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[Help!] The forum I like won't respond to my posts (´・ω・`)

Lord of Gabriel Knight

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I love the fact that the Brave Sword is totally the Soul Calibur from SC2.

Um, I don't know what you're talking about....

1) Some icons are oddly proportioned, like the aforementioned Armorslayer with its large blade and comparatively smaller handle or the axe two to the left of the last one (the crescent-topped one) with its thin haft. (In general, IS's axes have hafts that are two pixels wide instead of one, for example.)

I'll fix these, though I really don't like making hafts be pixels wide since the end ends up being kinda slanted.

2) Some of the icons are a bit odd when it comes to shape - the Silver Axe (I can't say that I've seen axes with blades shaped like that anywhere), the anti-armor axe, the Hammer reaver (more specifically its head), and a few of the icons in the upper-right block of weapons (just to the right of the center of the image on the top row), just to name a few. It also feels like some are a tad visually busy, making it hard at 1x zoom to clearly pick up on 100% of the details.

I get a "square" vibe when I look at the whole sheet, too. Perhaps that might be stemming from the abundance of one pixel width handles/hafts/shafts of the lances, axes, and staves, though.

The Swordreaver is is actually a rectangular blade, like so: http://images.wikia.com/shamanking/en/images/archive/8/8a/20090405093841!Eliza.jpg

Could you tell me what legendary weapons need work?

3) Obviously, this one falls under the "easy to understand, never going to master" category (even for myself). Some of your icons have impeccable shading - the stat boosters, the Brave Sword, Brave Lance, Devil Sword, Soul Mirror, and Elixir all are top-notch. But then the gems, for example, have a ton of outline colors in their centers to show the edging on the cuts and the only one it really works for is the Ruby because of the majority of the icon is red and the outline blends more against it. A few of the tomes feel either too contrast-y or not contrast-y enough - the middle to later Light tomes seem like they have too much of a gap between the shades, in my humble opinion.

Thanks, I'll address this in the gems, though I think it'll be a bit difficult with the sapphire.

Thanks for your input!

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Um, I don't know what you're talking about....

I'll fix these, though I really don't like making hafts be pixels wide since the end ends up being kinda slanted.

The Swordreaver is is actually a rectangular blade, like so: http://images.wikia.com/shamanking/en/images/archive/8/8a/20090405093841!Eliza.jpg

Could you tell me what legendary weapons need work?

Thanks, I'll address this in the gems, though I think it'll be a bit difficult with the sapphire.

Thanks for your input!

Soul Calibur sword from Soul Calibur II

While I can certainly agree that the extra width makes the ends of the hafts look angular, at 1x zoom, it's really not that noticeable, especially when you've got the a dark(er) shade running the length of one of the two "columns" - it almost makes it look like it's still "one pixel wide", just with added depth to it.

For the Swordreaver, perhaps choosing a different "color" (other than steel/metal) to the part holding the blade as in the reference picture might be a "solution"? Granted, I'm not looking at an inventory screen with the icon, name, and R-Button tooltip description available, so I could only go off what I can see, so perhaps the design wouldn't have confused me as such with all of that information available. Without it, my mind wouldn't even jump to something that looks like a polearm crossed with a (shaving) razor.

As for the legendaries:

The first sword - short hilt+guard and long blade, plus I'm not really sure what's up with the metal coming off of the blade

The center lance - is it actually even a spear? the design/shading doesn't really make it clear that it even has a spear tip

The first axe - love the axe head, not too keen on the haft changing size as it gets further away from the blades or that it's one pixel wide at all

The second axe - would probably help to have a reference image here; as it stands, it's square (though I imagine intentionally so), the blades are different lengths (not sure if intentional or just a side-effect of the haft being two pixels wide), and the open gap between the "left" blade and the haft kinda looks odd with a non-outline color being right up against the it (though, there really isn't a solution for that)

The fourth axe - proportionally, I feel like the top of the polearm is oversized for the width and length of its shaft (though, moving the axe head part diagonally one pixel down and to the left might adjust for this enough)

and the fifth axe - a very odd axe blade length; I imagine that swinging it would be quite challenging in regards to not slicing up the wielder's arms...

For the Sapphire (and the other gems too, really), perhaps one method of reducing the dark outline color would be to "up the brightness" of the gems? By that, I mean using more of the brighter colors across the gems' faces instead of the amounts of darker shades. For instance, diamonds are usually "clear" to the point that light will make them shimmer, so I feel that it would be more natural for there to be more than only 3 (248, 248, 248) pixels in the entire icon. With a brighter icon, you can use some of the colors like the dark grey or the dark blue-grey or even the brown as the cut lines instead of the black or purple outlines.

I also might suggest using the lighter blue-grey color in addition to the light green for the Sapphire to help brighten it up in places and possibly help push out the outline colors from being used as the cut lines.

If you'd like more suggestions or C/C, just drop me a line. :]

My man you got some awesome icons there.

Are they free to use?

While I can't (and won't) definitively speak for GabrielKnight, common sense would say that considering that Alfred Kamon is using them in his hack and he (GabrielKnight) didn't mention that they were available for use...

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I can't edit any sprites just yet (because my normal pc is down), yes, all my icons are free to use, edit, do whatever with.

Except these

fMPEy69.png (and the big eye)

Because those are for Alfred's hack.

And yes, I know about Soul Calibur. It's one of my favorite series. I was playing around when i denied it.

Edited by GabrielKnight
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Posted · Hidden by Shuuda, January 3, 2014 - Spam
Hidden by Shuuda, January 3, 2014 - Spam

*leans back in fancy swivel chair* do you have anything to offer this company aside from these "icons"?

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Posted (edited) · Hidden by Shuuda, January 3, 2014 - Spam
Hidden by Shuuda, January 3, 2014 - Spam


can you make me a MUG of coffee?

if you catch my drift

Edited by Brendor the Hungry
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Posted · Hidden by Shuuda, January 3, 2014 - Spam
Hidden by Shuuda, January 3, 2014 - Spam

why disappointment? :(:

I'll PM you... I mean call you in later after my conference with corporate

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