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Fire Emblem: The Scouring Pitch

Red Dingo

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I admit that I have very little experience in the actual creation of hacked games. I'm a pretty decent writer who gets ideas stuck in his head that he has to entertain and put down on paper or else he will bother his peers to no end. I got this idea stuck in my head as I played the various hacks created by Mageknight and Arch as well as the demos for the fangame Bwd Yeti is making. I know that a Fire Emblem set around the Scouring is not a very original idea, however I just could not let go of these ideas. So I wrote them down in a word document and I felt like sharing them here.

Yes I'm aware of the audacity of an inexperienced noob showing up on the board and requesting help from established spriters and coders for a big project such as this. I don't expect it to go too far past this actual document. I'm just looking for some feedback really. I'd like to know how feasible a game like this would be. Could it capture the experience of an official FE game? What do you like, what do you hate? Is there anything in it that sparks your interest?

So without further adieu:

Game Summary:

Elibe, once a land of peace and beauty. Now a battleground soaked in the blood of men and dragons. For a century these two races have waged war on one another. Though exceeding of men in both might and wisdom, dragons could not match their numbers. The tide turned in man's favor and the defeat of the dragon appears night. Though mankind sighs in relief with victory in sight, the worse is yet to come. This is the tale of the final clash between the dragon and humans from the corners of the land that shall change the face of Elibe. This is the tale of the Scouring.


  • All Eight Heroes as playable units with unique classes
  • All of the Divine Weapons and the Sacred Sword are usable and have their own sprite animations.
  • Skills – both mastery and basic
  • A plot covering the creation of the Divine Weapons, the rise of the Eight Heroes, and the vanquishing of the Dark Dragon.
  • Different Dragon Enemy Units including Fire Dragons, Ice Dragons, Wild Wyverns all fighting without using Dragon Stones at least early in the game.
  • Narga having an involvement in the storyline somehow.
  • Yahn
  • A subplot covering the events around Aenir and Nergal
  • Chapters around the Ending Winter. Maps will have random and semi-random weather events such as snow one turn, rain another, fog one turn, night another. In addition to that, tiles will be changed such as water turning to ice and plains turning to sand.
  • New tiles such as Dragon Temples that grant Stat bonuses to Dragon units.
  • The game itself will be divided into several campaigns covering the stories of the Heroes. This doesn't mean one part per hero but rather three heroes per campaign. The last one will involve promoted Legend units fighting during the Ending Winter.
  • A team of Swordmaster Siblings that use the katti weapons.

Undecided Features and Potential Complications:

  • Divine Weapons may have infinite uses due to being essential to the story
    • This means they need to be balanced so players will still have a reason use other weapons.
    • One balancing feature is that the Divine Weapons come late in each campaign and may only be used by the main characters after promotion.
    • Another solution is that they nullify leveling experience, meaning the players would want to level the Lord Units to 20 before using these weapons if he doesn't want them to be overwhelmed at the end.
    • Or do not make them infinite but rather reparable at an insane cost.
    • Or make it so that they have an extremely low amount of uses that are restored after each chapter. If they break, they return to the player's inventory at the beginning of the next chapter.

    [*]Complication: A game with eight lords that will be used in the Finale poses the challenge of having other units be playable. Lord units must be powerful to cement reputation while not so game breaking that the other units become superfluous.

    • Blossom Solution: making it so that while the lords have fantastic growths, they gain less experience than normal units until a certain point in the campaign where their growths exp gain skyrockets. At that point, the player may level them up to before they auto promote. Making Lords a certain Jeigan/Est mix.
    • Make the lords have normal experience gains but handicap them in certain stats either base or growth that can be compensated for by support bonuses.
    • Have chapters in which you are forced to use non-lord units.
    • Have chapters which with victory and defeat conditions that require more than just the lord units to succeed.

    [*]Skill Support Sharing: Supports can go up to S-Rank just as in Awakening. In addition to stat bonuses, Units can activate certain Skills that their supports have. A General will have a chance to activate Cancel just by being near Falco Knight with the ability and an S-Support.

    • Mastery Skills and Class Stat Skills will not be sharable. Skills like Brave, Vantage, and Wrath are.

    [*]Bramimond will be unique in her supports since the storyline involves her giving up her humanity upon promotion.

    • After promotion, she can no longer have any more support conversations. She will still retain support bonuses from the bonds she built with other units prior to promotion however they will be froze at that rank.
    • Units with an S-rank support may get a talk option with her/it post promotion. A tragic interaction between the two.
    • She will have no affinity. The support stat boosts she gives post promotion will be the affinity of her support partner at the time. This is reflective of how she mirrors the persona of the people near her. This does not extend to skill sharing for obvious reasons.

    [*]An Unlockable Time Paradox Mode: All lord units become non-essential, meaning they don't have to be used on any maps and their dying will not necessarily end the chapter.

Setting and Powers:

The Fangs of Bern – a band of warriors from the Highlands of Bern. When the land was overrun by dragons, they formed under Hartmut with the goal to retake their land.

The Kingdom of Aachen – Ruled by King Magnus, takes up most of Etruria, a good deal of the Lycian Basin.

The Sacae – a nomadic tribe that came to Elibe from across the Eastern Wastes.

