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Timeline of the Game


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So this is sort of an ongoing project to keep me (and hopefully you) somewhat distracted from my endless hype.

Due to the exceedingly Schrodinger-ish nature of the game, getting an actual timeline for the Original/Bad Ending down seems quite hard. This is just me taking a stab at some general things that seem to have happened/don't really make sense. It sort of flutters all over the place though as it's not exactly organised. If anyone spots any flaws or mistakes, tell me and I'll endeavour to fix it promptly.

In the Original/Bad Future Timeline, the plot more or less starts at the same point as the main game. Krom finds MU, kills a few bandits etc etc. Presumably it begins to diverge soon after, as Lucina is no longer around to save Liz's life from the Fallen. She probably survives somehow, and the game continues.

Krom finds a spouse and fathers Lucina and another child at a later date in time. This obviously happens and little further explanation is needed.

Now this is when things start to get sort of weird. Lucina says (unless this is a mistranslation) that she was in the brigade that attacked Fauder's fort. This would suggest that the war took much longer in the original timeline. Of course, Lucina can't be any more than 18 and it's a fact that she came to the past two years ago. Given that the shit doesn't really hit the fan in the world until Gimle comes back, and even that would take a few years, we can presume that Lucina could have been no more than thirteen/fourteen MAX when part of an assault on one of the most powerful Sorcerer's to ever live. This seems somewhat suspect, especially for someone who relies on a sword rather than magic. You'd think Krom would have something to say about that. I sort of hope this was a mistranslation, as it would make everything else a lot simpler to explain.

Also, given that huge number of possible relationship's MU could be in, what happened to him/her is somewhat odd. In Wood's father support for instance, MU vanished after holding off some enemies for Wood to escape. In Nn's father support, MU and Nono were both MIA since Nn's earliest memories. A recurring feature in essentially every support is that the parent characters die, or vanished. Since MU has to be alive until Fauder completed the Awakening ritual, he/she obviously can't be dead. So from this we can presume that, one way or another, MU falls into Fauder's hands at some point in time prior to the event's of the Prologue: Fate or Bonds. Possibly a long period of time before that point.

At that point, things go off as we know for a fact. MU get's possessed, Gimle goes 'lol zombies' and proceeds to tear shit up and after an indeterminate length of time, Lucina and the other children begin time-jumping back to Set Right What Once Went Wrong™.

So what have I missed and is this a futile exercise that will drive me to inevitable frustration?

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Wait, did the Fallen actually show up at that point in that timeline? I thought it was just because Gimle traveled to the past.

Where does Lucina say she participated in the attack on Fauder's fort? That sounds really odd, especially since Krom and MU don't look 15 years older in the Intermission.

Edited by Othin
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Wait, did the Fallen actually show up at that point in that timeline? I thought it was just because Gimle traveled to the past.

Where does Lucina say she participated in the attack on Fauder's fort? That sounds really odd, especially since Krom and MU don't look 15 years older in the Intermission.

Good point there. I assumed that it played out in a similiar way, but that may not be the case.

And in her A support with a Male MU. It seems really odd to me too, but then Wood also talks about MU saving his life in their father/child support and Noire talks about MU not being very good at standing up against Sariya, which suggests that they were at least somewhat grown-up before MU went off and got possessed. On the other hand, Nn can't even remember MU or Nono in her father/child support with MU and says that they were MIA from her earliest memories. She also talks about fighting the Fallen when she was young to prove her worth, so I guess Nn might actually have been one of the youngest children, at least before the time-hopping/time-displacement thing.

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From what I understand...

0. Nameless Village Girl-chan escapes Fauder with MU as a baby.

1. Krom most likely encounters MU somehow on Iris. Presumably, MU doesn't know about Fauder or Gimle, or at least not Gimle. Fauder most likely has no idea where MU is, or if he's alive. 'Risen' don't appear since no time travel.

2. Fauder's initial assassination attempt on Emelina (Emmeryn) is successful without Lucina to warn them. The event is most likely blamed on Perezia. Not sure when or if Fauder grabs the Shield (Shield of Seals in this game?) or the gem, or whether that's taken care of later by Inverse or at the end of the timeline.

