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How do you pronounce Rapier?

Gold Vanguard

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I'm pretty sure the English version changed that and uses "MAR-see-ah" instead, though.

Source? Because I heard the narrator say the other one.

Though, like he says:

It sounded more like "Marsh-eea" by the Narrator. But both work.

They both work.

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I pronounce it 'rape ya' because I have a mostly non-rhotic accent. It makes me laugh whenever I say it out loud.

About Marcia, I always pronounced it 'Marsha' but then I went to this rewards ceremony where Angie Sage (writer of the Septimus Heap series) won, and she spoke about her character Marcia and pronounced it 'Mar-see-a', so then I stuck with that pronunciation. I'm sure they're both valid though.

Okay, now I'm sorry if I'm going way off topic here but I'm gonna go with Florina Stark's declaration that this is now a general pronunciation thread. I have a few issues:

Geoffrey. I'm certain that it would normally be the same as 'Jeffrey', but I'm sure I remember Radiant Dawn's narrator calling him 'Joffrey'. Is that right?

I used to pronounce Colm the same as 'comb', before my aunt of Irish heritage took me to a poetry reading by a man with the same name, where I learned it was pronounced like 'column'. I've never been certain how to pronounce Neimi's name. I've gone through 'Nay-mee' and 'Nemmy', but now I just stick with 'Neemy' which I'm sure must be right.

Is the 'e' at the end of Norne's name silent or pronounced? It looks like it should be silent since there's no accent above it, but 'Nornay' just sounds better to me...

I pronounce Eirika just like 'Erika' because it sounds better than 'Ay-rika' or 'Eye-reek-a'. Again, I don't know if I'm right.

What about Duessel? How the heck do you say that? I go with 'dwe-sle', but my best friend calls him 'dyu-sle'.

Lughnasadh is an odd one. Isnt it Welsh or something? Anyway i always called it "Lou-nah-sahd(weird throaty noise here)"

Rienfleche to me was "Ree-en-flesh"


Also anyone who pronounces Sigrun as "Sig-run" and not "See-groon" is gonna get a boot to the head. :P

Wikipedia says Lughnasadh is commonly 'loo-nuh-suh', but more like 'loogh(that throaty sound somewhere between a 'g' and a 'h')-nuh-suhth('th' as in 'the') in Old Irish. The latter is the way I've always said it.

When I say Rienfleche, I alternate between 'rine-flesh' and 'reen-flesh'. However, I think 'rain-flesh' would be cooler.

I pronounced her name as just Sigrun at first, but after a while I decided sig-ROON was a much better pronunciation.

Edited by Murdok Dracul
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I should make an audio guide to pronouncing everything in Fire Emblem, since I don't (usually) suck at linguistics.

Edited by Mr. Sparkles
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I should make an audio guide to pronouncing everything in Fire Emblem, since I don't (usually) suck at linguistics.

That would be pretty cool actually. I always get interested in how other people pronounce junk!

Geoffrey. I'm certain that it would normally be the same as 'Jeffrey', but I'm sure I remember Radiant Dawn's narrator calling him 'Joffrey'. Is that right?

Oh please gods, no!!! Yeah soooo not calling Geoffrey, "Joffrey". Not doin' it. I dont care about his goddamn kana/kanji or whatever the hell...HIS NAME IS GEOFFREY AS IS JEFFREY! SDDAFDHJDFSDF!

I used to pronounce Colm the same as 'comb', before my aunt of Irish heritage took me to a poetry reading by a man with the same name, where I learned it was pronounced like 'column'. I've never been certain how to pronounce Neimi's name. I've gone through 'Nay-mee' and 'Nemmy', but now I just stick with 'Neemy' which I'm sure must be right.

Interesting. Colm has always beem "Cole-m" to me. As for Neimi, i call her "Nay-me"

Is the 'e' at the end of Norne's name silent or pronounced? It looks like it should be silent since there's no accent above it, but 'Nornay' just sounds better to me...

Im not even sure which game Norne is from but i would assume its said "Norn" but who knows. /shrug

I pronounce Eirika just like 'Erika' because it sounds better than 'Ay-rika' or 'Eye-reek-a'. Again, I don't know if I'm right.

I call her "Eear-ika" lawl! Just like Ephraim is "EE-fraem"

What about Duessel? How the heck do you say that? I go with 'dwe-sle', but my best friend calls him 'dyu-sle'.

DWOO-ESSEL is how i say it.

Wikipedia says Lughnasadh is commonly 'loo-nuh-suh', but more like 'loogh(that throaty sound somewhere between a 'g' and a 'h')-nuh-suhth('th' as in 'the') in Old Irish. The latter is the way I've always said it.

So....something like this? yeah thats totes my voice. And thats hella hard to say anyway!

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