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Sex Ed Video Showing Chemical Changes in Brain During Sex?


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Yeah, this is about a persuasive speech that I'm going to do in College, and what I was wondering about was whether or not someone knew of some animation they might've seen in a Sex Ed video or whatever that did an animation of the way various chemicals like oxytocin flow through the brain during sex. If you do, could you please show me where it is? This is very important for my presentation.

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i nominate this thread for "most awkward question asked on Serenes Forest"

I ALMOST reported the thread for it being bot generated.

But yeah... chances are, you're better off googling it yourself. Because no one here gonna know what exact thing you're looking for. Not only that, be careful googling it... because... yeah...

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Yeah...that's what I was afraid of. Honestly, it was for that exact reason, not wanting to see "undesirable things", that I was wondering if someone knew where to point me to. But I wasn't asking anyone to actually Google search anything, I was just wondering whether or not they already knew.

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The only advice I'd suggest is... stick to medical/scientific sites and search using their engines on that site.

The best thing would be to ask your professor, but if you procrastinated your preparation and can't use that resource, then you simply have my sympathies. Because you're SOL if you want to rely on this forum for info regarding this subject.

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Nah, I have more than a week to prepare it, loads of free time, and I have two psychology professors to help me out. I just wanted to get this out of the way quickly so that I could relax about that. I don't want to end up with this absurd situation where I end up doing everything at the last day after all, right?

EDIT: Well, I mean, I had two previous psychology professors, and I emailed them about a half hour again, so that's what I mean by, I have them to help me out. So, this forum was also me covering all my bases, you know?

EDIT2: And, odd as it may seem, it truly did not occur to me how awkward this thread would be, and I'm really sorry about that. I'm...a bit of a weird guy sometimes.

Edited by FionordeQuester
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