3. Battle between Iris and Perezia, manipulated by Inverse and Fauder via Emelina's assassination and Inverse feeding Gangrel info about the Shield. Perezia loses, Inverse takes over. Possibly takes longer then the game, and while I assume Feria would take Iris's side, I'm not sure whether they would be as helpful as before. Assuming some of the marriages take place around now.

4. Warm eventually becomes an issue, and Krom probably learns eventually about Fauder's plot about Gimle, from Tiki maybe? Don't know a lot about the second half of the game. Inverse probably notices MU and realizes the connection, as Fauder probably would not have met MU in this timeline. I'm actually unsure whether MU discovers Fauder is his father, or if he does, whether he learns about the Gimle plot. It wouldn't make sense for Fauder to tell MU.

5. Not sure about the details surrounging the war in Warm and Valhart. Sairi dies. Krom and co. probably go around collecting the gems, and I would assume Feria will help. Kids are probably in their teens, or at least some of them. I would guess Nono might die earlier to support Nn's lack of family in her childhood.

6.Interlude happens. This is probably the battle MU saves/disappears for the children supports, which makes sense if Krom and MU are the only ones to reach Fauder. Lucina supposedly participates, but I'm going to assume only minorly.

7. Risen appear, Parents start dying off, Kids survive and eventually meet Naga who says, "Plot device - Time travel!" I'm assuming this isn't the same as Future of Despair, it seems like the children should have died without divine intervention in those chapters. Maybe it's FoD where Naga uses plot device magic to rescue them and pring them to the past.

8. Prologue happens.


This is probably riddled with errors since I don't understand a lot of the Warm plot, although I think it's at least a semi-decent starting point.

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From what I understand...

0. Nameless Village Girl-chan escapes Fauder with MU as a baby.

1. Krom most likely encounters MU somehow on Iris. Presumably, MU doesn't know about Fauder or Gimle, or at least not Gimle. Fauder most likely has no idea where MU is, or if he's alive. 'Risen' don't appear since no time travel.

2. Fauder's initial assassination attempt on Emelina (Emmeryn) is successful without Lucina to warn them. The event is most likely blamed on Perezia. Not sure when or if Fauder grabs the Shield (Shield of Seals in this game?) or the gem, or whether that's taken care of later by Inverse or at the end of the timeline.

3. Battle between Iris and Perezia, manipulated by Inverse and Fauder via Emelina's assassination and Inverse feeding Gangrel info about the Shield. Perezia loses, Inverse takes over. Possibly takes longer then the game, and while I assume Feria would take Iris's side, I'm not sure whether they would be as helpful as before. Assuming some of the marriages take place around now.

4. Warm eventually becomes an issue, and Krom probably learns eventually about Fauder's plot about Gimle, from Tiki maybe? Don't know a lot about the second half of the game. Inverse probably notices MU and realizes the connection, as Fauder probably would not have met MU in this timeline. I'm actually unsure whether MU discovers Fauder is his father, or if he does, whether he learns about the Gimle plot. It wouldn't make sense for Fauder to tell MU.

5. Not sure about the details surrounging the war in Warm and Valhart. Sairi dies. Krom and co. probably go around collecting the gems, and I would assume Feria will help. Kids are probably in their teens, or at least some of them. I would guess Nono might die earlier to support Nn's lack of family in her childhood.

6.Interlude happens. This is probably the battle MU saves/disappears for the children supports, which makes sense if Krom and MU are the only ones to reach Fauder. Lucina supposedly participates, but I'm going to assume only minorly.

7. Risen appear, Parents start dying off, Kids survive and eventually meet Naga who says, "Plot device - Time travel!" I'm assuming this isn't the same as Future of Despair, it seems like the children should have died without divine intervention in those chapters. Maybe it's FoD where Naga uses plot device magic to rescue them and pring them to the past.

8. Prologue happens.


This is probably riddled with errors since I don't understand a lot of the Warm plot, although I think it's at least a semi-decent starting point.

Sounds fairly plausible, but there's a few things.

In some supports, it sounds like MU actually vanished well before the confrontation with Fauder. I suppose this is something we can attribute to the flexible nature of the Bad Future. As long as MU's there for the key events in the early stages, middle stages and the Interlude, what happens to him otherwise can be altered a bit. I would also suspect that at least some of the parent characters died off before the Interlude.

