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[FE6] George


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Ch.4: 11/34

Oh Rutgar. First you cost turns, then you crit Marcus costing more turns. You better be worth it.

Ch.5: 11/45

Okay, so Rutgar made this map bearable and possible.

Ch.6: 7/52


also Rutgar got 4% by the boss in Ch.7, so I mad.

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CHAPTER 19 - 5/131 TURNS

Cecilia rescued Lance ahead, and Tate ferried lalum up. Cecilia bolting'd the wall to get it started, then brave weapons prevailed.

Lance killed gel with the killer lance.

CHAPTER 20 - 4/135 TURNS

Easy enough. Hammerned Rescue. Zeiss promoted last chapter too.

Edited by General Horace
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Chapter 21 - 6/141 turns

Cecilia rescued Lance down to help out Tate, Forblaze + Armourslayer + Malte killed Murdock in one turn.

Zeiss went for the ss and bought lots of boots, and was boosted to 14 move through the power of dance.

Chapter 21x - 5/146

Zeiss just plowed through with his move and wrecked shit.

Cecilia, Tate, Lance, Percival and Lalum used the remaining boots, boosting their move to max except Lalum, who got stuck at 9.

Chapter 22 - 7/153 turns

Lance rushed Roy to the throne room, and dumped him in front of Zephiel (at 2 range). He finished Zephiel himself. Zeiss got the right switch, and a combination of rescue Cecilia and my Paladins and dancer got the right one.

Chapter 23 - 3/156 turns

Lalum was rescued by cecilia, and the nearby (kind of nearby) manakete was killed by Durandal Percy. Zeiss rescued Roy, and was danced by lalum, and he brave lanced the wyverns that got in his way ep. Yodel Holy Maidened the status staves, (and Zeiss's heath, and Zeiss dumped Roy off by the throne. Cecilia had to bolting a sniper out of the way, Zeiss killed Brunya, and Roy seized.

Chapter 24 - 10/166 turns

Man Cecilia is the best

Percival had Durandal, Zeiss had Malte, and Lance had an armourslayer. Cecilia used Forblaze like once.

it was really just a massive rescue chain, and I broke Hammerne near the end of the chapter.

Final - 1/167 turns

Roy's our boy.

Unit analysis in a sec.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Off to beat Horace!

Chapter 1 - 4 turns (4)

Standard fare, with Bors grabbing the village.

Chapter 2 - 5 turns (9)

Yeah. I broke through the first fort and Thany took Roy turn 2. She got the Armorslayer at some point, while Marcus and Dieck pushed up. Dieck had just enough move to takedrop Roy from Thany, grabbing the slayer at the same time, then he killed Rude, and Roy seized.

Chapter 3 - 6 turns (15)

Marcus carries Dieck, Thany carries Roy. Chad and Bors watch the undrafteds. Dieck kills a Soldier in the way to shave off a turn, and then Thany passes Roy to Marcus later, after he killed some dudes in the way.

Chapter 4 - 4 turns (19)

This was a pain, but I got Clarine and the Robe. Dieck passed Roy to Marcus turn 3, while Thany went for the robe.

Chapter 5 - 3 turns (22)

Dory goes boom.

Chapter 6 - 4 turns (26)

Wagner can't touch this.

Chapter 7 - 6 turns (32)

Woop, Noah!

Chapter 8 - 13 turns (45)

Broke through the treasure room with stolen door keys.

Chapter 8x - 7 turns (52)

Thany drops Marcus and goes back for Roy, following from safety.

Chapter 9 - 6 turns (58)

gogo thany and marcus and noah

got fir.

Chapter 10 - 6 turns (64)

1 space short. Are you shitting me Roy?

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Not posting much today but I'll forget all progress tomorrow so whatever

Chapter 11 - 7 turns (71)

All villages but Sleep. Shopped, fed Roy kills (he's level 6(!) now), and stole Klein's White Gem. He had a Matthis moment and shot Clarine. annoyingly, from the other side of a wall so I couldn't recruit him...

Promoted Treck.

Chapter 12 - 6 turns (77)

Treck and Marcus rushed, Thany got a Draco and her first defense proc. Chad raided chests for a Whip (Thany used to promote), and a Blue Gem. Dieck promoted too. Skipped Ray.

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Chapter 12x - 5 turns (82)

Wow, I went the wrong way in all of my other drafts. Not that I would have known for SFDDT2, since nobody ever finished the other FE6 draft I did before that ._.