Edessa – a state west of Cape Ilia. It is one of the last places where human and dragon civilization still remains on amiable terms.


Roland - called the little knight, he is a talented young man descended from knights in the Lycian Basin. His story begins in a prologue when bandits attack his land. When news comes that the land is being overrun by dragons again, Roland must find warriors willing to fight by his side and decides to make peace with the other forces in Lycia. Class: Lord -> Heroic Lord

Athos – a powerful sage who was born in the starting years of the Scouring. He laments the death of the era when man and dragons lived in peace. His search for knowledge leads him to cross paths with Roland and becomes a mentor to him. Class: Sage -> Archsage

Hartmut – the Champion. Hartmut lived in the Bern Highlands. His story begins with dragon attacking his home and destroying everything he ever loved. Hartmut develops a deep hatred for all dragon kind and endeavors to avenge his loss. While vengeance is on his mind, Hartmut still has a kind heart that attracts many followers. He forms a band of warriors called the Fangs of Bern. His storyline involves him eventually becoming the leader of the Eight Heroes and encountering an Emanation of Naga that gives him visions of how the Dark Dragon came to be. Becomes the wielder of Eckesach and the Sword of Seals. Class: Highlander -> Lord Commander.

"I will never forgive them."

Bramimond – the Enigma. She is a practitioner of Elder Magic who carries a mysterious staff (the Aum Staff). Though she seems bright and energetic, this is a façade for the heavy burden the practice of dark magic places on her. The Fangs of Bern encounter her during Hartmut's campaign. She greatly distrusts King Magnus. Wields Apocalypse. Class: Sorceress -> Enigma

"Power comes at a price."

Barigan – The Knight of Knights. He is the leader of the ground forces of the Edessan Kingdom. He is concerned when Magnus sways the other states against Edessa. Wields Maltet. Class: Chevalier -> Holy Knight.

Hanon – the Divine Trooper. A member of the Sacae, a nomadic group that came to Elibe by crossing the Eastern Waste. Wields Murgleis. Class: Nomad Chief – Divine Trooper

St. Elimine – A pilgrim whose faith allows her to heal the sick. Elimine harbors a caring soul, shown when she forgives and heals Durban after his assault on her village. Her faith also grants her the ability to use Light magic. This attracts the attention of King Magnus, who wishes establish a new cult to replace the worship of spirits and dragons. Through her faith, the primordial spirit of Light grants her Aureola. Class: Maiden -> Saint

Durban – the Berserker. Durban is the leader of a group of barbarians. By the time of the game, he has a fearful reputation amongst the people of the west lands. He plays the role of antagonist across two tales until he is captured. He gains the power of Armads. Class: Barbarian -> Berserker

"I am my weapon. Even when the iron edge dulls and shatters, the core of flesh, bone, and blood remains."

King Magnus – Leader of the Aachen Kingdom, one of the few remaining powers still intact. When there is a resurgence of dragons, he calls for a Summit between the remaining powers of man and form an alliance against the horde of dragons. His true aim is to unite the powers into a continent wide empire and enslave the dragon race.

Aenir – The leader of the Ice Dragon Tribe located near Edessa. She refused to participate in the war between Man and Dragon but offered her territory as a safe haven for dragons to find peace. The Ice Tribe has a relatively stable peace with the Edessans, the Ice Tribe agreeing to protect the Edessans from other dragons, while the Edessans forbid humans from attacking the Ice Tribe. She is married to a human and has two children with him.

Logi – The leader the Fire Tribe. He has lived through the Scouring since the very beginning and will stop at nothing to ensure the survival of his species. After being soundly defeated in battle, Logi turns to the ancient magics of morphcraft to artificially create more dragons. However, only a Divine Dragon has access to the near limitless aegir to perform this feat.


Yahn – One of Logi's lieutenants.

Angi – a mysterious viridian haired maiden. She is encountered across Elibe. An emanation of Naga.

Plot Points:

  • Story takes place a century after the Scouring began.
  • Civilization has pretty much been torn apart but there are several kingdoms that have survived and now begin to vie over the land.
  • There are many bandit groups that terrorize the land.
  • There is one King who believes that he can take over and unite all of Elibe by destroying and enslaving the last of the dragons. It is largely because of him that the dragon tribes still cannot reach a peace with human kind. He will be the main human antagonist.
  • The main dragon antagonist is a Fire Dragon who advocates retaking Elibe by any means necessary.
  • Before the Ending Winter, dragons took human form as an optional choice rather than a mandatory means of survival. Examples: Aenir in her relationship with Nergal and to be used as spies planted in human kingdoms.
  • The protagonists start out in separate parts of Elibe with their tales leading them together to obtain the Eight Weapons.
  • The Divine Weapons were forged by capturing and fusing primordial spirits with the physical plane.
    • Durandel and Foreblaze were created from the primordial spirits of fire
    • Eckesachs and Armads were forged from the spirits thunder
    • Maltet and Murgleis were forged from spirits of wind and ice
    • Aureola was born from primordial spirit of heaven
    • Apocalypse was forged from a primordial earth spirit
    • Due to this process the Divine Weapons are alive and choose their wielders.

    [*]The mages who forged them must search for those with the proper aegir to wield them.

