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[Nintendo Direct] First look at English localisation


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I'm glad that there's a concrete release window. But these localized names, man...I'm dying of laughter here.

Quick dump of all the names I caught; I could've missed a few:

  • To no-one's surprise at all, the game's title is Fire Emblem: Awakening
  • Chrom remains unchanged (depending on one's perspective anyway)
  • Emelina is now Emmeryn
  • Soiree is now Sully
  • Viole is now Virion
  • Frederick remains unchanged
  • The My Unit concept might be called "Avatar"; no way to know for sure until release. The trailer used the name Robin for its MU, but there's no way of knowing if that's the English default.
  • Sumia remains unchanged
  • Donny is now Donnel, though he's also called "Donny" in dialogue
  • Wyck is now Vaike
  • Miriel remains unchanged.
  • Geriba is now Grendel

I am...actually strangely ok with this.

Chrom - Kind of figured as such.

Emmeryn - Kind of an odd name, but not bad.

Sully - It's not bad, but personally, I preferred Sol and Soiree. French for Sun and Evening. Can't get more original than that.

Virion - This is a very, very odd name. But I actually kind of like it...OH GOD, now I'm imagining him as Virizion from Pokemon Black and White! XD

Frederick - Thank god.

Robin - Considering MU's original given name was "Rufure," I'd say it kind of fits.

Sumia - Thank god.

Donnel - It's not too far off from Donny. And if he's referred to as Donny in convos, it's fine by me.

Vaike - Thank god. I honestly thought "Wyck" was a bit of an odd name.

Miriel - Thank god this didn't change.

Grendel - Currently envisioning him as that one freakish monster from Beowolf. Cannot unsee. XD

Overall, this is good. Virion and Grendel make me laugh. I'm more interested in seeing what they're gonna do to Sariya, Libera, Gaia, Fauder, Loran, Degel, Nn, and Nono. That'll make me laugh come hell or high water. XD

EDIT: Rather, I'm WAY more interested in learning what Ronku and Tiamo's names are going to be. I'm hoping they leave Tiamo as is, but Ronku...I don't know how that's going to translate over. Maybe as "Roku" or something similar, but who's to say?

Edited by Karaszure
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I honestly couldn't give a fuck about the rest of the localization, that made the whole thing for me. Everything else could be ridiculously terrible and I would still love it.

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I don't have a problem with these names, though Virion is really odd looking. I also would've preferred Krom/Crom, but it's not the end of the world.


I honestly couldn't give a fuck about the rest of the localization, that made the whole thing for me. Everything else could be ridiculously terrible and I would still love it.

Yeah, really. I think he skyrocketed to one of my favorite characters from that.

I also love how Virion sounds just like Edgeworth too.

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Sully - It's not bad, but personally, I preferred Sol and Soiree. French for Sun and Evening. Can't get more original than that.

Actually Sol is Spanish (it is also a French noun but means 'floor'), and NOJ named him Sort in fact...

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Plegia actually makes perfect sense comparing it to Perezia. But I also think it looks/sounds a bit strange.


"Pledge ya what?"


Character names....ugh, name changes. -.-; They drive me insane. The names we know so far aren't terrible, at least. ...Other than "Sully". Such an insult. "Virion" is simply...strange as a name. He's a virus-thing now?

Ugh, Emyuu isn't Emyuu anymore! I could cry! "Avatar" is lamer than "My Unit" was at first. -complains-


Anywho, glad we have some solid info finally! HURRAY! And I noticed laughter during dialogue. There will be at least some of that goodness. (Personally, I like it because it is a reminder of the characters' voices while reading what they say.)

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Quick dump of all the names I caught; I could've missed a few:

  • To no-one's surprise at all, the game's title is Fire Emblem: Awakening
  • Chrom remains unchanged (depending on one's perspective anyway)
  • Emelina is now Emmeryn
  • Soiree is now Sully
  • Viole is now Virion
  • Frederick remains unchanged
  • The My Unit concept might be called "Avatar"; no way to know for sure until release. The trailer used the name Robin for its MU, but there's no way of knowing if that's the English default.
  • Sumia remains unchanged
  • Donny is now Donnel, though he's also called "Donny" in dialogue
  • Wyck is now Vaike
  • Miriel remains unchanged.
  • Geriba is now Grendel

On the Note: Fredrick was name Fredrik, Sumia was named as Smia, Miriel was named as Myriel, and Donnel was named Denis in the Japanese version.

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Plegia actually makes perfect sense comparing it to Perezia. But I also think it looks/sounds a bit strange.

I take it back. The dude says it with a long E. Sounds bloody awful.

Also, since I'm here, what does KromChrom say, in Japanese, when referring to/talking to EmelinaEmmeryn? Just curious. Oh, I mean, not necessarily the particular scene in the Nintendo Direct; just in general throughout the game.

edit: ....You saw nothing here....

Edited by Tsamimi
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I'm curious? I wasn't able to tell whether the voices are going to be in English or Japanese, it really sounds like it could be either from the few clips of sound that I heard. :|

Wait I just re-watched it and it is confirmed that they made English voice actors. Is it just me but it's a little saddening. The JP voice acting was pretty good and matched the characters well, whereas from what I've heard the voice acting seems a little....forced? I don't know I think it'll just take me a while to get used to.

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....That "It's Vaike time" sounded really unnatural. Not at all like he's about to swing his axe at an enemy. Maybe it's just me being picky about voice acting.

Overall, I hate dubs of live action and 3D animation. The cutscenes are probably going to be awful. :\ But everything else should be at least decent. Pessimism aside, here's to hoping they actually do a good job! -raises invisible glass-

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Oh, you Silly. smug.gif

YES! You rock.

Also, about Sully's name... Well, if "Sol" is keeping his originally Romanized Japanese name "Sort", then...Sully and Sort. That fits. They're still opposites. Sully is to defile, and Sort obviously is to put things in order. Makes perfect sense. And Sully is an acceptable name anyway. I don't think anybody who watched Monsters Inc. considered that name to be an insult. So as I've said time and again on this message board, everybody stop whining just for the hell of it.

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