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Any good guides? Also Editing weapons

The Purple Knightmare

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I gotta say the guides for hacking roms are absolutly horrible, the best I've found excluding a pretty good map making video I found on youtube, the best I found was some huge guide of 73 different things most of which were no help at all, #8 was weapons, it told the obvious things about what does what but did not answer the one thing of huge importance, so I guess I'll start by asking that.

How do I make a weapon have Endless Durability in FE7?

Now are there any good guides to how to do things? How do you all learn your stuff, cause I find it hard to believe you all spend the same 3 hours on one thing, you'd think after a bunch of people had issues with the same thing a guide for it might come up.

As I said earlier, the only guide worth looking at that I've seen was a guide for Map making, but it was really only the basics, makng it look how you want and then importing it into the game, So I wanna know, does the map automatically make things inpassable? I am used to RPG maker where O = Can walk on it and X = Can't, would I have to do something like that to make things block the way or does it automatically make stuff work like that? As well how do you decide where the characters start?

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The first one is the one I said I found earlier, it's garbage, a few things in it about graphics are pretty good though extremely difficult, definetly not begginer, the rest is pretty much useless, like I said the part I need help with #8 says nothing other than what each thing does, it doesn't even say how to make things limitless.

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idk what you're talking about with this "garbage non-beginner" bullshit when those are probably the best tuts out there on FE hacking

and your item thing is in goddamn nightmare have you even ever looked in the item mod, weapon ability 2, scroll down to 0x08

for a noob you sound rude as hell

Edited by Kitty of Time
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Setting item uses to -1 gives it unlimited uses, IIRC.

As I said earlier, the only guide worth looking at that I've seen was a guide for Map making, but it was really only the basics, makng it look how you want and then importing it into the game, So I wanna know, does the map automatically make things inpassable? I am used to RPG maker where O = Can walk on it and X = Can't, would I have to do something like that to make things block the way or does it automatically make stuff work like that? As well how do you decide where the characters start?

If you're talking about the guide my friend primefusion made, it wasn't intended to be a tech tutorial, it was for aesthetics. Anyway, the engine automatically knows what tiles are passable/impassable because if you use the provided tilesets found on this forum, all the tiles are in the spots they need to be for the engine to recognize whether they're impassable or not. Editing tilesets is pretty advanced, leave that for when you're really good at hacking.

Also, you do sound pretty rude man. Please work on that attitude because you'll never get help complaining about the guides that made every good hacker here into the good hacker that they are, really.

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In all honesty, ROM hacking isn't that easy for everyone to grasp. Not everyone is tech savvy too. And at the same time, not everyone words what they mean to say - Words that are typed can also come off as angry or rude, so it helps to just take a step back and breathe before you respond. From what I can gather, the guy's probably feeling wicked confused from all the info out there, when he's looking for one specific thing. There's no need to lash out in anger. He asked for help, so why lash out when you could simply ask "Hey, what do you not get exactly? Can you point out something specific?".

Personally, I've been struggling with learning how to do anything aside from mapping. My head's still a bit foggy from two weeks ago when it got shaken up pretty roughly, which could be a factor, but I've been struggling just like Purple Nightmare here. When someone is first starting something new, they're not guaranteed to be awesome from the get-go. Takes time, patience, and guidance more times than not when you're learning anything completely alien to what you know. Just thought I should put that out there.

So as not to get this derailed, can keep it to PM's if you still feel wronged. The guy asked some questions, and was at least told how to make a weapon have infinite durability by Phoenix. So...just ask him what he doesn't get about the tutorials, and just explain them if you want to help the guy out. No real need to get angry. It's no way to teach a lesson and drives people away most of the time. =/

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Setting item uses to -1 gives it unlimited uses, IIRC.

If you're talking about the guide my friend primefusion made, it wasn't intended to be a tech tutorial, it was for aesthetics. Anyway, the engine automatically knows what tiles are passable/impassable because if you use the provided tilesets found on this forum, all the tiles are in the spots they need to be for the engine to recognize whether they're impassable or not. Editing tilesets is pretty advanced, leave that for when you're really good at hacking.

Also, you do sound pretty rude man. Please work on that attitude because you'll never get help complaining about the guides that made every good hacker here into the good hacker that they are, really.

Thank you, that is what I needed to know, I spent a little while in nightmare I put in 999 used and it came out as 231 and I assumed 0 would just not work so I wondered what to put, this was very helpful. As well I am sorry I sound so rude, I don't know why I sound rude but I am not, though this really isn't the first forum I have been on to have things I say misread and get hate for it.

As for the youtube tutorial I was talking about it was made by markyjoe1990, I really wish more guides were done in video form with voices. Either way it explained the basics I will wait for a friend of mine to learn the rest and teach me what was not taught by that video.

I guess if the guide works for you guys it can't be that bad, but I will never learn anything from it, guess that means you'll see a lot more of me here. :)

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Thank you, that is what I needed to know, I spent a little while in nightmare I put in 999 use...

255 is the maximum for an 8 bit value.

To have infinite uses, it's in the Item Ability. Mr. "Phoenix Saga" Klok doesn't know GBA FE ROM hacking. His area of expertise is FEXP.

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In all honesty, ROM hacking isn't that easy for everyone to grasp.

if you can't grasp ROM hacking then you are genetically predispositioned to not be able to ROM hack. that is really the only reasonable explanation that i can think of. even guys who know shit all about programming and ASM (hint: quite a lot of us, especially the latter) have no problem with beginner and intermediate ROM hacking.

I guess if the guide works for you guys it can't be that bad, but I will never learn anything from it, guess that means you'll see a lot more of me here. :)

you will never learn anything from it because you have already refused to learn anything from it. do not expect to learn anything from us either when we have an expectation for you to be familiar with the basics.

Edited by dondon151
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As well I am sorry I sound so rude, I don't know why I sound rude but I am not, though this really isn't the first forum I have been on to have things I say misread and get hate for it.
guides for hacking roms are absolutly horrible,
it's garbage

Generally calling stuff "absolutely horrible" and "garbage" is considered rude.

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when somebody feeds you, don't bite. you don't like what they feed you, then don't take it, but don't complain about it either, or people may get the impression that you are whiny and/or spoiled.

I learned 90% of hacking without tutorials or other people helping me. What little help I got was usually very very vague and required me to explore into things myself. And you know something else? I'm not smart. I got to where I am by continuously raging, becoming frustrated, yet persevering. If someone as stupid as me could do it and then write the Ultimate Tutorial, then most people should be able to do it, and in much less than time than I did with all the resources that are out there. And another thing: it wasn't fun having to teach myself almost everything about hacking, so I made the UT to change that. Likewise, if you don't like the tutorials out there, then perhaps you should make use of what there is and fix things by making your own better tutorials, resources, etc. so that people don't have as much trouble as you, if that makes sense.

Morals of the story: beggars shouldn't be choosy, hacking isn't easy, and if you don't like the status quo, it's up to you to change it. No hard feelings, I'm just trying to help explain some of the philosophy behind this stuff. ^_^

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