    • The Divine Weapon chooses its wielder by revealing its name to him.

    [*]The Fire Emblem and the Sword of Seals were created by the Divine Dragon, Naga.


A Clash of Ice and Fire:

AENIR: Fair greetings Logi, Harbinger of the Flame.

LOGI: Aenir, the Snow Queen, it has been too long. I still feel indebted to you for helping me and my troops in our time of need.

AENIR: You make it sound like we came to your rescue. All I did was grant you asylum from your pursuers.

YAHN: Had you actually fought by our side, perhaps we would not have needed your hospitality.


CELESTE: How dare you insult Her Grace!

AENIR: Celeste…

YAHN: Are you going to attack your liege's guests over a slight, how human.

LOGI: That's enough Yahn. Leave our presence at once!

YAHN: …yes Master Logi.

LOGI: Aenir, I apologize for my Lieutenant's words. However, I would appreciate it if you dismiss you human attendant as well…for the sake of balance.

AENIR: Celeste, I bid you stand guard over Nergal and our children.

CELESTE: As you wish, Your Grace.

LOGI: So…I see the rumors were true, you took a human for a consort.

AENIR: He is my husband, Logi. Do not speak of him as though he were a pet.

LOGI: Yet you are older, mightier, and wiser than him. You are destined to outlive him well beyond his appointed time. How can your relationship possibly be one of equals?

AENIR: Nergal is a learned scholar and practitioner of the arts. He has a beautiful soul. As for his lifespan, I expect a man of his magical talents to just as long as me. I do not expect you to understand though.

LOGI: You're right, I do not understand. However, what you do with your human companions is your choice. My concern is protecting all of our kind from extinction.

AENIR: So, you are preparing another assault against the humans. Has your previous loss taught you nothing?

LOGI: It taught me that war with the humans is a matter of matching their numbers. A single dragon can match over a hundred humans. However, for every one of ours that falls to them, they can replenish their ranks at twice the rate that we can. A tree can withstand the breeze, but it may uproot in a maelstrom.

AENIR: Then why do you still wish to challenge this maelstrom?

LOGI: Because that is what humans are unchecked, a wanton storm. Surely you know the sorry state they have turned the land into now. In the span of one hundred years they have torn down what we built. Since we have gone into hiding, they turned on one another, dividing into tribes that war over petty reasons and invisible concepts. If their so called civilization somehow attains the level of power and knowledge lost in this war, they will only put it to use for more selfish destruction.

AENIR: For all your talk, there stands a city at the foot of this mountain as living proof against your accusation. Do not forget that it was the people of Edessa who marched out against the army pursuing you. With lances in hand and riding horse and Pegasus, they risked their lives to honor our ancient pact. In truth you are more indebted to them than me.

LOGI: If it really was to honor your agreement then I concede, I do owe those humans and I would personally thank them if they were still alive today. However, Edessa stands with my argument better than it does against it. It remains a shining gem of civilization in the waste of the Ilian Plateau because of you. The humans here understand their place try not to upset the balance.

AENIR: No, it is because we help each other. If you would deign to negotiate with humankind…

LOGI: Negotiating with a man such as Magnus is like reasoning with a wild beast. He is bent on finishing what his ancestors started. It will not belong until his armies have enough might to march towards Ilia. I wonder how loyal the Edessans will be when Aachen is at their gates.

AENIR: Is this your idea of gratitude? Threats and insults?

LOGI: I'm merely warning you of the threat these humans pose for all of us. Their influence across Elibe grows, King Magnus has called for alliance to purge the land of our kind and many have answered his summons.

AENIR: Many of whom would not have if you had not renewed your assaults and taken the southern highlands. You have given new life to the animosity between man and dragon, Logi. Clearly you have learned nothing for what will make this new war any different from the last?

LOGI: By matching the humans in numbers.

AENIR: Even if you marched with all the tribes of Elibe behind you, I doubt you would succeed.

LOGI: No, I wouldn't, but I have found a way to quickly replenish our forces. This time the war will turn in our favor.

AENIR: What do you mean? How can you possibly…

LOGI: I'm sure you know of the art of morphcraft.

AENIR: You… what you propose would be an abomination. A violation of the laws of Naga. Do you intend to walk the path of Medeus?

LOGI: Make no mistake. I have no humanlike intention to create an empire. I only seek to ensure our survival. Humans already violated Naga's law when they began this war. With the aid of war dragons, I will scour Elibe and rejuvenate a peaceful era once more. After that I will accept whatever punishment Naga's judgment shall render me.

AENIR: For that to work. You would need the near limitless amounts of aegir of a Divine Dra- so that's why they disappeared. Is that why you came here? To look for them?

LOGI: …I already have the cooperation of one.

AENIR: One agreed to you horrific plan? I cannot believe that!

LOGI: Believe whatever you wish. I came here to warn you of the enemies at your gates and offer my aid to repay my debt to both you and Edessa.

AENIR: Those would be your enemies, not mine. A man like Magnus would not have gained so much support if not for you, Logi. Your actions will endanger all of us. I'd hardly call that a payment of debt.

LOGI: So you refuse my aid?

AENIR: No, our agreement is that no dragons will slay humans and no humans will slay dragons within the borders of Edessa.

