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Chilean Musician Mafia [Game Over]


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Excellen, why is Meesh a neutral read and not a scummy read of yours if you have listed beside her a scummy attribute, with nothing townie offsetting it?

And how is Alliance Checker an easy fakeclaim in a game which is pretty much guaranteed to have one in it? It'd be a horrible fakeclaim because the real one would have said something by now.

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Excellen, why is Meesh a neutral read and not a scummy read of yours if you have listed beside her a scummy attribute, with nothing townie offsetting it?

And how is Alliance Checker an easy fakeclaim in a game which is pretty much guaranteed to have one in it? It'd be a horrible fakeclaim because the real one would have said something by now.

I said mostly non-content, not no content at all. Also, I am a player who takes into account state of mind when doing my analysis.

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I don't really see much of a difference between non-content and no content. Your reasoning for Paperblade's position on your list is cruddy as well, because what exactly is scummy with explaining why you were part of a mislynch? Is town supposed to just shrug and move on?

BTW, BPV is like the most common scum fakeclaim ever, right up there with Backup and Bodyguard. Silencer might be a scummy role, but there have been town Silencers before.

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This is what I came up with for roles:

Protective - Kay, Shinori, Excellen

Investigative - Helios, SEG, Manix (technically)

Day Phase - Mancer, Blitz, BBM

Redirect/Hook - Paperblade, Prims

Destructive - Psych

Other - Bal

Unknown - Bitto

What Was Bizz Thinking? - me

No town cop in this setup would be beyond silly. I'm pretty sure Kay is what she's claiming, given that no one claimed hooked. Given the number of kills, I'm willing to believe Shinori's doctor claim. Due to things I cannot discuss, I'm pretty sure Psych is clear. With Helios' claim, I think Bal's telling the truth about the miller part of his role (whether he's a third-party miller is something that I don't feel like considering right now). That leaves BBM's silence, Excellen's BP, Paperblade's drive, whatever Bitto is, and myself. From my POV, I think this lynch has the highest chance of nabbing scum.


##Vote: Paperblade

I can see the mafia motivation behind that drive (this), and his D2 play has been "hey everyone claim", with no scumhunting. Given what I know about myself, I'd be willing to lynch Excellen on role, but he's attempting to scumhunt, which is more than Paper can claim.

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Driving a kill off of me and onto someone else, yes maybe rein was a weird choice for it, but if they had tried to kill me i would have lived, yes?

I like paper's up front "HEY EVERYONE CLAIM" more than your vague sense of talking that has happened this whole game.

Yell at me for tunneling if you want but your mind keeps jumping around on wierd things. First off 3 protectives is too much, then you push the supposed inno cop report then you say it's okay you can believe my claim for now cause of kills(I'm willing to bet only two kills happened last night), and then you vote paperblade for wierd driving actions and no scum hunting.

How exactly have you scum hunted this game? Your day 1 was forgettable and your d2 has been what I just stated above.

Not moving my vote at the moment, I like it where it is.

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I have been requested to do votals by our lovely host so here they are:

BBM (1): Excellen

Kay (1): Psych

8-Bit (1): BBM

eclipse (1): Shinori

Paperblade (1): eclipse

Not voting (5)

I think these are right. Yell at me if they aren't.

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I was waiting til everyone claimed to do this but apparently someone is impatient

there are 4 scum left (including SK)

Paperblade - I know I am town

Helios - unless Bitto is also some cool info role, Helios is certainly clear imo

Bal (Rein) - Very likely clear if Helios is clear, which I think he is about 99% clear. It is possible he is fakeclaiming, since there was a 15 minute period before he posted where Prims (and who knows else on his scumteam) was on that could tell him "Hey Rein go fakeclaim Miller people will believe it since urdum"

Psych (Elie) - Based on how Prims pushed a bullshit lynch on him and the fact that he is a vig, I think he is clear

This leaves scum to be among 6 people


Bitto (Meesh)

eclipse (scorri)

I think at least 2 people from this group are scum. I can't say who is scummiest because Bitto has yet to claim, but Meesh's posts were rather forgettable and I feel like both of them are avoiding a claim (Meesh was posting and ignored the "Meesh claim pls" posts then subbed, and Bitto hasn't done shit).


