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OAM data overflow


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whenever I try loading my script for a custom animation in feditor there are no immediate error but when I go to save the feditor processed file it gives me an error saying "OAM data overflow". What do?

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Not so sure if Obviam/Xeld/Hextator or whatever he goes by these days will be too happy if we upload it.

Screw him, he no longer even works on the FEditor.

@zahlman: Do you happen to know why the old versions can insert animations that the new ones can't?

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the old ones didn't have a blocker on the OAM overflow, so if it did overflow it just didn't check for that/stop you from using the animation anyway. It's kind of odd because it doesn't seem to really cause any ill effects, like Rey/Cipher Lee's Caineghis seems to work fine :P

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i have a version that disables the OAM limit check (read: i altered the source code and re-compiled it myself) but when i inserted something with it it broke

Edited by CT075
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