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Schoolteacher Mafia


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SB CASE (with reasons not in any particular order of importance) (I gave it impact font for extra impact):

  • His latest post with the theory as to why BBM may have died could be a possible scumslip since there's no reason a townie could know any of that.
  • The suggestion of a no-lynch when there's this many PRs claimed so far isn't beneficial to town in any way.
  • I agree that Baldrick's role spec was dumb, but his argument with Kay wasn't, since it helps give us a better read on those two players. In that vote post he also talks about how inactives are bad and how Kaoz is scummy...but votes Baldrick for lesser reasons? Possible buddying here.
  • He misrepped my Rocker vote and said I was waffling (If there's one thing I haven't done this game, it's waffle) to try and push a lynch back on me. Also thought Rocker was a good lynch for decent reasoning (I actually find this a null-tell because Rocker really wasn't playing obvtown so I can understand this, but the fact that he was trying to get the town!doc lynch when he also said later that "scum may know a ton of roles already" makes me wonder if he knew Rocker was a town!doc and wanted to possibly force a mislynch on him).
  • He also voted Prims over Paperblade, Shinori, so if you're going to find this scummy on Scorri than you need to do the same thing with SB in that case.
  • The memorable Mancer vote with "Mancer's fake is horribad, vote" which speaks for itself really. Jumped the bandwagon on an easy townie mislynch, especially when he thought Shinori/Mancer were intown fighting (which is also weird because Shinori was acting pretty scummy at that point in the game, so why would he find him town?)
  • He's been inactive and coasting through most of the game, and I've caught him lurking without saying anything multiple times this game
  • I also think he may be possibly bussing Kaoz with all the "Kaoz isn't even trying anymore" comments and things like that (though it's weird that he never ends up voting him?) so if Kaoz flips scum he'll try and get townie cred for having him as scumspec

This is about as cliffnotes style as it gets

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SB CASE (with reasons not in any particular order of importance) (I gave it impact font for extra impact):

  1. His latest post with the theory as to why BBM may have died could be a possible scumslip since there's no reason a townie could know any of that.
  2. The suggestion of a no-lynch when there's this many PRs claimed so far isn't beneficial to town in any way.
  3. I agree that Baldrick's role spec was dumb, but his argument with Kay wasn't, since it helps give us a better read on those two players. In that vote post he also talks about how inactives are bad and how Kaoz is scummy...but votes Baldrick for lesser reasons? Possible buddying here.
  4. He misrepped my Rocker vote and said I was waffling (If there's one thing I haven't done this game, it's waffle) to try and push a lynch back on me. Also thought Rocker was a good lynch for decent reasoning (I actually find this a null-tell because Rocker really wasn't playing obvtown so I can understand this, but the fact that he was trying to get the town!doc lynch when he also said later that "scum may know a ton of roles already" makes me wonder if he knew Rocker was a town!doc and wanted to possibly force a mislynch on him).
  5. He also voted Prims over Paperblade, Shinori, so if you're going to find this scummy on Scorri than you need to do the same thing with SB in that case.
  6. The memorable Mancer vote with "Mancer's fake is horribad, vote" which speaks for itself really. Jumped the bandwagon on an easy townie mislynch, especially when he thought Shinori/Mancer were intown fighting (which is also weird because Shinori was acting pretty scummy at that point in the game, so why would he find him town?)
  7. He's been inactive and coasting through most of the game, and I've caught him lurking without saying anything multiple times this game
  8. I also think he may be possibly bussing Kaoz with all the "Kaoz isn't even trying anymore" comments and things like that (though it's weird that he never ends up voting him?) so if Kaoz flips scum he'll try and get townie cred for having him as scumspec

Off your 1),

I'm taking that post as a total and unprompted WAG. Not even going to attempt to figure out what he was thinking, throwing it out there. Possible scumslip? ...maybe.

Provides something interesting to speculate on maybe though:

We assume there's a scumcop and its gotten in two actions on targets that were never pressed to claim: scum now knows who exactly? Shinori, Eli, Serious Bananas {not yet flipped, but known as of SB's post: Rocker, Kaoz, + after this post scorri} + likely 3man scum remainin, + 2 inspects, and barring doublecoverage in the lists here it would only be at about this point that scum would really have total control of the field as far as knowledge is power. Unless I missed obvious crumbs or claims, Bananas WAG seemed outlandish and farfetched, and probably not indicative of actual scum knowledge while they were planning their night action. Unless scum's way more powerful than I'm anticipating them to be. Which is always a dangerous bit of business.

