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Does Spinach actually help build muscle?


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Popeye is one big marketing scheme for spinach bigwigs.

I was going to say that, only with the word 'government' thrown in.

Spinach is good anyway.

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I assume it was at least partially just a joke about "eating your vegetables and growing up big and str-" *HRK*

Popeye was eah, Rehab's a wet noodle

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Didn't they make a mistake about Spinach's Iron content back in the 1800s, where they thought it had 5-10x more Iron content than it actually did, and that inspired the Popeye Spinach thing? I'm almost certain it was that, and not some dumb marketing gimmick.

Source: Trivia pages of Popeye coloring books I used to have when I was a kid. lol!

Just looked it up. Myth?! My coloring books lied to my innocent child heart. Apparently Spinach was chosen for its vitamin content :(.

Edited by Tangerine
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Man, just to gush, Popeye was such a great cartoon. Lots of stuff in that period of animation was incredibly imaginative to begin with, too, but a little mumbling old sailor dude with huge forearms, that goes around beating the crap out of every palooka what ain't on the up and square, and gets blanket powerups from canned veggies? I wish I knew more about whatever inspired his changes from the comic he first appeared in to the show, he's just. How do you even get that, and make him so fun? Aside from the tremendous work the animators must've put in, and when it was a developing art form, too.

my favorite Popeye show I've seen so far:

Old timey attitudes aside, it's just so. freakin beautiful

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Do you at least remember how the song goes? This much is verrrry important


I don't remember anythiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing

Just that I watched it a lot, but a very very long time ago

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Man, just to gush, Popeye was such a great cartoon. Lots of stuff in that period of animation was incredibly imaginative to begin with, too, but a little mumbling old sailor dude with huge forearms, that goes around beating the crap out of every palooka what ain't on the up and square, and gets blanket powerups from canned veggies? I wish I knew more about whatever inspired his changes from the comic he first appeared in to the show, he's just. How do you even get that, and make him so fun? Aside from the tremendous work the animators must've put in, and when it was a developing art form, too.

my favorite Popeye show I've seen so far:

Old timey attitudes aside, it's just so. freakin beautiful

God I love the sound effect they always used for the punches. It's so hilarious.

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Popeye el marino soy, uhuh,

sentado en un almoadon,

comiendo espinaca,

besando a la flaca,

Popeye, el marino, soy, uhuh,

Mipadre fue marinero,

mi abuelo tambien lo fue,

y yo cuando sea grande,

tambien lo voy a ser, uhuh.

Sounds way gayer and Communist if he's not speaking in Americanese.

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I misread spinach as spanish and it changed the entire thread for me

I'm glad I'm not the only one.

I don't think it actually does, but it's certainly not going to make you weaker in any areas. Unless all you eat is spinach, of course.

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I probaly haven't seen an epsiode in 12+ years, but I can still hum the song perfectly, is that bad? Also thanks for the episode Rehab, that brought me back.

OT: I'm pretty sure they proved that spinage didn't make you stronger, but rather helps to tone the muscles you've already got.

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Well, according to Tangerine Spinach is like natural muscle milk, so fuck yeah!

I misread spinach as spanish and it changed the entire thread for me

Yeah i did the same thing lol.

Then I was like, wait, that's my thread!

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