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Discovery of FE?


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Ah, I remember how I first discovered FE. I saw Sacred Stones in a little booklet of GBA games that came with Zelda: The Minish Cap when I first got it. I was interested in playing it, but I never got around to buying it. Later, my brother got me into playing Ike in Smash Bros. Brawl, and I was interested in him. So I found an article about PoR online and I was like "OMG I GOTTA PLAY THIS, IT SOUNDS SO AMAZING!" and I got the game soon after.

I was utterly addicted. Played RD later on, got even more addicted (despite disliking the ending). I also obviously fell in love with Ike. <3

I finally played Sacred Stones next, then FE7, then Shadow Dragon. I put down Shadow Dragon soon after I started playing it, though, because I didn't like having to be forced to sacrifice characters at all. I didn't like FE7 as much as the others, unfortunately, but it's still a good game. I totally can't wait for Awakening now. :D

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Well I knew Marth and Roy from super smash bros melee and I had wondered where they came from.

A few years after that I visited a friend who was playing Fire Emblem and I thought "Wow is this Fire Emblem? It looks boring.", but then he let me borrow the game. I've been hooked ever since.

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Well I knew Marth and Roy from super smash bros melee and I had wondered where they came from.

A few years after that I visited a friend who was playing Fire Emblem and I thought "Wow is this Fire Emblem? It looks boring.", but then he let me borrow the game. I've been hooked ever since.

On that fateful day you made the correct decision. Congrats NewYearsEmoticon.gif

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I first found out about FE from Melee, but that didn't make me go out and buy FE7.

My friend went to France for a holiday and came back with FE7, saying he bought it because it looked like Roy on the cover when it was in fact Eliwood. So I had a go of the game and really enjoyed it, resulting in my own purchase of FE7.

So here I am.

Edited by Raven
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I had a sadistic friend on a school bus back from a trip who was playing it to watch the characters die horribly. I asked if I could try, started a new game, and burst through Lyn's mode in about an hour.

I gave it back, and bought Path of Radiance. Beat that twice over the summer, bought Radiant Dawn, played it on normal, cried, played it on easy (I was mollified when I found out that that WAS the Normal difficulty), beat it, got Shadow Dragon, raged, was introduced to the SNES ones, loved them, FINALLY played the GBA games to the end.

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