LOGI: So what if they turn on you and your children?

AENIR: It is not only choice of aggression or extinction. There is always the Gate on Valor.

LOGI: I understand…well I shall take my leave and pray your strength avails you.

AENIR: Logi…if you truly understood, you would not have taken this path of doom…

YAHN: Master Logi.

LOGI: We shall rest for the day and take flight on the eve, Yahn. I do not like to be too far from Idenn for extended periods of time.

YAHN: So I take it Aenir will not join us.

LOGI: She is intent on maintaining her peace with the humans of this city and she is willing to flee like the Divine Dragons if that peace is broken. It is a pity, even with the war dragons, mage dragons, and Flying Tribe, having the ice dragons to aid and heal our wounded would all but guarantee victory.

YAHN: From what I've heard, not all of the Ice Tribe shares Aenir's stance. Some of her most loyal subordinates are willing to join the fight if the Edessan's turn on them. It's only a matter of time before that happens. Our manakete spies have heard of a hidden plot between Magnus' army and several leaders of Edessa. A plot to turn both the Edessans and the Ice Tribe pose Aachen as the saviors of the city. It may benefit us as well. Here.

LOGI: I see. Magnus wants the Ice Tribe to join this war as much as I do.

YAHN: We could inform them of this treachery.

LOGI: Aenir would only defer this matter to the Edessan authority. Even if that failed, the Ice Tribe will follow her to Valor so long as she wills it. That is their way. As much as I regret this, we shall allow Magnus to carry out his designs to a certain extent.

YAHN: As you command.

LOGI: I'm sorry Aenir…but as I said, I will do whatever I must to ensure our victory.

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I admit that I have very little experience in the actual creation of hacked games. I'm a pretty decent writer who gets ideas stuck in his head that he has to entertain and put down on paper or else he will bother his peers to no end. I got this idea stuck in my head as I played the various hacks created by Mageknight and Arch as well as the demos for the fangame Bwd Yeti is making. I know that a Fire Emblem set around the Scouring is not a very original idea, however I just could not let go of these ideas. So I wrote them down in a word document and I felt like sharing them here.

If you have ideas but don't actually plan to make a hack or anything, it might be more appropriate to put this in the Creative subforum than in the ROM Hacking subforum. As it is, your ideas don't seem very feasible or realistic. Even in FEXP it seems like it would take a lot of work to make everything happen, let alone in GBAFE. You would need a lot of support and nobody is going to provide any support without substantial work to show. Maybe if you had a hundred bucks to dangle in front of Camtech you might get some of the stuff done, if you're lucky.

Moreover, I don't think this would make a good Fire Emblem. Who wants to train characters, just for the game to force you to use the lord characters anyway? It might be better if, instead of forcing the player to conform to the "canon" history, any character could use a Divine weapon and the player would have the choice to make things go differently. Using the canon heroes would be an option, but who's to say that different people couldn't have done the same?

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Maybe if you had a hundred bucks to dangle in front of Camtech you might get some of the stuff done, if you're lucky.

it'd cost way more than $100 for me to get most of this shit done

Edited by CT075
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His story begins in a prologue when bandits attack his land.

pls no

A good deal of the mechanics would take asm to be done (skills, Brammimond reflecting affinity, more dragons if they transform in battle)

I personally don't think a game set in the Scouring would work very well, at least with the default GBA FE mechanics, but maybe \o_O/

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I read everything.

You have lots of interesting ideas, I'm liking them so far.

The point is:

- some of them can't really be made with the GBA FE engine.

- make a full hack out of this would require lot, lot lot of time. If you can't do anything by yourself, I don't think people will eventually listen to you just by a doc and some ideas.

Making a doc like this is really something, I appreciate you for this, but in front of a whole hack, it's nothing, like 0,1%.

In the end, you have lots of ideas and I'd be glad to see more.

I suggest you should write a book or something, but quit the hack idea if you want it entirely made by someone else. =)

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I'd recommend shelving the idea of hacking something this ambitious until you get some experience under your belt.

Maybe try a balance hack or a really basic character swap hack until you acquire the necessary skills.

It'd at least show how much interest you have in actually MAKING a fire emblem game.

Plot itself sounds kinda interesting, but the execution would have to be good.

Edited by Sextus the Crazy
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I admit that I have very little experience in the actual creation of hacked games. I'm a pretty decent writer who gets ideas stuck in his head that he has to entertain and put down on paper or else he will bother his peers to no end. I got this idea stuck in my head as I played the various hacks created by Mageknight and Arch as well as the demos for the fangame Bwd Yeti is making. I know that a Fire Emblem set around the Scouring is not a very original idea, however I just could not let go of these ideas. So I wrote them down in a word document and I felt like sharing them here.

Yes I'm aware of the audacity of an inexperienced noob showing up on the board and requesting help from established spriters and coders for a big project such as this. I don't expect it to go too far past this actual document. I'm just looking for some feedback really. I'd like to know how feasible a game like this would be. Could it capture the experience of an official FE game? What do you like, what do you hate? Is there anything in it that sparks your interest?

