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  1. 1. Do you smoke?

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I don't smoke, just the smell of it nauseates me. I can handle the scent of pipe tobacco, but only when it's not being smoked. My sister used to be a smoker, but she's finally quitting (thank goodness) due to having a baby on the way, although she was planning on quitting anyways since it was getting expensive.

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Started on Marlboro Reds when I was 14 and I'm almost 21 now. Recently I've been smoking American Spirits and Generic pipe tobacco though, because Reds are like 6$ a pack now. Rolling mine own cigs with pipe tobacco is probably 10% of the cost of buying packs.

Also one reason I've been smoking more recently is because I recently gave up smoking weed, and a cig calms me down/helps reduce cravings to smoke weed. (weed is a hard thing to quit after 3 years of smoking almost everyday.)

Edited by redturtle806
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I can't stand even being around cigarette smokers. If a family member/friend is visiting and they smoke I stay as far away from them as I can (because they're too addicted to not smoke, so I don't bother asking them not to anymore). Just the smell of the smoke gives me awful headaches and coughing fits.

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I can't stand even being around cigarette smokers. If a family member/friend is visiting and they smoke I stay as far away from them as I can (because they're too addicted to not smoke, so I don't bother asking them not to anymore). Just the smell of the smoke gives me awful headaches and coughing fits.

This. Hell, I can't even bear to be within ~4 ft radius of someone who isn't smoking at the time but has the smell of tobacco on their clothes. Got a really sensitive nose, I guess.

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I found video games to be helpful in learning about various subjects. Plenty of non-English speakers learned English through it for instance.

You can learn about life by smoking when other ppl take smoke breaks and talking to them! Everyone can teach someone else things. Including other languages.

Or you could just talk to them any other time they don't mind talking, or if you don't particularly mind 2ndhand well you get the idea.

I really don't mind smoke much, even when ppl blow it in my face, but I don't like how some smokers are also litterbugs.

Edited by L1049
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You can learn about life by smoking when other ppl take smoke breaks and talking to them! Everyone can teach someone else things. Including other languages.

This is the reason why I smoked cigs in the past. It originally started as a guy or girl telling me: "Hey Helios, can you come with me outside? I'm gonna take a smoke and don't want to be alone." Or something along those lines. So I obliged, and would talk to them as they were smoking. Then they'd offer me one and I'd decline, since I was just there to keep them company and talk. Eventually a close friend of mine convinced me to at least try it, since I smoked hookah and cigars already anyway, so my curiosity got the better of me and I bummed one. I developed a couple really good friendships over cigarettes, so I guess I don't really mind them too much even though I don't smoke them anymore.

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I don't smoke and not many of my friends smoke but a lot of my immediate family do.

I personally am disgusted by it and can't be around it but I don't think of people differently for it.

This. Hell, I can't even bear to be within ~4 ft radius of someone who isn't smoking at the time but has the smell of tobacco on their clothes. Got a really sensitive nose, I guess.


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I smoke hookah (<3 double apple) and I touch black n milds. Honestly, I smoke weed so I also frequently smoke spliffs. My friend on probation smokes cigs just so he can smoke with us, but he's starting to get hooked.

I don't smoke cigs, though. Hate the thought of them.

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Are you joking double apple is a classic.

Speaking from a nation that smokes a ton of nargila... Apple is shit. Try watermelon or peach, those are delicious.

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Also one reason I've been smoking more recently is because I recently gave up smoking weed, and a cig calms me down/helps reduce cravings to smoke weed. (weed is a hard thing to quit after 3 years of smoking almost everyday.)

Why would you quit pot just to kick up your tobacco habit a notch? That seems like a downward shimmy on the smoking totem pole if you ask me. Drug tests? I smoke tons of weed and it's never been super hard for me to cut down massively when I really have to, provided I get plenty of coffee and not too much free time. Definitely a lot easier than kicking tobacco or drinking. Heck, I find it a hell of a lot harder to come off of a weeks-long computer game playing binge than a comparable weed binge.

I smoke cigars and hookah, and maybe an e-cig here and there... not cigarettes though.

Why e-cigs? I'm not trying to judge you or anything like that, but they always struck me as a very expensive and not particularly rewarding habit for somebody who isn't already trying to quit the analog cigarettes.

Speaking from a nation that smokes a ton of nargila... Apple is shit. Try watermelon or peach, those are delicious.

Apple's not that bad, sometimes I prefer the nuanced flavor and old-timey appeal of classic apple tobaccos over the esoteric and often cloyingly sweet fruit flavors that people seem to gravitate towards in the US. I've got to echo you on watermelon being a good choice though. I like to add a few pinches of mint tobacco to any flavor that I use.

EDIT: im also pretty big on coke w/ soda base

Good luck with that.

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Speaking from a nation that smokes a ton of nargila... Apple is shit. Try watermelon or peach, those are delicious.

Really? I've always enjoyed double apple. Watermelon is really good too though. Only had it a couple times though. I had peach once but I can't really remember its taste off the top of my head. Seeing as you called hookah "nargila" though I'm trusting your judgment haha.

life knows where its at

EDIT: im also pretty big on coke w/ soda base

Never done a soda base before. Tried milk base and just ice water...milk makes the smoke feel a little heavier but softer, and ice just makes it feel colder.

A friend of mine had this thing called an "e-hookah", which is basically an ecig but flavored. Not as good as a hookah but smoking it indoors when you're bored in class was kinda fun.

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@Hero Idk man weed is just a different thing for me. When I was smoking it would take me hours to fall asleep and I could barely eat without it. I probably smoked 2gs of dro or an 1/4 mids a day when i was smoking. I guess I just got sick of being high all the time, and I've been trying to cut back on cigs/booze as well.

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This is the reason why I smoked cigs in the past. It originally started as a guy or girl telling me: "Hey Helios, can you come with me outside? I'm gonna take a smoke and don't want to be alone." Or something along those lines. So I obliged, and would talk to them as they were smoking. Then they'd offer me one and I'd decline, since I was just there to keep them company and talk. Eventually a close friend of mine convinced me to at least try it, since I smoked hookah and cigars already anyway, so my curiosity got the better of me and I bummed one. I developed a couple really good friendships over cigarettes, so I guess I don't really mind them too much even though I don't smoke them anymore.

Yes I think this more-or-less is how a fair number of ppl start.

I never smoked a cigarette though.

Someday I'd like to try a cigar. Mostly because, it seems like it would be better to try one that took longer. But, it's kind of an odd reason. Because, I like bags of M&Ms better than most candy bars. So I'd probably like a bunch of cigarettes more than a cigar. Then again, I probably like a hotdog more than a bunch of little weenies.

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