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okay time to get stuff done

I really don't like the implications of his last comment.

pretty much this. How can you be so sure we can't lose tonight?

##Vote: Baldrick

That comment combined with what I remember of his content actually gives me a really bad vibe off him.

in other news I'm still okay with a Helios lynch today, possibly scorri but eh

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Ok. So, right. We have a tracker report that can't be confirmed today but I'm willing to believe for a couple reasons.

a) Kaoz was told to track someone that's considered "safe" and so it makes sense he'd track Elie.

b) It makes sense that Elie'd try and cop Manix since Manix can't claim. The only way we'll know what Manix's role is is through Elie's cop.

So, we have a fairly good looking tracker, a cop that can't talk in thread and may or may not be able to vote (please tell us eclipse?) and no other reports? Unless someone has something useful to say, I think it's best we go back to where we were the other day. Which for me would be the part where our now dead tracker asked me to choose between Helios and Kaoz. After Kaoz's report, I'm going to


Something about your play doesn't sit right with me. Let's see what this gives us.

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actually curious: did Bal out his target for today? If not, I'd actually like him to out it (considering he already outed the fact that he can target so yeah)

ie Bal out your N2 target please (unless there is a REALLY good reason as to why not)

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Oh shit this game still exists. Don't have time right now to make a huge content post because I'm watching Sunday Night Football (Go Lions!) but I'll say what I got for now.

I was redirected last night onto Kaoz, and on top of that my action ended up failing.

##Vote Kaoz

All the reasons I stated before, not sure why I would be redirected to him, not sure why my action failed, I don't believe his tracker claim and his report again today can't be proven.

@Scorri: Want to not be vague pls?

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I'm still against a massclaim actually because of the redirector (which will summarily screw up any chances of proving people (and scum could idle it and fake redirected to give credence to their claims))

I'm still fairly sure Helios is lying to get our tracker lynched actually so


##Vote: Helios

also because of like everything else already mentioned about his play (always coming in to defend himself and not actually trying too hard to find da scumz)

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ARRRGGGG. So much too read.

So what exactly is going on, what did i miss? Quite surprised i'm not dead since i was confirmed town. Whats up with the Maf?

Sorry for kinda dissapearing, it was a combination of forgetfulness and me needing to do actual work for school.

@Manix/Scorri: Because of the way it is written, i would go ahead and say that Elieson, can NOT vote. It says that he can't post in the thread at all, but to vote, he would have to post in the thread, unless he had to like PM his votes or something.

Though i'm not entirely sure what is going on, i have to agree with Manix, if we have a possible redirector, then massclaiming would just screw us up abit. Though, seems like the majority of us have already claimed though,

Again, not entirely sure what is going on, but Helios confuses me, he was redirected onto Kaoz, so he votes Kaoz. What is Helios's role? That might help me here. Because mattering what his role is, it would seem pretty dumb for a (presumably) scum redirector to redirect onto a fellow scum, unless a third party is involved, but i would rather not ponder that idea yet.

So yea, its good to be back, i'll try my best to keep up with this again, and hopefully i will either not be lazy and read everything i missed or someone can recap so i'm a bit less confused, but i can play confused anyway.

@Manix: I find it more fishy that i'm even alive. In regards to Helios being a master con artist, what exactly are you thinking here? That he is lying about being redirected to push blame on Kaoz? It's possible, and it is quite fishy why he would be redirected, but here is the final question: If Helios is lying, then who was actually redirected?

Okay, i'll be back later,

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@Manix: I find it more fishy that i'm even alive.

Since you had disappeared maybe they thought that you would get modkilled/whatever and they wouldn't have to deal with you because of that? I don't know tbh

In regards to Helios being a master con artist, what exactly are you thinking here?

It's related to what I think Bal's claim is and I'm not gonna pull out what I think on that because yeah (Bad Things)

If Helios is lying, then who was actually redirected?

It could have been Shinori. And there's nothing we can do to prove that (aside from someone else claiming blocked)

that said it's entirely possible scum redirected Shinori to Helios BUT somehow I don't think that's the case here (read: Helios' impulsive vote on Kaoz really tips me off)

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actually nvm the last part because I forgot that Helios was "redirected" to Kaoz AND his action failed (ie: I think that Shinori probably blocked him given he has his top scumread)

I don't think scum would redirect someone who was likely to be roleblocked tbh, which makes me think that they idled the redirect and and Helios faked it.

