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Chilean Musician Mafia [Game Over]


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Well, there's nothing in the rules about being unable to target yourself, and my role PM doesn't say I can't, so I'm pretty sure I can target myself.

ADDED RULES (that I forgot but people might ask about/have already asked about):

1. 72-hour day phases, 48-hour night phases

2. Sending the mods your thoughts throughout the course of the game is certainly allowed. They may be mentioned in postgame unless it is requested that we don't.

3. Again, absolutely no transferring information outside of the game between players, living or dead; this is for setup reasons.

4. Assume you may not target yourself with your role unless your role PM says otherwise.

5. Not all scan results may be accurate.

6. LYLO variants will be announced.

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....I did not see that. I guess I can't target myself.

Also, my suspicions of Shinori just skyrocketed. He is totally the type of person who might fakeclaim Doc while simply having a SK with a self-protect of some sort.

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Well, that just proves you're a Silencer, not that you're Town. I don't think anyone is really gonna fakeclaim Silencer, that's stupid as hell. I got a little pet theory that you have a second role attached to your ability, like Prims did with Strongman + Roleblocker. Maybe we have an all double-ability mafia, but that's pure speculation.

I'm looking at the list of people we got and it's not really promising. Right now, I feel strongest on BBM or Eclipse, but I have a feeling Eclipse isn't going to be helpful at all, even if she's at L-1. Though, I expect full answers come D3.

Hey, Excellen. Why did you choose Paperblade to investigate?

Anyways, I decided to narrow down my list to "Safe Lynches" and "Risky Lynches" for today, considering the circumstances.




RISKY LYNCHES (in order from least risky to most risky)

-Eclipse - Could very easily be bluffing. She should be a safe lynch, but I'll be a little cautious about her.

-Excellen - Only because she's an investigative role. Need to re-read her posts to get a feel on her.

-Psych - I'm pretty sure there have been scum dayvigs before. Prims was going crazy on Psych at the end of D1, but I'm pretty sure Prims bussed before. Though, if we're assuming small mafia with double abilities, bussing a fellow mafioso seems like a bad move...bleh. Psych's just all sorts of weird, but I don't have him pinned down as likely town.

-Shinori - I feel a bit better on him after reviewing my notes. I don't think he'd be the best lynch, though, and losing a doc on MYLO would be "kind of" terrible.

-Kay - Only scum if Helios is scum (unlikely) or if she's GF (somewhat likely, but somewhat risky on MYLO)

I'm tempted to vote BBM, but I feel odd towards him. I just don't really know why he would claim Silencer if he was Mafia.

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The thing is that follower is effectively a role cop on active roles that also has the benefit of randomly finding killers, which is strong enough on its own, but adding a vest to it makes it seem super sketchy to the point where if Llen flips town I am willing to call Helios (and by extension, Bal) scum.

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Since I've only been hinting at my role, I'll reveal more of it. I'm the Jack-of-all-Trades, and I used my weakest ability (kill) N1, by host request, because attempting to scumhunt someone like that wouldn't have ended well. The rest of my abilities are protective in nature, but they all come with a price. What I do on N2 will depend on what happens today, but I will be doing something.

Much as I don't like Shinori's current tunneling, at least one of his abilities self-target. The only way this fails is if Shinori/Paper are both mafia.

As for the mafia kill, I think that Manix made sense - after his early D1 shenanigans, it wasn't very likely he'd be lynched.

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Oh wow, nice catch.


Okay, this changes a lot.

Actually, what the fuck, why not.

##Vote: Shinori

I know I look REALLY silly now after that post about feeling a bit better on Shinori, but that kind of just turns everything on its head. If you were allowed self-protection, why wouldn't you mention this when you first claimed? Why didn't you bring this up ever? Also, with an omniprotect and a BP, I think a doc who can also self-protect would be pretty overboard.

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Fact, but more emphasis on why he didn't bring it up TODAY. If he already admitted to self-protection, he might as well admit that he has self-protecting powers.

...That sounded better in my head. I'm still trying to figure this out, but I'm definitely getting incredibly odd vibes here. I gotta write this out.

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I feel you're trying to push a lynch that isn't there

then again since eclipse has claimed responsibility for a kill and is like 99% confirmed town that means you're like 90% confirmed scum so this isn't surprising.

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....I did not see that. I guess I can't target myself.

Also, my suspicions of Shinori just skyrocketed. He is totally the type of person who might fakeclaim Doc while simply having a SK with a self-protect of some sort.




Oh wow, nice catch.


Okay, this changes a lot.

Actually, what the fuck, why not.

##Vote: Shinori

I know I look REALLY silly now after that post about feeling a bit better on Shinori, but that kind of just turns everything on its head. If you were allowed self-protection, why wouldn't you mention this when you first claimed? Why didn't you bring this up ever? Also, with an omniprotect and a BP, I think a doc who can also self-protect would be pretty overboard.



