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Fire Mumblem: The Chronicles of Lussaria (Beta 1 Released! 1/2/2014)


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While I would like to say I have a lot of time, the stuff on my list to do just rapidly incresed, so I'm not sure....

Not to mention working on my own hack.

But, regardless, I'm working on it right now as well.

It is lightly reflected in my Mapping competition map (which you won't see unitil later; and the map design would be much better).

Edited by MasterKeeperâ„¢
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A recent video brought to my attention that some people think this project is dead. It's not.

The reason why things have taken so long to progress is because of poor preparation mostly. I came into this not knowing entirely what I really wanted to do, and I kind of tried to brute force it, making numerous chapters without first trying to figure out what I really wanted to do for the story. This, alongside with my desire to make chapters with as good level design as possible, lead me to completely remove/change the chapters.

I guess the other things that have prevented the project from making progress is work, both from my actual real life job, and from my several personal projects, such as youtube videos, composing music, tending to a kind-of high-maintenance Roleplay, among things like depression.

Now, with that all said though, I've finally built a proper structure for the project. One that I can rely on, and one that doesn't just simply put almost ALL the work on me (I was doing almost EVERYTHING before, even though my team has over 8 members on it). In fact, I'll be releasing a 2-Chapter patch very soon. I just need to finish the ending cutscene for chapter 1.

However, I'm not just gonna end this post with that. I'm going to prove to you guys what I've been working on.


First. The new prologue, or Prelude, since I like arbitrary text changes. Note, you have eight units.

I decided to cut the bullshit. I believe I've mentioned this in other places, but I believe that if you're playing a Fire Emblem hack, chances are, you've already played the originals, and don't need to be paced into all the different classes at a crawl. Instead, I just decided to give you ALL the different weapon types right at the start. Staves Excluded.


Here's the bottom half of the map. If we count... 13 enemy units total.


I don't intend for this to be easy either. As stated before, there's no permadeath, but enemies will be able to give you trouble enough that taking advantage of the lack of permadeath will be important. However, this is only the prelude chapter, and I wanted the first few chapters to be beatable without losing anyone.

Let's take a gander at some portraits.


Sorlene's been updated. She looks older now.


Jonsin has been given a portrait that perfectly suits his personality, something I greatly value.


Nickt came out of seemingly nowhere and updated Feltyn. Lookin' good, brah!


Oh, what's this? This looks familiar... Fire Mumblem: Revised Edition's bonus tasks!?

Let's see what happens if we complete them.



Works like Revised Edition too.




More bonus tasks!

But there's more, ladies and gentlemen. Introducing a brand new feature never before seen in any hack! (I think!)


Oh damn! The main character died...

But wait. What's this!?


Where am I?


Introducing a new feature! The Netherworld is the place where all main characters go when they die.

All players bad enough to get their main character killed in this game get insulted appropriately.




Thankfully, insults aren't the only thing offered at the Netherworld.


For those of you casuals that need that extra push to help them complete the chapter, you're offered advice on how to win the chapter!

But wait, there's more!

In this hack, you will see...

Self-aware humor!


Incredibly generic villains!


And not even the slightest bit subtle messages to ship certain characters!


(Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any frustration gained from trying to ship Feltyn and Lussaria)

Now... considering this topic has been here for a while, I might just ask the admins to close it so I can start a new thread where I can get a fresh new start or some shit like that, but yeah. Fire Mumblem isn't dead, doodz.

Edited by MarkyJoe1990
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I've never actually played Shin Megami Tensei. =X

You should fix that.

Also, holy shit ASM hacked statboosts? Colour me interest-

And not even the slightest bit subtle messages to ship certain characters!



you can't tell me who I can or can't ship.

But yeah, this looks pretty kickass. I look forward to seeing how this turns out. Especially since I get a pre-promo Hero uguu

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I don't intend for this to be easy either. As stated before, there's no permadeath, but enemies will be able to give you trouble enough that taking advantage of the lack of permadeath will be important. However, this is only the prelude chapter, and I wanted the first few chapters to be beatable without losing anyone.

10 atk doesn't seem difficult at all unless your entire party has wolt level stats

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I'll have to admit, I really like how you're taking into account different playstyles when designing this whole thing. The bonuses thing I really like. And there's something kinda awesome about getting scolded for fucking up, but still being given some amount of help.

In a way, that's very in line with the modern approach to difficulty, where the goal is to get people through the game, with both some ammoount of help and a variety of incentives.

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I decided to cut the bullshit. I believe I've mentioned this in other places, but I believe that if you're playing a Fire Emblem hack, chances are, you've already played the originals, and don't need to be paced into all the different classes at a crawl. Instead, I just decided to give you ALL the different weapon types right at the start. Staves Excluded.

I'm not sure why hackers wait around to give the player characters since vanilla FE doesn't on a number of occasions but cool, I like having more options at the start

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Progress Report:

Most of the ending cutscene script is finished. I'm hitting a snag with the last scene though. It's proving extremely frustrating since I'm not quite sure what I'm trying to get across, but I'm starting to learn.

There's minor touch ups around the hack that still need to be done, mainly stuff I keep overlooking, but overall, it's just a matter of getting that last piece of scene done...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Progress Report:

I'm roughly finished with the chapter 1 ending events. I decided that the scene I previously had in mind at the end of chapter 1 would fit better as it's own designated "interlude" chapter. We'll see if I release the patch after I touch up the hack or after I make the interlude.

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Gosh, this is looking better and better!

One question though:

Apparently, Feltyn is the jeigan now? There is a hero on the map and Feltyn was a mercenary in the other maps...

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Gosh, this is looking better and better!

One question though:

Apparently, Feltyn is the jeigan now? There is a hero on the map and Feltyn was a mercenary in the other maps...

Yeah. Feltyn is the Jeigan. Time and experience convinced me that having a true jeigan adds more strategy. By scaling enemies to be fairly strong to the point where using the jeigan is desirable, it adds challenge in how you distribute EXP.

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I decided to cut the bullshit. I believe I've mentioned this in other places, but I believe that if you're playing a Fire Emblem hack, chances are, you've already played the originals, and don't need to be paced into all the different classes at a crawl. Instead, I just decided to give you ALL the different weapon types right at the start. Staves Excluded.

I've always done this too because I find it boring to crawl through 12 chapters waiting to get my first X weapon/tome user. I followed that principle in Generic War as an example (Though that was still a terrible game lol)
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Fixed. It's now a zipped folder that includes the Readme.

EDIT: Updated the ReadMe as well. It didn't include certain people. If there are people who aren't included in the credits, let me know.

EDIT2: Thank you Agro for letting me know about that problem.

Edited by MarkyJoe1990
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I gotta say, this hack easily has the highest quality humor of any hack I've played. A very strong first impression.

Also, is Lussaria's defense growth high? She's gained defense for me 3 times in a row so far. Could just be RNG being RNG though.

Edited by General Ciraxis
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