So without further adieu:

Game Summary:

Elibe, once a land of peace and beauty. Now a battleground soaked in the blood of men and dragons. For a century these two races have waged war on one another. Though exceeding of men in both might and wisdom, dragons could not match their numbers. The tide turned in man's favor and the defeat of the dragon appears night. Though mankind sighs in relief with victory in sight, the worse is yet to come. This is the tale of the final clash between the dragon and humans from the corners of the land that shall change the face of Elibe. This is the tale of the Scouring.


  • All Eight Heroes as playable units with unique classes easily done, except you would need custom animations
  • All of the Divine Weapons and the Sacred Sword are usable and have their own sprite animations. do-able
  • Skills – both mastery and basic ASM would be necessary, but nintenlord made a skill patch that adds some skills
  • A plot covering the creation of the Divine Weapons, the rise of the Eight Heroes, and the vanquishing of the Dark Dragon.
  • Different Dragon Enemy Units including Fire Dragons, Ice Dragons, Wild Wyverns all fighting without using Dragon Stones at least early in the game. needs animations
  • Narga having an involvement in the storyline somehow.
  • Yahn
  • A subplot covering the events around Aenir and Nergal that comes far latter on elibe
  • Chapters around the Ending Winter. Maps will have random and semi-random weather events such as snow one turn, rain another, fog one turn, night another. In addition to that, tiles will be changed such as water turning to ice and plains turning to sand. do-able
  • New tiles such as Dragon Temples that grant Stat bonuses to Dragon units. i think that might need asm not 100% sure
  • The game itself will be divided into several campaigns covering the stories of the Heroes. This doesn't mean one part per hero but rather three heroes per campaign. The last one will involve promoted Legend units fighting during the Ending Winter. if you want multiple campaigns you may end up exceding the # of maps/chapters you can cram into a rom so a series of rom hacks might be more effective
  • A team of Swordmaster Siblings that use the katti weapons.

Undecided Features and Potential Complications:

  • Divine Weapons may have infinite uses due to being essential to the story
    • This means they need to be balanced so players will still have a reason use other weapons.
    • One balancing feature is that the Divine Weapons come late in each campaign and may only be used by the main characters after promotion.
    • Another solution is that they nullify leveling experience, meaning the players would want to level the Lord Units to 20 before using these weapons if he doesn't want them to be overwhelmed at the end.
    • Or do not make them infinite but rather reparable at an insane cost.
    • Or make it so that they have an extremely low amount of uses that are restored after each chapter. If they break, they return to the player's inventory at the beginning of the next chapter.

    [*]Complication: A game with eight lords that will be used in the Finale poses the challenge of having other units be playable. Lord units must be powerful to cement reputation while not so game breaking that the other units become superfluous.

    • Blossom Solution: making it so that while the lords have fantastic growths, they gain less experience than normal units until a certain point in the campaign where their growths exp gain skyrockets. At that point, the player may level them up to before they auto promote. Making Lords a certain Jeigan/Est mix.
    • Make the lords have normal experience gains but handicap them in certain stats either base or growth that can be compensated for by support bonuses.
    • Have chapters in which you are forced to use non-lord units.
    • Have chapters which with victory and defeat conditions that require more than just the lord units to succeed.

    [*]Skill Support Sharing: Supports can go up to S-Rank just as in Awakening. In addition to stat bonuses, Units can activate certain Skills that their supports have. A General will have a chance to activate Cancel just by being near Falco Knight with the ability and an S-Support.

    • Mastery Skills and Class Stat Skills will not be sharable. Skills like Brave, Vantage, and Wrath are.

    [*]Bramimond will be unique in her supports since the storyline involves her giving up her humanity upon promotion.

    • After promotion, she can no longer have any more support conversations. She will still retain support bonuses from the bonds she built with other units prior to promotion however they will be froze at that rank.
    • Units with an S-rank support may get a talk option with her/it post promotion. A tragic interaction between the two.
    • She will have no affinity. The support stat boosts she gives post promotion will be the affinity of her support partner at the time. This is reflective of how she mirrors the persona of the people near her. This does not extend to skill sharing for obvious reasons. asm

    [*]An Unlockable Time Paradox Mode: All lord units become non-essential, meaning they don't have to be used on any maps and their dying will not necessarily end the chapter.

Setting and Powers:

The Fangs of Bern – a band of warriors from the Highlands of Bern. When the land was overrun by dragons, they formed under Hartmut with the goal to retake their land.

The Kingdom of Aachen – Ruled by King Magnus, takes up most of Etruria, a good deal of the Lycian Basin.

The Sacae – a nomadic tribe that came to Elibe from across the Eastern Wastes.

Edessa – a state west of Cape Ilia. It is one of the last places where human and dragon civilization still remains on amiable terms.


Roland - called the little knight, he is a talented young man descended from knights in the Lycian Basin. His story begins in a prologue when bandits attack his land. When news comes that the land is being overrun by dragons again, Roland must find warriors willing to fight by his side and decides to make peace with the other forces in Lycia. Class: Lord -> Heroic Lord

Athos – a powerful sage who was born in the starting years of the Scouring. He laments the death of the era when man and dragons lived in peace. His search for knowledge leads him to cross paths with Roland and becomes a mentor to him. Class: Sage -> Archsage

Hartmut – the Champion. Hartmut lived in the Bern Highlands. His story begins with dragon attacking his home and destroying everything he ever loved. Hartmut develops a deep hatred for all dragon kind and endeavors to avenge his loss. While vengeance is on his mind, Hartmut still has a kind heart that attracts many followers. He forms a band of warriors called the Fangs of Bern. His storyline involves him eventually becoming the leader of the Eight Heroes and encountering an Emanation of Naga that gives him visions of how the Dark Dragon came to be. Becomes the wielder of Eckesach and the Sword of Seals. Class: Highlander -> Lord Commander.