Chapter 13 - 6 turns (88)


Noah ran to the boss, Thany ferried Roy and managed to get in some shopping.

Clarine hit C staves.

Chapter 14 - 4 turns (92)



Thany ferried Roy, chugged the Boots and the Body Ring, and Killer Lanced the boss.

Got the Boots, Silence, Silver Card, Speedwing and Talisman. Miledy was a great help in getting me the Silver Card right before I seized.

Chapter 14x - 3 turns (95)

Thany dropped Noah and gave him Roy the next turn to drop, and then Noah killed the boss.

Chapter 15 - 3 turns (98)

Could have been 2, but I want Hammerne for Rescue.

Chapter 16 - 10 turns (108)

Damn, I didn't have enough move for the Brave Lance. Got Delphi, Zeiss and Rescue also. My first use of an S rank weapon was done in this chapter. Guess what it was? Dieck using Durandal to break the wall.

Chapter 16x - 8 turns (116)

I got blocked like, way too easily. Might redo.

Chapter 16x - 7 turns (115)

Look up.

Edited by Jack SBarrow
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Chapter 17 - 5 turns (120)

Fly and stuff.

Chapter 18 - 4 turns (124)

Thany rush.

Chapter 19 - 4 turns (128)

Niime~ used Rescue once. Probably didn't need it.

Chapter 20 - 4 turns (132)

Fucking beserk man.

Edited by Jack SBarrow
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Chapter 20x - Free

trained roy

Chapter 21 - 7 turns (139)

curse you horace

getting the secret shop was a massive pain in the ass

thankfully niime ORKOes the entire map with a speedwing and her low defenses make enemies target her over miledy, so I could easily escort her to the secret shop, since Thany was busy with Roy. She killed Murderock with the Armorslayer.

Chapter 21x - 6 turns (145) 5 turns (144)

People chug boots all over the place woop

with one less turn this time

Edited by Jack SBarrow
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realized I could have shaved a turn off in 21x, so I went back for that.

Chapter 22 - 7 turns (151)

10 move Dieck and 10 move Marcus go right, 14 move Niime, 13 move Lalum and 15 move Noah take the right, 15 move Thany ferries 10 move Roy to Zephiel and the pair tag team Zephiel.

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  • 3 months later...

Jedi - Alan, Zealot, Lugh, Saul, Astohl, Oujay, Ward, Wolt, Igrene, Sophia, Garret, Geese

Alan.. Again

Zealot: YAY

Lugh: will ferry Roy in the desert with a body ring

Astohl: Ok combat, thief


Oujay: Pretty good hero

Ward: Hope he turns out like ZM's

Wolt: Ok will see what he can do

Igrene: <3

Sophia: WE'LL SEE

Garret: Considering I have no flight. I may get you

Geese: Favorite axe user but unfortunately too out of the way.

Guess who has no flier in FE6 again.

Chapter 1: 4/4

Marcus ferries Roy, Alan helps clear the way, Silver Lances burned to help kill boss, Wolt gets the village. Seize

Chapter 2: 6/10

Ward was able to help clear a path while Marcus and Roy rushed. Alan and Wolt helped them along. Merlinus/Undrafted Thany armorslayer trade.

Chapter 3 7/17

Ward, Wolt and Merlinus head for Lugh, Marcus, Alan and Roy go up the middle. Alan got Str and Spd in the same level for once. Amazing

Chapter 4 6/23


Chapter 5 3/26

Marcus, Alan, Ward, Lugh, Wolt Roy and a gate. They charge and are successful. Had to reset due to KILLER AXE.

Chapter 6 4/30

Marcus with Roy in tow, Alan, Ward and Lugh charge upward with Merlinus as a distraction, Alan fights off the 2 armors allowing Marcus to break through Marcus drops Roy and fights Wagner with the Silver Lance while Roy dodges Magic. Lugh got some good exp off the armors. Oh hi Saul

Chapter 7 6/36

Ooooh boy... This chapter

Roy waits outside the arena while the rest open the path and get some keys, Noah arrives and Roy talks to him. Marcus grabs Roy, and undrafted Noah with some guard gets to Zealot to recruit him EN TARO ADUN. Also I made sure to get the Killing Edge

Marcus, Alan and Roy with some luck get through the brigade at the top. Merlinus, Wolt, Zealot and Saul got some items

Chapter 8 16/49

ZEALOT AND MARCUS RUSH, Lugh gets some chip exp off the guy in the lower balcony, Alan follows behind Zealot and Marcus with Ashtol in tow. Zealot handling the major combat, Saul healing Lugh and Ward when they need it. Ashtol gets some thieving done, Oujay gets some fighting in due to his starting location and handing his Armorslayer to the Paladins. They get to the end and manage to break the boss with a dual Armorslayer Assault. I could have done this in 13 turns if not for the fact I wanted the ring.