Off your 2),

No lynch when town has its cards face up on the table and scum doesn't is a definite shit proposition. In complete agreement there. Dumb or anti-town move, no two ways around it.

Off your 3),

Baldrick's rolespec was indeed dumb, and as far as I'm concerned 99% red herring bullshit, not worth the time of day. It did manage to draw out Kay though, but making a poor play isn't a town move even if it's an easy in for someone else to thrown down some protown points of their own. Unless it's a clever attempt at trying to dish kay some town-cred, but considering how she's started kind of in the hole on that front...

Right, where were we. How the fuck Bananas came into this. You know what fuck it. I actually went and pulled up the vote post in question. It's full of shit reasoning, IMO. No, you don't waste your actual lynch on an inactive with no associative tells, if you can avoid it (but you damn well try to lean on them to produce content if you can, and try to make the threat seem real). That inactive shit could be a doctor (how many posts has Rocker made recently), and all that lynch gets you is feeling bad. Yeah, this is balanced on a razor's edge with the other side of the coin with the scum masterplum plan or whatever the fuck CARA players call it where all scum have to do are kill the people who talk the loudest each phased until only those who've idled out are left for easy victory, but that's just a risk you gotta take sometimes for information. I'm not bothering wading kneedeep into context on "I don't want him to know I'm watching him" just at the moment, but generally speaking broadcasting actions in advance is anti-town, so I don't see the problem there. Perhaps this is just misrep on my part fueled by deadline. Whatever. That post wasn't particularly good post, and even if he's voting for a good candidate, it feels for all the wrong reasons.

Off your 4)

Fuck if I'm diving into that much history on mis-repping vs waffling. I've already got pro-vibes on most of your play so far, so if you've been snowing me all along, all I ask is you keep the gloating to a minimum postgame, and I'll pay you civil and well-earned kudos.

Off your 5)

I was a fuckup and completely missed the second half of day 2. Didn't realize phase had ended until I came in to check on happenings and adjust my early d2 vote as necessary for the lynch, only to find out it was the middle of the night. Assuming you're right here. Also, advocating against double-standards is always good.

Off your 6)

I honestly feel at about this point that line about "Mancer's fake" has blown so fucking out of proportion. Especially with a post flip town Mancer. No points awarded. You do have some point though if he'd been carrying on about in-town fighting all day, dropping it then for a bad mislynch wasn't great, but hell, he wasn't the only one sailing that ship.

Off your 7)

You've probably been paying better attention here than I have, tbh.

Off your 8)

I don't think I'd really award anyone any towncred if we lynched Kaoz and he flipped scum. I guess he could be trying, but as a claimed Watcher, there's far easier ways for him to bus Kaoz.

In summary, a lot of good points. SB isn't the worst lynch in the world, but he did come out with a relatively early and un-cced night watch report, and hasn't been cc'ed at all. Balance-spec then comes in to play, and I start to worry.

Not to mention, he's also in the same exact boat as I am in the target Paper N1 business, and I know I'm town.

We're dangerously low on time, and I don't know if any of our counterwagon options can gather the required steam, but fuck it, at least I've put down some attempt at an analysis (so you didn't waste your half-hour on yours) so maybe we'll get something out of this either way he flips.

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You know what. Fuck it, I was going to wait a half hour, but I'm criminally low on sleep and it's not like we're going to budge.

At the very least, maybe I'll stop some scum votes from flying off last second and trying to fuck things up. Trying to play things right up to the deadline wire as town is dangerous, and liable to get one burned.


##Vote: Serious Bananjas

This leaves me with somewhat of an uncomfortable feeling, but so be it...

viva la revolucion

rah rah, fight the powah

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Shinori, I just thought of something. If you've promised to idle, mafia will just redirected Rocker's Doc somewhere useless. Will you at least promise to consider using your action, for the very least sake of WIFOM?

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Sure, I'll consider it.

But I don't see the point with elieson being the cop who will just be blocked, and we are most likely lynching a townie.

I still think helios who was MOST LIKELY safeguarded is the best lynch, and after that scorri but that doesn't happen.

Mainly helios though. Cause that is definitely a scum slot.

Phase end in 20 minutes.

Bets on sb flip?

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Shinori, I just thought of something. If you've promised to idle, mafia will just redirected Rocker's Doc somewhere useless. Will you at least promise to consider using your action, for the very least sake of WIFOM?

Besides I don't think this matter.

Pretty sure he gets modkilled for not posting at all during day phase.

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Due to a minor host mess-up (the thread title), Rocker64 will have 24 hours into D4 to post something, or he will be inactivity modkilled.

I'll attempt votals, but phase will probably end before I'm done, so sit tight~!

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