"I will never forgive them."

Bramimond – the Enigma. She is a practitioner of Elder Magic who carries a mysterious staff (the Aum Staff). Though she seems bright and energetic, this is a façade for the heavy burden the practice of dark magic places on her. The Fangs of Bern encounter her during Hartmut's campaign. She greatly distrusts King Magnus. Wields Apocalypse. Class: Sorceress -> Enigma

"Power comes at a price."

Barigan – The Knight of Knights. He is the leader of the ground forces of the Edessan Kingdom. He is concerned when Magnus sways the other states against Edessa. Wields Maltet. Class: Chevalier -> Holy Knight.

Hanon – the Divine Trooper. A member of the Sacae, a nomadic group that came to Elibe by crossing the Eastern Waste. Wields Murgleis. Class: Nomad Chief – Divine Trooper

St. Elimine – A pilgrim whose faith allows her to heal the sick. Elimine harbors a caring soul, shown when she forgives and heals Durban after his assault on her village. Her faith also grants her the ability to use Light magic. This attracts the attention of King Magnus, who wishes establish a new cult to replace the worship of spirits and dragons. Through her faith, the primordial spirit of Light grants her Aureola. Class: Maiden -> Saint

Durban – the Berserker. Durban is the leader of a group of barbarians. By the time of the game, he has a fearful reputation amongst the people of the west lands. He plays the role of antagonist across two tales until he is captured. He gains the power of Armads. Class: Barbarian -> Berserker

"I am my weapon. Even when the iron edge dulls and shatters, the core of flesh, bone, and blood remains."

King Magnus – Leader of the Aachen Kingdom, one of the few remaining powers still intact. When there is a resurgence of dragons, he calls for a Summit between the remaining powers of man and form an alliance against the horde of dragons. His true aim is to unite the powers into a continent wide empire and enslave the dragon race.

Aenir – The leader of the Ice Dragon Tribe located near Edessa. She refused to participate in the war between Man and Dragon but offered her territory as a safe haven for dragons to find peace. The Ice Tribe has a relatively stable peace with the Edessans, the Ice Tribe agreeing to protect the Edessans from other dragons, while the Edessans forbid humans from attacking the Ice Tribe. She is married to a human and has two children with him.

Logi – The leader the Fire Tribe. He has lived through the Scouring since the very beginning and will stop at nothing to ensure the survival of his species. After being soundly defeated in battle, Logi turns to the ancient magics of morphcraft to artificially create more dragons. However, only a Divine Dragon has access to the near limitless aegir to perform this feat.


Yahn – One of Logi's lieutenants.

Angi – a mysterious viridian haired maiden. She is encountered across Elibe. An emanation of Naga.

Plot Points:

  • Story takes place a century after the Scouring began.
  • Civilization has pretty much been torn apart but there are several kingdoms that have survived and now begin to vie over the land.
  • There are many bandit groups that terrorize the land.
  • There is one King who believes that he can take over and unite all of Elibe by destroying and enslaving the last of the dragons. It is largely because of him that the dragon tribes still cannot reach a peace with human kind. He will be the main human antagonist.
  • The main dragon antagonist is a Fire Dragon who advocates retaking Elibe by any means necessary.
  • Before the Ending Winter, dragons took human form as an optional choice rather than a mandatory means of survival. Examples: Aenir in her relationship with Nergal and to be used as spies planted in human kingdoms.
  • The protagonists start out in separate parts of Elibe with their tales leading them together to obtain the Eight Weapons.
  • The Divine Weapons were forged by capturing and fusing primordial spirits with the physical plane.
    • Durandel and Foreblaze were created from the primordial spirits of fire
    • Eckesachs and Armads were forged from the spirits thunder
    • Maltet and Murgleis were forged from spirits of wind and ice
    • Aureola was born from primordial spirit of heaven
    • Apocalypse was forged from a primordial earth spirit
    • Due to this process the Divine Weapons are alive and choose their wielders.

    [*]The mages who forged them must search for those with the proper aegir to wield them.

    • The Divine Weapon chooses its wielder by revealing its name to him.

    [*]The Fire Emblem and the Sword of Seals were created by the Divine Dragon, Naga.


A Clash of Ice and Fire:

AENIR: Fair greetings Logi, Harbinger of the Flame.

LOGI: Aenir, the Snow Queen, it has been too long. I still feel indebted to you for helping me and my troops in our time of need.

AENIR: You make it sound like we came to your rescue. All I did was grant you asylum from your pursuers.

YAHN: Had you actually fought by our side, perhaps we would not have needed your hospitality.


CELESTE: How dare you insult Her Grace!

AENIR: Celeste…

YAHN: Are you going to attack your liege's guests over a slight, how human.