Chapter 8x 9/61

Paladin charge, Lugh and Wolt fight the people at the bottom with Saul healing when needed.

HEMMING IS TERRIBLE. But Zealot with a killing edge ended him. and actually got speed.

Chapter 9 7/68

Rush, rush, rush, rush, killing edge the boss. Alan is almost ready to take the boss killing crown.

Chapter 10A 7/75

Zealot and Alan charge with Roy, Marcus, Wolt, Ward, Saul and Lugh fight the others. Not having Gonzo saves me a turn.

Chapter 11 7/82

PALADIN RUSH, also item grabs considering how many people I have. Oujay hopefully will promote sometime soon

Chapter 12 7/89

Marcus ferries Roy, Ashtol steals stuff with Oujay's, Lugh, Zealot and the others. Alan with a Wyrmslayer slew the boss.

Chapter 12x 6/95

Ashtol gets to as many chests as possible with an escort while the Paladins make sure Roy gets to the end.

Chapter 13 7/102

Zealot, Marcus and Alan charge with Zealot [the one with Roy] getting danced somewhat ahead. Oujay, Wolt, Saul, Lugh, Ward make sure that I get the Body ring.. This is important. Lugh promotes and uses the Body Ring

Chapter 14 10/112

Body Ring Lugh ferries Roy and manages to fight his way through.. Unfortunately this didn't save me any turns because I needed a boss killer.. This strat is a bust. HI SOPHIA, thanks for the Ring.

Chapter 14x 4/116


Chapter 15 7/123

DANCE RUSH. Oujay Promotes late Saul Promotes, Igrene arrives. and Garret joins the team thanks to undrafted Lilina.

Chapter 16 9/132

Ashtol steals items [Yay] Wyrmslayer on NARSHEN

Chapter 16x 8/140

RUNNING OUT OF STUFF TO SAY. Sophia takes status staffs like a boss. WOLT PROMOTES REALLY LATE BECAUSE LOL. Also this is when Saul's Restoring stuff is becoming very handy

Chapter 17 7/147


Chapter 18 11/158


Chapter 19 8/166

Do I even have to mention everyone owning people and not having a flier? Igrene is shooting stuff good. That's different from what I said before. Also she is amazingly sexy did I mention that?

Chapter 20 7/173

Rush, also Garret crits things, and Igrene is still sexy. Oujay how're you doing?

Chapter 20x --/173

Alan has actually been getting alot of speed this run. It's quite amazing. Shame I have no flier.

Chapter 21 13/186

Don't even ask. Oh Igrene shot alot of Wyverns.

Chapter 21x 14/200

Don't ask again. RNG luck and no flight

Chapter 22 11/211

Zephiel dies. Also Saul is a boss restorer

Chapter 23 9/220

I hate not having flight at all

Chapter 24 13/233

Blah blah murder own kill.

Final 1/234

Final Result.

Paladins did amazing, Oujay helped when he could, The archers had some handy chip and could get items when needed, Saul restored. Ward did nothing much past the early game, Lugh ferry failed. Ashtol did ok for what he did. Sophia tanked status when she could, Garret crit things.


Edited by Opinion Leader Jedi
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"Chapter 14 10/112

Body Ring Lugh ferries Roy and manages to fight his way through.. Unfortunately this didn't save me any turns because I needed a boss killer.. This strat is a bust. HI SOPHIA, thanks for the Ring."


Doesnt Lugh have WTA vs the boss?

Edited by Peekayell
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"Chapter 14 10/112

Body Ring Lugh ferries Roy and manages to fight his way through.. Unfortunately this didn't save me any turns because I needed a boss killer.. This strat is a bust. HI SOPHIA, thanks for the Ring."


Doesnt Lugh have WTA vs the boss?

The boss is a hero with 40 HP still

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