So I am calling your claim bull by the way. It's a really safe fake claim and I hate it. Because it's not provable until after the NEXT day phase. WHICH MEANS WE CANT DO ANYTHING ABOUT YOU FOR TWO DAYS. Also potential mylo which means you would coast right by with that claim. Not to mention Meesh's actions.

I'm gonna go ahead and do this.

##Vote: 8-bit

Seriously, logically that claim is super safe for scum and you haven't really acted town, neither did Meesh. Feel like half the time was stalling for trying to get a proper safe claim or something. Then you vote me trying to push a lynch on me agreeing with BBM saying I'm a FUCKING SK WITH A DOC ABILITY THAT ACTUALLY REQUIRES ME TO TARGET.



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Okay. After trying to make sense of this game, I think I feel somewhat comfortable on an Excellen, BBM, or Bal lynch. Anyone else, I'm uncomfortable with. The exception is Shinori, because I have no idea what to think of him. Looking at the set-up, I think his role's needed, but I still get odd feelings. I know that's not evidence and sounds "fluffy", but I just have no idea what to think on regards to him.

I also don't see any correlation to Eclipse saying she killed SEG and how that relates to me being scum. Maybe it's cause I'm a total dumbass, if that hasn't shown in the past few posts.

I'm going to re-skim D1 before solidifying a vote on BBM.


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So Balcerzak thanked me for noticing that he sidestepped the question... and still didn't claim? Seriously? Why is everyone letting this go this easily, since everyone also said that they didn't believe that Rein/Bal was only a Vanilla Miller?

I was staying quite about my actual role in order to help protect eclipse. Now that eclipse has claimed, it's less necessary for me to keep quite.

If people, other than you and your bulldog tunnel really want my claim, I can give it to you.

13. Rein/Bal - Miller/"Miller Lightkeeper Beloved Princess Compulsive Weak Visitor"

Also, I'm 99% sure Bal is lying. If that is literally an actual role...well, god fucking dammit. Why would you even...why. Might as well tell who you visited to help confirm!


6. The following roles are not in the game: vanilla, disguiser, death miller/death godfather, anything chance-based (faith healer/50% doctor, SK/vig that may die if they target the wrong role, etc.), fool/jester, beloved princess, roles that are unaware of what their night actions do, and death tailor. Any other role or role variant is possible.

You're right, plain miller would be too cruel.

I'm Miller Lightkeeper Beloved Princess Compulsive Weak Visitor.

I visited Helios and my action failed.

(emphasis added)

Excellen, I need you to answer something ery important

that is, why did you claim BP, when you could have claimed your investigator role and try to have gotten maf to get a kill on you instead?

Holy shit, Blitz is a wizard.

##Vote: Excellen

That should be 4 votes on Excellen, because I think guillermo missed eclipse's vote. That is L-2, yes?

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Also, I didn't know I had any scum meta other than horrible fakeclaims, lol.

Hmmm. On a scale from good to horrible, how would you rate a Town Silencer fakeclaim?


I don't like either of these wagons. Is it too late to go back to lynching Psych?

BBM: If you're here and town then vote Psych w/ me

More reasons not to lynch Psych.

Actually if I could lynch anybody right now it would be KAY but we're not wagoning somebody in the last 30 minutes.

Maybe similar there, but I missed a lot more of the Kay/Prims interaction when I went down them in ISO, so may need to reconsider.

Good morning!

Listposting with questions for people to make up for my lack of anything.

Not Lynching Today

14. Manix - Obvious town due to Friendly Neighbor claim, would not lynch.

7. Shinori - Obvious town due to Doctor claim, would not lynch.

13. Rein - Rein doesn't strike me as the type of person to fakeclaim Miller as a gambit so he's probably legit (that or the mod gave Miller as a safeclaim, which would be weird). I don't support policy vigging him unless people find him actually scummy since IMO millers can still be read normally. Just throwing this out there since Paperblade wanted him dead.

9. Paperblade - Can't tell your thoughts on anybody other than Helios even though you've been around for the recent Mancer argument which is sorta a problem.

15. eclipse - Not buying "Paperblade's first post is overly aggressive", it's not any more aggressive than he usually is regardless of alignment. It looks like you're doing that thing where you're biased against somebody because you don't like their tone or whatever... which you usually do as town, so. But yeah pls elaborate. Actually thinking about it I can't even tell if you were implying he was scummy or not, context made it seem like you were saying you didn't like him but thought it was better than Mancer doing nothing

5. BBM - Have a slight gut check on him since he doesn't seem as solid as he usually is as town (word ratio is definitely higher, though that might just be due to game size). Actual content is fine, though I question how Helios has been tunneling Kay when Kay hasn't even been around to respond. To respond to your question, Kay is an ED1 scumread, would lynch her but don't have a large body of work to read her on so it's not top priority.

12. Mancer - Unsurprisingly your posts make no damn sense but I'm agreeing with BBM that they have "town honesty". I dunno, not scumreading this dude, because he seems to jump on the opportunity to point out whatever he can to be helpful, even in a situation where it wouldn't help him get a lynch or look townier (read: what scum want). Seriously though Mancer, step back, clear your head, explain why Paperblade is being "too aggressive" instead of just aggressive, and talk about some important people so we know you're not trying to avoid sharing opinions what counts (the other current wagons are a really good place to start).

