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Favorite music

Paper Jam

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I've been thinking about the music of Fire Emblem a lot lately, so I thought I'd post a thread about it. Here are some of my thoughts on some of my favorite tunes.

Favorite Player-phase music: "For the Commanders" (FE6, chapters 10-13). After so many chapters of listening to "Beyond the Sky", this tune really gave me the impression that the stakes were getting higher. I was honestly disappointed when they went back to "Beyond the Sky" for chapters 15-17.

Favorite Enemy-phase music: "Nabata's Wandering Messenger" (FE7, chapter 22E/23H). This tune may be evidence that familiarity breeds contempt, as it only plays during one chapter in FE7. I get, for lack of better words, a Middle-Eastern vibe from it, which is a nice change of pace.

Favorite Neutral-phase music: "Binding Ties" (FE7). To be fair, this one had far less competition than the preceding categories, but I like the brief reference to the FE4 prologue music in the middle of this tune.

Favorite Near-Victory music: "Victory is Near" (FE9, chapters 1 and 6). More proof that familiarity breeds contempt, I guess, but this tune isn't nearly as loud, or dare I say, obnoxious, as most of the other near-victory music in the Fire Emblem series that I know of. Even if they had used this tune in every single chapter of FE9, I'm sure I'd still compare it favorably to "Winning Road" from FE6 and 7 or "On the Path to Victory" from FE3 and 11.

Favorite recruitment music: I don't know what it's called, but it's from FE3, book 1. It's the exact same melody and counter-melody as "Together We Ride" from FE7, but I guess I just like the "instrumentation" better in FE3 book 1.

Favorite boss music: "Battle for Whose Sake" (FE6, chapter 22). Not sure why I particularly like this boss music. Maybe it's the fact that it's a variation on the Bern theme, which I also like.

Anyway, those are my thoughts. What's your favorite music?

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I hate most of the songs in the FE6 due to extreme low quality of the samples so that's out. The remastered soundtrack is pretty awful too but it's because the samples sound so generic.

Favourite Player Phase: Dark Traveler from FE10 is one of my favourites, though it's technically not player phase music. Speaking of those strictly, Fate/Fate~Fire from FE13 has quickly jumped to first place. Holy War was pretty great, too. A Grasping Truth is also up there with that amazing percussion solo towards the end of the loop.

Enemy Phase: Murderous Puppets or Beyond the Silence from FE12. Both are really awesome with that synth percussion and really feel like they bring something new to the table because of it.

Neutral Phase: Hate all of these with a passion. Good thing there aren't too many.

Near-Victory: Also not my favourite. I'm glad they got rid of them in the later games, to be honest. They have a tendency to destroy the feel of the chapter, especially when you have a heavy and foreboding song like Holy War playing and then it suddenly switches to victory music. Wut.

Recruitment: FE5's recruitment theme is nice and subtle, though it's pretty much FE4's, which is a good one. Strangely enough, there are currently only 4 recruitment themes (I think). DSFE's take on it was pretty good. They're all pretty good. Even FE8's (yes).

Boss: Tearing Shadows from FE12, The Strong and Stalking Menace from FE10 are great.

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Favorite Player-phase music: Footsteps of Fate (FE11) Damn this is awesome. Haunting. Really fits the mood.

Favorite Enemy-phase music: I really don't remember any that stand out.

Favorite recruitment music: Comrades (FE8)

Favourite Boss music: Powerful Foe(FE8). It's so... powerful. But if we're only talking about final bosses, then The Prince's Despair(FE8)

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Favorite Player Phase music: A Hero's Destiny. It feels like the stakes are getting higher.

Favorite Enemy Phase music: Raid!

Favorite Other Phase music: None of them stood out, tbh.

Favorite near-victory music: Again, none of them stood out.

Favorite recruitment music: Together, We Ride!

Favorite boss music: Too many to single out one.

