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I lost faith in FE


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I base the quality of a product by the artstyle.

FE13 gets a 4 out of 10. >:[

It's true many people base their opinion of a game primarily on artwork.

That's why FE13's artwork has a lot more ass/tits/bare skin than previous FE titles. Because sex pays.

I approve and thus give FE13 90%.

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Considering most of the cutscenes are talking portraits, art style is not extra content in any way.

I wasn't talking about the portraits ingame. Those are necessary and definitely not "extra".

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He wonders? I thought he was fully aware - and proud - of his status already.

Well I guess I dunno about wonder, but he certainly complains about it a lot every time somebody says it, saying he "doesn't like them in that way"

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What's an opposite character?

As for the portrait thing, I think they're more extra than you realize. It's helpful to know what a character looks like, but personally, I don't think it's necessary for them to accompany every line of dialogue. It does help, since you know who's talking without reading the nametag. But I don't think it's essential. I don't think IS tells much of a story in the character portraits that they don't in the dialogue - except maybe that sometimes when people are promoted, they immediately put on a new set of clothes. The character emotions and such mostly seem to match the dialogue, as opposed to telling you something you wouldn't get from it. Maybe I haven't been paying enough attention though.

It's true many people base their opinion of a game primarily on artwork.

That's why FE13's artwork has a lot more ass/tits/bare skin than previous FE titles. Because sex pays.

I approve and thus give FE13 90%.

Once my friend was watching me play FE9 or 10 and he was saying "this game is all about sex." I was in the unit stat windows during the battle, and I swapped the view to Tanith's stat screen and face sprite. I asked "do you think he's hot" and my friend said yes. Then I told him Tanith is a girl. No one expects traps.

Well I guess I dunno about wonder, but he certainly complains about it a lot every time somebody says it, saying he "doesn't like them in that way"

Let's be straight - he said he liked Nono's bikini, not that he liked Nono in her bikini.

(OK he probably said that somewhere else and I just didn't see it.)

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Once my friend was watching me play FE9 or 10 and he was saying "this game is all about sex." I was in the unit stat windows during the battle, and I swapped the view to Tanith's stat screen and face sprite. I asked "do you think he's hot" and my friend said yes. Then I told him Tanith is a girl. No one expects traps.

It works both ways! :awesome:

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whats so objectively bad about sparse sexualization that you cant just ignore it though

im not big on fanservice but it's not particularly blatant here, just a couple of pictures that have nothing to do with gameplay

people gettin upset over nothing

whats so objectively bad about war, hunger, etc. in 3rd world countries that you cant just ignore it


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...I hope you're bloody joking!

I would be, but no.

She can't be a "little girl" if she wears that kind of outfit. And in FE, manakets that appear to be young are usually at least 100...besides, physically, she doesn't look THAT young.

Life's a beach.

What do you mean?

Also Sevvy your avatar is neat.

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OK, I've made a less offensive version of Paola to be submitted to Nintendo for the US release.


EDIT: In hindsight maybe I should've gotten rid of the double belt, but I wouldn't be surprised if they're not dumb and I just think they look dumb. (I mean, being as it's around a thicker portion of the body)

What do you mean?

Also Sevvy your avatar is neat.

Beach->Summer->Hot->bad joke

I like it myself.

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