Llen (Boron)


I think at least 1 person in this group is scum, probably 2. These are all protective roles (plus my role and Blitz's role are protective-ish and eclipse is heavily implying a protective ability). Now, Kay has an innocent on her which means she would need to be Godfather (or a scum godfather exists), so I think the most likely scum from this group is Llen. Additionally, no one has claimed hooked so that means that the mafia is either playing hardcore mindgames with us or Kay is clear.

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Bitto needs to hurry up and claim already but I think he's scum anyway and trying to buy time to think of a good fakeclaim. Bulletproof is such an easy fakeclaim too, and Excellen's predecessor was scummy so I'd support his lynch too.

##Vote Bitto

Maybe this might help him exist

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Deal with it, Shinori. Tunnel me until you're blue in the face. I can guarantee that D3 will come. Can you?

And if Bitto never shows up? Would you still wait then?

The town has a good number of active roles (two protective, two investigative, two fatal, at least). I don't see why it's unreasonable for the mafia to have multiple ways of doing something about it.

While rereading Prims' role PM, I saw this:

Roleblocker: At night, you may respond to your role PM OR in the Quicktopic with ”Night X: Playing an Enticing Cumbia for <USER>.” USER will become distracted with dancing all night and fail to perform any night actions they may have. This does not affect passive abilities.

Unless Bitto claims some sort of "you can't kill me" role, either Excellen's telling the truth about his BP, or Bizz is trolling us. Assuming the former, this also tells me that he's not with the mafia.

I got what I wanted out of Paperblade, which was his thoughts (apparently, we think the same way). With the town having at least two killing roles, BP SK isn't completely out of the question.


##Vote: Excellen

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Deal with it, Shinori. Tunnel me until you're blue in the face. I can guarantee that D3 will come. Can you?

You can't guarantee jack shit.

You are saying you can, but truth is you haven't claimed, no one knows your role, you could just be spouting a whole lot of bull shit to give false hope.

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You can't guarantee jack shit.

You are saying you can, but truth is you haven't claimed, no one knows your role, you could just be spouting a whole lot of bull shit to give false hope.

Watch me, while you're busy patting yourself on the back. D3 will come.

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I never said day 3 won't come.

I just want better answers than the stuff you have been saying all day phase. You have literally been vague with everything. Not just your claim.

BUT I MEAN WHATEVER. Going to sleep. My vote on you doesn't help anything because you refuse to answer any questions. To me it seems like you aren't really being helpful to town, you voted someone who a cop got an inno on(yeah i know godfather blah blah) and you voted someone who is pretty much proven driver and most likely innocent cause otherwise I'd be dead. Frankly only seems to me that you are town at all based off of your massive amounts of vague bull soft claiming.


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You wouldn't be dead, Shinori, because you were busy self-protecting. Reread the added rules regarding roles, and tell me what just about everyone that isn't you would've concluded.

(I do have a reason for everything, and I'll give you an explanation the minute Bitto does more than read the topic and leave without saying anything)

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Well since I seem to be made out for SK in here and votes will be piling up, I might as well do the full role claim. I'm a BP follower (learns what kind of ability target has). Last night I tried targetting paperblade, but got the message I tried to but came back with no result. Which means I got roleblocked I think.

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Okay, still not done reading the topic, but apparently, I have to give a claim. That's not a problem, because my claim can be confirmed. Won't say anymore until I catch up entirely.

You know you're supposed to claim. You're apparently willing to claim. Why can you not speed things up by doing so now? How does this require reading through the whole topic? Frankly, I'm very skeptical of whether you want us to have time to think about your claim before lynching.

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