LOGI: That's enough Yahn. Leave our presence at once!

YAHN: …yes Master Logi.

LOGI: Aenir, I apologize for my Lieutenant's words. However, I would appreciate it if you dismiss you human attendant as well…for the sake of balance.

AENIR: Celeste, I bid you stand guard over Nergal and our children.

CELESTE: As you wish, Your Grace.

LOGI: So…I see the rumors were true, you took a human for a consort.

AENIR: He is my husband, Logi. Do not speak of him as though he were a pet.

LOGI: Yet you are older, mightier, and wiser than him. You are destined to outlive him well beyond his appointed time. How can your relationship possibly be one of equals?

AENIR: Nergal is a learned scholar and practitioner of the arts. He has a beautiful soul. As for his lifespan, I expect a man of his magical talents to just as long as me. I do not expect you to understand though.

LOGI: You're right, I do not understand. However, what you do with your human companions is your choice. My concern is protecting all of our kind from extinction.

AENIR: So, you are preparing another assault against the humans. Has your previous loss taught you nothing?

LOGI: It taught me that war with the humans is a matter of matching their numbers. A single dragon can match over a hundred humans. However, for every one of ours that falls to them, they can replenish their ranks at twice the rate that we can. A tree can withstand the breeze, but it may uproot in a maelstrom.

AENIR: Then why do you still wish to challenge this maelstrom?

LOGI: Because that is what humans are unchecked, a wanton storm. Surely you know the sorry state they have turned the land into now. In the span of one hundred years they have torn down what we built. Since we have gone into hiding, they turned on one another, dividing into tribes that war over petty reasons and invisible concepts. If their so called civilization somehow attains the level of power and knowledge lost in this war, they will only put it to use for more selfish destruction.

AENIR: For all your talk, there stands a city at the foot of this mountain as living proof against your accusation. Do not forget that it was the people of Edessa who marched out against the army pursuing you. With lances in hand and riding horse and Pegasus, they risked their lives to honor our ancient pact. In truth you are more indebted to them than me.

LOGI: If it really was to honor your agreement then I concede, I do owe those humans and I would personally thank them if they were still alive today. However, Edessa stands with my argument better than it does against it. It remains a shining gem of civilization in the waste of the Ilian Plateau because of you. The humans here understand their place try not to upset the balance.

AENIR: No, it is because we help each other. If you would deign to negotiate with humankind…

LOGI: Negotiating with a man such as Magnus is like reasoning with a wild beast. He is bent on finishing what his ancestors started. It will not belong until his armies have enough might to march towards Ilia. I wonder how loyal the Edessans will be when Aachen is at their gates.

AENIR: Is this your idea of gratitude? Threats and insults?

LOGI: I'm merely warning you of the threat these humans pose for all of us. Their influence across Elibe grows, King Magnus has called for alliance to purge the land of our kind and many have answered his summons.

AENIR: Many of whom would not have if you had not renewed your assaults and taken the southern highlands. You have given new life to the animosity between man and dragon, Logi. Clearly you have learned nothing for what will make this new war any different from the last?

LOGI: By matching the humans in numbers.

AENIR: Even if you marched with all the tribes of Elibe behind you, I doubt you would succeed.

LOGI: No, I wouldn't, but I have found a way to quickly replenish our forces. This time the war will turn in our favor.

AENIR: What do you mean? How can you possibly…

LOGI: I'm sure you know of the art of morphcraft.

AENIR: You… what you propose would be an abomination. A violation of the laws of Naga. Do you intend to walk the path of Medeus?

LOGI: Make no mistake. I have no humanlike intention to create an empire. I only seek to ensure our survival. Humans already violated Naga's law when they began this war. With the aid of war dragons, I will scour Elibe and rejuvenate a peaceful era once more. After that I will accept whatever punishment Naga's judgment shall render me.

AENIR: For that to work. You would need the near limitless amounts of aegir of a Divine Dra- so that's why they disappeared. Is that why you came here? To look for them?

LOGI: …I already have the cooperation of one.

AENIR: One agreed to you horrific plan? I cannot believe that!

LOGI: Believe whatever you wish. I came here to warn you of the enemies at your gates and offer my aid to repay my debt to both you and Edessa.

AENIR: Those would be your enemies, not mine. A man like Magnus would not have gained so much support if not for you, Logi. Your actions will endanger all of us. I'd hardly call that a payment of debt.

LOGI: So you refuse my aid?

AENIR: No, our agreement is that no dragons will slay humans and no humans will slay dragons within the borders of Edessa.

LOGI: So what if they turn on you and your children?

AENIR: It is not only choice of aggression or extinction. There is always the Gate on Valor.

LOGI: I understand…well I shall take my leave and pray your strength avails you.

AENIR: Logi…if you truly understood, you would not have taken this path of doom…

YAHN: Master Logi.

LOGI: We shall rest for the day and take flight on the eve, Yahn. I do not like to be too far from Idenn for extended periods of time.

YAHN: So I take it Aenir will not join us.

LOGI: She is intent on maintaining her peace with the humans of this city and she is willing to flee like the Divine Dragons if that peace is broken. It is a pity, even with the war dragons, mage dragons, and Flying Tribe, having the ice dragons to aid and heal our wounded would all but guarantee victory.

