirdon, Mercenary and Archer to the West.

When Ephraim appeared, I had him handle the surrounding enemies.


Joshua died in this playthrough because he didn't dodge a single of the three Knights' attacks after he opened the door.

[spoiler=Attempt 2: Failed]

See Attempt 1.


The same thing happened.

[spoiler=Attempt 3=13 Turns]

In this Attempt, I calculated and noticed that Sage Artur and a Dragonshield can easily tank the 3 Knights with 1 HP remaining. So I did just that.

Everything else happened the same. Eirika handle the Mymirdon, Mercenary and Archer to the West, Garcia and Neimi handled the 2 Soldiers near the starting area. Joshua moved onto the Pillar, equipped the Armorslayer and killed the Knight when he advanced. Joshua trades Artur the Door Key and Artur proceeds to open the door on Turn 2 and tank the Knights.

Meanwhile, Ephraim handled the surrounding enemies: 2 Soldiers, Archer, Knight and Fighter. He took a few hits from there, so I immediately rushed him towards Eirika's group. Throughout the whole Chapter, he will be running towards Eirika's group through the corridor to his East.

At that time, Artur moved up to kill another Knight and Eirika's group advanced into the middle area of the castle. Once the 2 Soldiers and Knight had been taken care of, I moved Artur back so that he could heal Ephraim. Ephraim stood in the door to the Knight Room (the room with 5 Knights in it) and one-hit all of the 3 Cavaliers surrounding him.

Meanwhile, Forde and Kyle traded and ferried Ephraim's Door and Chest Key over to Neimi and Garcia who headed West to break the wall and kill the Shaman, Knight and Archer so that they can collect the Silver Sword.

Eirika and Joshua routed the enemies near the Boss. I took 3 turns to kill the Boss. It's annoying cause he actually Great Shielded a critical from Eirika that would have killed him. I had Eirika and Joshua wait next to the Boss so that they would not die when the Boss attacked them. At the same time, Artur was rushing back to the Throne Room to heal them. Artur reached just in time to heal Eirika and let her go back in for a final attack that finally killed the Boss. Seized the Throne on Turn 13.

[spoiler=Level Ups]







Artur refuses to gain anymore Spd, even as a Sage, sad. Turns out Artur will have to solely be my Staff-bot. At least he does well as one with that high 15 Mag that he has.

Current Turn Count: 116

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Chapter 10 21/152

I hate this chapter. Innes was being a dumb so I had to play tag with him to get my manly man Gerik. I would've gotten a 20 turn if I didn't flub up and and forget my turncount when I had Eirika trade something to Gerik. Also, Colm went Rogue.

Chapter 11 13/165

Eirika and the MANLY MEN OF IDE went south and the others went east. This chapter wasn't very eventful, but I did get all the treasure.

Chapter 12 13/178

Everyone ran up the mountain path, not caring about what poor creatures they slaughtered along the way. After the Gargoyle bloodbath had ceased I picked up Ewan and gave his junk to the Supply and cleaned up the rest of the mess with Gerik and Ross.

Chapter 13 9//187

This chapter wasn't too hard after I dealt with the huge clusterfuck and recruited Amelia. I'm so glad Tethys is free, she helped out big time with getting Cormag out of the way.


Eirika 20.-- 37 12 20 20 16 11 07 A Sword

Ross 20.-- 41 20 13 13 12 10 05 A Axe A Garcia

Garcia 18.98 41 14 12 10 10 10 03 A Axe A Ross

Colm 05.63 35 11 13 21 18 12 07 S Sword

Gerik 01.00 46 19 19 18 13 15 08 A Sword D Axe

Tethys 04.28 Dancer Stats lololololololololololol

Saleh 3.15 32 16 19 15 12 09 14 A Amina B Light C Stave

Ephraim 15.37 15 13 15 16 10 3 A Lance

I made Eirika eat the Angelic Robe I've been hoarding and Garcia ate a Secret Book and the Goddess Icon and the Speedwing to make him suck less. I'm not sure yet, but I'm thinking of making Eirika nom on the Energy Ring to help her offense. Normally I might give it to Colm but since Eirika can't promote....

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