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Favorite Player Phase: Distant Travels in FE7. I can never get tired of that song, and it fits really well with the chapters in Hector's tale. Runner-up is Disturbance of Agustria (Chapter 2) in FE4.

Favorite Enemy Phase: Grandbell Army II in FE4. The final challenge for Celice's army, and the enemies were tough. The music fits with the strongest enemies in the game rushing at you with all their might.

Favorite Neutral Phase: Binding Vow in FE8. Too bad it doesn't play very long since most of the neutral enemies in this game were terrible.

Favorite Near Victory: Winning Road in FE7. Very upbeat, and it's a blessing to hear after a bunch of HHM chapters. Runner-up is the Near Victory theme in FE4.

Favorite Recruitment Theme: In the Chapter ~ Joining a Group in FE5. I find that it's quite different from the other recruitment themes in the series (despite having some of FE4/FE6 in there), but it's still better than the rest, IMO.

Favorite Boss Battle Music: Mid-Boss in FE4, For Whose Sake in FE6, Rise to the Challenge in FE7, Powerful Foe in FE8, etc. A lot of them are good.

Edited by ZM456
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I've got a top ten favorite FE songs video right here! ^^

As you can see in the video:

Favorite map theme - Eternal Bond/Ike's Theme (RD)

Favorite Recruitment theme - Stalwarts Unite (RD)

Favorite Near Victory theme - Victory is Near (PoR)

Favorite Boss theme - Unstoppable Destiny/Against the Black Knight (RD/PoR)

Favorite Preparation theme - Preparing to Advance (TSS)

Note, I haven't played any Japan-only games, I haven't played much of SD, and I have yet to play Awakening.

EDIT: Oh, and to clarify, Eternal Bond/Ike's Theme isn't my favorite in the whole series just because it's Ike's theme. xP In fact, I've loved this music ever since before I even played FE. I first heard it in Brawl. lol Just so people don't think I'm blatantly biased or anything.

Edited by Anacybele
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Im not gonna go digging around youtube because im lazy.

I really love A Trusted Ruler (PoR) because its just so calm and awesome.

Blessing of the Eight Generals (II) in FE7 is another favorite.

Change of Scenery (PoR) is my favorite map theme from that game.

Hymn of the Righteous (RD) is another super fave.

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My favorite map theme: Eternal bound(FE10).

Favorite Battle theme: The devoted(FE10)

Favorite boss theme: Fight to tomorrow(FE6)

Favorite mid-boss theme: Powerful foe(FE8)

Favorite final boss theme: Shaman in the Dark(FE6) (My favorite FE music!)

Favorite recruitement theme: Together we ride.

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Favorite Player Map Theme: Shadow Approaches (FE6)

Favorite Enemy Map Theme: Silesia Army (FE4)

Favorite Player Attack Theme: Friend's Attack (FE4)

Favorite Enemy Attack Theme: Safeguard (FE7)

Favorite Recruitment Theme: Fellow People (FE4)

Favorite Near-Victory Theme: Victory is Near (FE9)

Favorite Boss Theme: Softly With Grace (FE7)

Favorite Special Boss Theme: Confront Alvis (FE4)

Favorite Final Boss Theme: Confront Julius (FE4)

Other favorites in this category include:

Player Map: Dragon's Gate II (FE7), Land of Promise (FE8), Unending Task (FE10), Lion King Eltshan (FE4)

Enemy Map: Dragon's Gate I (FE7), Legendary Inheritance (FE6 and FE7), Nabata's Wandering Messenger (FE7), The Frontier (FE6)

Player Attack: Strike (FE7), Dawn Brigade (FE10), March (FE10)

Recruitment: A Knight's Oath (FE7), With Us (FE9 and FE10)

Boss: Stalking Menace (FE10), Powerful Foe (FE8)

Special Boss: Everything into the Dark (FE7), Battle for Whose Sake (FE6), Beauty is a Mad Mistress (FE10)

Final Boss: Campaign of Fire (FE7), Return of the Demon King (FE8), To Challenge Ashnard (FE9)