YAHN: From what I've heard, not all of the Ice Tribe shares Aenir's stance. Some of her most loyal subordinates are willing to join the fight if the Edessan's turn on them. It's only a matter of time before that happens. Our manakete spies have heard of a hidden plot between Magnus' army and several leaders of Edessa. A plot to turn both the Edessans and the Ice Tribe pose Aachen as the saviors of the city. It may benefit us as well. Here.

LOGI: I see. Magnus wants the Ice Tribe to join this war as much as I do.

YAHN: We could inform them of this treachery.

LOGI: Aenir would only defer this matter to the Edessan authority. Even if that failed, the Ice Tribe will follow her to Valor so long as she wills it. That is their way. As much as I regret this, we shall allow Magnus to carry out his designs to a certain extent.

YAHN: As you command.

LOGI: I'm sorry Aenir…but as I said, I will do whatever I must to ensure our victory.

if you actually where to make a game out of this it would be easier to make it in a similiar way to yeti's fe7x

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If you have ideas but don't actually plan to make a hack or anything, it might be more appropriate to put this in the Creative subforum than in the ROM Hacking subforum. As it is, your ideas don't seem very feasible or realistic. Even in FEXP it seems like it would take a lot of work to make everything happen, let alone in GBAFE. You would need a lot of support and nobody is going to provide any support without substantial work to show. Maybe if you had a hundred bucks to dangle in front of Camtech you might get some of the stuff done, if you're lucky.

I couldn't find a forum specifically marked for hack suggestions or brainstorms. If the moderators feel this should be in the Creative sub forums, then I won't contest their judgment. I had a feeling that FEXP or some other program would be the only way that my ideas could even be possible. I do not expect anyone to just volunteer their support when all I have is this.

Moreover, I don't think this would make a good Fire Emblem. Who wants to train characters, just for the game to force you to use the lord characters anyway? It might be better if, instead of forcing the player to conform to the "canon" history, any character could use a Divine weapon and the player would have the choice to make things go differently. Using the canon heroes would be an option, but who's to say that different people couldn't have done the same?

That is practically the first complication I realized when I had this idea. Some of the solutions I tried to come up with are listed in my post. I think that Skill Sharing is one of the better ones while the Blossom Solution is just "ehh". However, your suggestion is probably the best one although I got the impression that Eight Legends had a certain aspect similar to the Crusaders.

pls no

"pls no" to the whole idea in general or just the prologue idea?

A good deal of the mechanics would take asm to be done (skills, Brammimond reflecting affinity, more dragons if they transform in battle)

I personally don't think a game set in the Scouring would work very well, at least with the default GBA FE mechanics, but maybe \o_O/

Pretty much, the universal message is that it can't be done via ROM hack. However, would it be viable using FEXP?

I read everything.

You have lots of interesting ideas, I'm liking them so far.

The point is:

- some of them can't really be made with the GBA FE engine.

- make a full hack out of this would require lot, lot lot of time. If you can't do anything by yourself, I don't think people will eventually listen to you just by a doc and some ideas.

Making a doc like this is really something, I appreciate you for this, but in front of a whole hack, it's nothing, like 0,1%.

In the end, you have lots of ideas and I'd be glad to see more.

I suggest you should write a book or something, but quit the hack idea if you want it entirely made by someone else. =)

I would never expect anyone to put more work into a project like this than I myself would be willing to. Right now the topic is more of a brainstorm with an uncertain future. I'm not sure it should even be on this forum, but I felt anything relating to hacks and fangames belonged under ROM hacks. More selfishly, I also wanted to hear the thoughts of the experienced programmers. I'd like to discuss more ideas somehow, though.

if you actually where to make a game out of this it would be easier to make it in a similiar way to yeti's fe7x

From dialogue in the Florina/Ninian support, the Hector chapter 19xx script, and the details pertaining to the Ending Winter, I got the feeling that the tragedy surrounding Aenir occurred during the events of the Scouring and that Nergal spent his years looking for a way to resurrect her.

Funny, I started to work on a story for a scouring hack a few months ago...

I'd be interested in hearing about that.

Also thank you all for replying.

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in terms actually making it you wouldnt want to make a rom hack and until klok or cam finish/start/work on fexp and release any of their changes fexp might not be the best choice so you could be better served by XNA the program yeti is currently using for fe7x

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in terms actually making it you wouldnt want to make a rom hack and until klok or cam finish/start/work on fexp and release any of their changes fexp might not be the best choice so you could be better served by XNA the program yeti is currently using for fe7x

Yeah, well, saying that's all very well and good. Pity about the fact that it isn't even remotely happening.

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"pls no" to the whole idea in general or just the prologue idea?
To prologue bandits they are just the worst

And my other post wasn't very clear, the third line was a separate thought from the second. I meant, kind of like Anouleth said, I don't think this would be suited to the normal gameplay of FE.

One more reasonable paths would be something more like Tactics Ogre/FFT/Disgaea/etc's system of having some unique units but more of your army customizable generics. This would give the player a reason to use people-who-are-not-the-8-heroes, in that they hired/created those units specifically to fill some role and named them and adjusted their stats and have carefully raised them, so they've grown attached

Edited by BwdYeti
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