2. Meesh - Thought she looked pretty town at first but disagree with her continuing to cling onto the Shinori read after the doctor claim. Meesh, most of your ISO is squabbling with Shinori, but it's obvious his lynch is not happening unless somebody presents a reason to believe he's not the doc. Do you have any other scumreads? Would you be interested in supporting any of the current wagons (Mancer, Helios, etc)?


3. SEG - Probably flaked, RIP

4. Blitz - Yeah you're wasting your vote right now. Which wagons would you actually support? Mancer responded, is he scummy? Which of Helios / Mancer is the better lynch and why? Also, no thoughts on Elie?

11. Kay - Where Are You? #31 reads RVS STRONG scummy, speculating I'm buddies with the survivor claim I'm trying to lynch is totally unfounded and seems like paranoia. Although your second point on Shinori was valid, disliking how he was accusing Meesh was something that should have been explained instead of a sidenote. I think that you were saying more than you actually had to say which is potential padding. Again, would have voted you if I was around for earlygame but there's far juicier stuff now; will judge further once you've posted more content.

8. Helios - Some weird stuff here. You unvoted me because I wasn't going to be around, okay. Why did you switch your vote to Kay, then, when she's also been lurking it out? Voting people who are AFK isn't a big deal if they're scummy, but your explanation for your priorities seems to be a double standard. That said your response to BBM fits the typical town-Helios meta of "make questionable posts but then produce content and look really townie once pressed" (see: Okarin) sooo I'm not fully sold on this read yet.

1. Boron - Mainly find you suspicious for being too damn forgettable. You said you still needed to read Meesh even though you were capable of reading her at the time, but you've never really produced a read on her and seemed touchy in response to her scumreading you. I would place you above Kay at this point since most of your posts are you re-asserting your scumread with few other clear stances. I also doubt you and Kay are buddies.

10. Elieson - Opinion of you hasn't changed. I looked at your two recent posts and you're aggressing BBM but your vote's on the easier target who you're barely talking about. ????


I don't object to any of the main wagons except for Mancer. Helios and Kay need to give more to work with before I feel comfortable judging them.

Just putting this here so I can find it again.

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Opinions at the end of page 6

shinori: behaviour and claim are wtf. Not really comfortable with the idea of lynching a doc claim but I consider him to be one of the better lynch options ATM

manix: WTF behaviour all throughout, another person I would not mind lynching based on these 6 pages

Meesh: While I would not call your posts defensive (and certainly not overly defensive) I do notice an oddly high defense to content ratio

Mancer: Waffling throughout first worthwhile post. Threat is WTF behaviour, but not sure how to interpret it.

BBM: posts so far seem to be pretty town oriented.

EVERYONE ELSE: either post more or neutral/town read.

Calling it quits for the night.

Okay so second and hopefully final listpost

I claimed you can't lynch me olol:





Meeshed Potatoes







eclipse and emo girl due to lack of content

psych - even though the blitz shot was full retard.

Lynches I might come around to support:



Lynches I would support:


Boron - yay subbing in for a scummy predecessor yet again

Can't lynch I claimed olol:













Meeshed Potatoes

lynches I might come around to support:

Helios **


Lynches I will support:


** I consider Helios's recent string of posts to be on the town side, currently torn between placing him in neutral and leaving him where he is.

All in all I´m not seeing a reason to move my vote.

Huge reversals on BBM, and Meesh are noted. What did BBM do after p6 that was the tipping point. How did Meesh suddenly become not obv-town. I know you claimed that the readjustment came after an ISO, but usually when you say OBVTOWN, you mean it, and it's not just a gut feel. At least for me. Usually a breaking piece of news like, a different flip or claim that goes counter to expected is needed to cause a reversal on that magnitude, not just a rereading.

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I also don't see any correlation to Eclipse saying she killed SEG and how that relates to me being scum. Maybe it's cause I'm a total dumbass, if that hasn't shown in the past few posts.

she's confirmed town so you're likely scum via PoE

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It's because no one else claimed the kill. It was actually a stupid plan by me to see if I could bait someone into claiming one of the kills, but obviously that didn't happen (feel free to yell at me, 'cause that really wasn't that intelligent).

I hope this helps to clear up why I think Psych is town. Now that I've revealed as much as I have about myself, I have no objections to lynching Excellen, for reasons outlined earlier.

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I'd kind of like Kay to weigh in on the recent developments, tbh.

Also, I'm probably retiring for the evening soon, and there hasn't been a huge outcry for me to claim, so I guess I'll continue keeping it under wraps.

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that seems completely believable

only not

It's the truth fuckface, like it or not it is what it is.

Excellen, I need you to answer something ery important

that is, why did you claim BP, when you could have claimed your investigator role and try to have gotten maf to get a kill on you instead?

Because I am not the guy who really pays attention to his role.

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