And then some other favorites:

FE4: End of Lost Mind, Augustria Palace, Chase the Dancer, The Final Challenge, Conversation 1

FE6: Maiden of the Dark

FE7: Black Fang, Silent Ground, The Kingdom of Bern, Unshakable Faith, Avoided Fate

FE9: Bittersweet Victory, Power-Hungry Fool, Empress Sanaki, Lion King Caineghis

FE10: Stalking Menace (Alternate Version), Sorrowful Prince Pelleas, Oliver's Fall

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Edit: Argh stupid autoformatting

Favorite Player Map Theme: Footsteps of Fate (FE11), RU: Determination (FE8) - Footsteps is just hauntingly good, while Determination falls under the category of upbeat tunes I don't tire of.

Favorite Enemy Map Theme: Nabata's Wandering Messenger (FE7), RU: The Frontier (FE6) - Hard to pick a favourite among these, there's many I like but few stand out.

Favorite Player Attack Theme: Decisive Attack (FE9) RU: [FE4's] - I love the whole uppy-downy-ness (shut up, I no speak good well!) of the former, and FE4's is so relaxing.

Favorite Enemy Attack Theme: The Enemy Draws Near (FE9) RU: Haha, screw the rest - no seriously, most of these I get tired of real fast. FE9's second EP combat theme is terrifying though, which makes it the best.

Favorite Recruitment Theme: [FE4's] RU: Comrades (FE9) - The latter probably more the result of various romhacks.

Favorite Near-Victory Theme: They can all burn in hell. They're a relief to hear after some of the longer chapters but even then they're just going to drag on if it's a map like Victory or Death.

Favorite Boss Theme: Fateful Showdown (FE4) - The only one that really stands out for me.

Favorite Special Boss Theme: A Mighty Foe (FE9) RU: Stalking Menace (FE10) - The former for being all round brilliant and the latter for being considerably more foreground and dramatic than anything else in the FE10 OST.

Favorite Final Boss Theme: Dark Emperor Hardin (FE12), Confront Julius (FE4) - Hardin's theme has an Aaaaaaaaw yeaaaaah factor that is unparalleled in FE soundtracks.

Edited by LunaSaint
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i like most of fe4 and a lot of fe7

some of fe8's stuff is ok

fe6's map themes are pretty good too

fe5 is also amazing

i really like some of fe9/10's tracks but i can't think of anything in particular offhand

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some of my favorite pieces of music from the games:


Disturbance in Agustria, I like both the in-game and arranged versions of this.

Door to Destiny

Lover 1


The Eight Generals, this one when I heard it particularly resonated with me in such a way, that it stuck with me for awhile.

Precious Things, probably my favorite overworld theme, although there are a few that compete with it.

Treasured Hope

A Knight's Oath, I like nearly every variation of this(FE1, 7, and 9), I didn't care for Shadow Dragon's too much, but it's growing on me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Favorite Player-phase music: "A Hero's Destiny" from FE11. It's so Ominous and intense that I have to love it.

Favorite Enemy-phase music: "The Frontier" from FE6. Just really cool sounding bandit music.

Favorite Neutral-phase music: Don't have one

Favorite Near-Victory music: "Guile's theme" in Dream of Five. But seriously, "winning road" from FE6

Favorite recruitment music: Whatever the recruitment theme from FE4/6 is called

Favorite boss music: "Powerful Foe" from FE8. Powerful, indeed.

Favorite Final boss music: "Either "campaign of Fire" or "Everything into the dark" from FE7. All of the games have good Final boss music, but these ones stir up such emotions in me.

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Verdane Army

Eternal Bond( Ike's Theme)

Neutral Army

Together We Ride

The Main Fire Emblem Theme( Opera)

Battle for Whose Sake

When the Rush Comes

The Time to Act

Beneath a New Light

Winning Road( Roy's Hope)

Doors of Destiny

Light and Dark

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