Nono would actually have to die towards the end of the war, possibly on the attack on Fauder fortress, with Nn being displaced back in time the furthest to accomodate for her growth. Nn states that she fought the Risen at a young age (being a fucking half-dragon gives one the edge of not needing much training to be combat effective) and if the Risen only appeared after Gimle possessed MU, then yeah. It seems like she was probably, at least before being time displaced, one of the youngest children characters. It's actually possible, if we assume her growth to be the standard human rate, that she's almost the same age she looks. Which is a tad disconcerting.

Where Mark fit's into any of this I have no idea, but then Mark's a bloody mystery. Even the children characters who are her siblings never seem to talk much about her past.

More and more I'm beginning to suspect that Lucina and the other children characters didn't actually take part in the final battle against Fauder. Their ages just don't seem to match up to how long it would take Gimle to do all the stuff he's described as doing (levelling countries etc etc), especially once you factor in time displacement.They certainly don't match the fact that MU and Krom haven't aged a day in what would have to be fifteen+ years.

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The issue is that setting things right doesn't work that way. All they did was make a new timeline, their timeline still has Gimle-MU in it unless the Alternate Future DLC series is really their future and not just another timeline in the time stream. So changing the past doesn't change that no matter what Krom is still dead in Future Lucina's real time line and things are still pretty messed up even if she returns to rebuild after Gimle-MU is taken out.

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The issue is that setting things right doesn't work that way. All they did was make a new timeline, their timeline still has Gimle-MU in it unless the Alternate Future DLC series is really their future and not just another timeline in the time stream. So changing the past doesn't change that no matter what Krom is still dead in Future Lucina's real time line and things are still pretty messed up even if she returns to rebuild after Gimle-MU is taken out.

Well, yeah. But if the Time Gates work like we think they do, then there are literally infinite worlds or near enough. In some of those worlds, Gimle is going to win. That's pretty much inevitable. In some of those worlds, Gimle wouldn't have had to win, as Medeus would have won three thousands years in the past. And in some of those worlds, peace and harmony reign, with all the Earth Dragon's safely sealed away. That's the nature of a huge number of timelines/worlds. You win some, you lose some.

I think that most of the kids endings has them coming to terms with that and staying in the present. Lucina does go charging off to try save a bunch of other worlds in her solo ending, but pairing her with MU means that she definitely stays in the present, happily married.

Also, on a somewhat related note: AHAHAHA Oh wow.

I've just realised how the existence of Mark makes a lot of supports come off really oddly.

If MU marries Velvet, then Chambray's freaking out about being the last Taguel doesn't make any sense, as Mark's one too.

If MU marries Nono, and Mark is Nn's younger sister then MU started teaching Mark about being a tactician at around the age of two, for no more than a month or so tops. And she can remember it. Which, rather ironically, means she's an amnesiac with an excellent memory.

If MU marries Sariya, then apparently only Noire got to be the curse test subject. Which is kind of funny, in a sick way.

And that's just off the top of my head from what I already know.

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Isn't there the possibility that the Mark we can get is a completely different Mark from a different time gate or something like that? >_>

Nah, in the sibling supports, they actually acknowledge each other, with the other sibling actually giving Mark a list of things she liked/disliked/random trivia about Mark. Look at Wood and Mark's support as an example. The others are fairly similiar.

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Due to the exceedingly Schrodinger-ish nature of the game
Can people stop bringing him up? There's nowhere near Schrodinger stuff going on here, its enough with the fucking cat -_-
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Can people stop bringing him up? There's nowhere near Schrodinger stuff going on here, its enough with the fucking cat -_-

Schrodinger did a lot more than kill cats.

And not kill them, for that matter.

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Pretty sure the only story altering choice the MU can make at the end.

Come on, 'it's up to the player' is just a cop-out lol

It's a cop out, but it's one I like.

I mean, the very presence of Lucina in the early chapters has already altered the timeline a fair bit. I can imagine that in the original timeline, there weren't about a dozen proposals in the space of a month, like there are in the game itself. The proposals and births of the children characters would probably have been spread out over however long the War took, whether that be three years or fourteen. Since we're never going to get any definite information on it, you might as well say 'Well, it's up to the player!'.

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