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The problem with your theory here Manix is that I was redirected, THEN my action failed. So I wasn't hooked, it was when I targeted Kaoz that my action failed. Which is (yet another reason) why I'm suspicious of him. Seeing as what my role actually is, it makes perfect sense that I'd be redirected onto scum. Look at Kaoz's actual play. All he does is make a post or two each phase, give a report that can easily be faked, and shoot out. I'd like someone to actually tell me why he shouldn't be lynched.

As for "Oh Helios just pops in to defend himself and doesn't scumhunt" I'd like to tell you that this is complete bullshit go look at my ISO and you'll count up more scumhunting posts then defensive posts (I just did it to make sure). That's pretty impressive seeing as people have been gunning for my head SINCE D2, not to mention I've been one of the main lynch wagons since then. What do you expect me to do, just bend over? Also quit being vague about "oh Helios is scummy" people, I'd like to see clear and concise reasons as to why I should be lynched over people that have better reasons than myself.

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next question: how does that make Kaoz scum? (your action failing after)

you know it entirely possible that redirects and roleblocks will still apply and you could have been redirected and then roleblocked (depends on priorities) which actually makes your jump on Kaoz unwarranted.

and don't you worry your little head off about the defensive point. Recall that after you were done defending yourself D3 you didn't really come back and do anything after that. My point isn't completely unbased.

another thing to note is that you're very insistent about "your role" and "you are town" for reasons that we don't know. how the heck are we meant to know if your role is really that important? we don't.

So aside from the whole "Kaoz is scum because my action failed on him for reasons that I'm not completely sure of" do you actually have any other opinions on people? Because right now it's sounding like you don't. (read: my exact point.)

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Why the hell would my action fail? Think about this for a second. I get redirected, THEN my action fails. I've been hooked before, all I can say (so I don't get myself modkilled) is that my message this time around was different. So if I wasn't hooked, and I got redirected, that means that hitting Kaoz = having your action fail. So that makes me suspicious.

My "jump" on Kaoz? Haven't I been saying he's scummy since last phase? Not sure how this is a "jump" lol.

Isn't it weird when people actually go to sleep? Or maybe have RL reasons not to be online? Isn't it also weird that when I'm online, I actually post content? Isn't it also weird that the person who is attacked the most during the game actually spends time defending himself properly? I know these are some crazy questions that don't mean anything I know.

Well telling you my role would make things kinda pointless, though if you caught onto the softclaims and ween out the claimed roles, you could easily figure out what my role is and my play would make a lot more sense. So I'd have to ask that you trust me on this, though if you don't it works against you since you can't even claim your role and want people to trust your town anyway.

I already stated reads on all the players I find scummy in earlier posts, and I don't have a whole lot of time right now to write up a killer case since I've got to help a friend with his paper right now, but if you want I can write up a nice beautiful listpost of who I find scummy and who I find town with pretty font and wording, if digging up my earlier posts is too boring.

But seriously look at Kaoz's play this game and tell me honestly that he's town. I'm surprised I have to say more than I already have regarding this.

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Why the hell would my action fail? Think about this for a second. I get redirected, THEN my action fails. I've been hooked before, all I can say (so I don't get myself modkilled) is that my message this time around was different. So if I wasn't hooked, and I got redirected, that means that hitting Kaoz = having your action fail. So that makes me suspicious.

Okay. That's a better explanation.

Hmmm I'll have to think about things.

My now problem is why did Kay's action fail on you N2? If we assume safeguard on you, fine. Then why did your action fail N3? Did you run into said theoretical safeguard? My problem with that is that it would make it so that scum has a safeguard and a redirect (pretty much what the case might be from what you're saying) which is quite frankly stupid OP. (ie pseudo hook someone and unblockable kill and such)

So basically said theoretical safeguard is probably town.

My other problem lies in information I've picked up on (in thread silly) which I don't want scum to know. Quite honestly what you're claiming for results makes no sense given that.

One more thing though... who did you target initially? Hmm? I would have thought you would have outed your initial target by now...

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