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Fateborn Who Can't Sprite


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Just popping in to say I'm impressed at how well you are taking the critique from these forum users~

And of course, they are always... unspecific as usual~

While I will try contribute, I am also bad at critiquing because I am not the best at spotting things that don't look right as most others seem to be x3 (Also I talk too much)

The main thing with the hair that I see that looks pretty bad is this part here

EDIT: Oops looks like you already got rid of that part... guess that's what I get for making such a long response~

Also I think it would probably be best for all tips of the hair (well in that type of style) to end in 1 pixel width because otherwise it looks like the tip just got chopped off (soooo if the hair were actually supposed to be in that style then of course it wouldn't need to end in 1 pixel width =3)

And in the zoomed in part I just linked I see a strand there that looks kinda goofy with the 2-pixel width

The other goofy looking strand though is the one that has too much hair only 1 pixel wide. It's in his bangs and it's the bigger part that's coming right down the middle of his forehead. That just makes it look a little too jagged instead.

Shading around that part (and many other parts) is super light too. There's usually more shading in FE sprites than that.

------------------------------------------------------------ (maybe dividers will help? =D)

As for the cloak, I don't have too much to say on that... maybe that there's usually more use of the darkest shade than what you have. Mostly it really needs some of it along the outline. There should also be more of it used in the part of the cloak around the shoulder armour area.


The collar shape looks a little silly. I would think if the collars are going to meet they should point inward and one side is curving outward. They can sorta do that sometimes but I think you should lessen that since usually I think they would do that if the collars are super wide and loose


There are a few sections that look a bit weird in shape.

This one's a little subtle to see, but I'll mark it up anyway~

First is what it looks like from the shading and second is what I think you should try aiming for!


And here are a couple other spots


I figure they're easier to see when pointed out x3 But usually what I do is mess around with shading until a jagged part looks smoother


That's all I see for now but let me say again I am impressed that you don't get angry at the critique you receive here x3 That usually means that you'll be better than other newer members/spriters at improving because you persevere~

Edited by Freohr Datia
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I'm TOO relaxed to get angry unless it's pretty offensive in a certain way.

Thanks for these pointers, I'll go see what I can do. =)

I guess this is okay?


I used both FE7 and FE8 mugs to splice around along with FE6 for some base model or necessary add-on.

So there was BOUND to be some mistakes because of how different FE8 shading is from FE7

For example the old version of cloak was from Oscar in FE8 until I added Merchant from FE7's cloak to it.

SHIT i forgot to do the scarf fix at the bottom.

Okay replaced the fix now.

Fun fact!

I used a female model to make me. (googling the name) It's Brunya

Came out VERY well as male one.

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A little older than that, but yeah.

eleven year olds don't make good longbowmen



what the fuck

have you ever heard of back strength

i don't think eleven year old girls make a good source of abundant back strength

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Rebecca and Neimi


I never said she was eleven, I said she was bit older. So... she's not eleven.

Oh btw, there are A LOT of little girls practicing archery even now.

I've met an eleven years old girl that can hit a target about a meter away.

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Rebecca and Neimi

Are not positive examples.


I never said she was eleven, I said she was bit older. So... she's not eleven.

So she's thirteen. OH MAN YOU SHOWED ME

Oh btw, there are A LOT of little girls practicing archery even now.

With bows made of yew, with a 200-pound draw?

I've met an eleven years old girl that can hit a target about a meter away.


oh god, you're precious, you are

a metre away is less distance than a man can swing with even a short sword

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Who said the bows was made of Yew in FE?

And I was making rough estimate of METERS not metre which is your fail right there.

And as I recall, a sword can't reach a meter distance. But would it makes you feels better if it was about a third of a mile?

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I'm a fully grown (albeit skinny) woman, and I have enough problems drawing a short bow.

Then again, this is also the same place where corpse soldiers exist, so I'd say realism has been thrown out of a forty-story window.

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Who said the bows was made of Yew in FE?

So you're saying they're made of fibreglass?

And I was making rough estimate of METERS not metre which is your fail right there.

I cannot believe you are this stupid. Are you real? Are you a fairy princess come to take me to Heaven?

And as I recall, a sword can't reach a meter distance.

Generally I hold swords in my arm. ~90cm sword, as is an average arming sword? Well, do you think your arm is more than 10 cm?

But would it makes you feels better if it was about a third of a mile?

Unless it's with a proper mediaeval longbow, no. I'd also call you a liar. A third of a mile is 587 yards, rounded up. From Wikipedia;

'The range of the medieval weapon is not accurately known, with estimates from 165 to 228 m (180 to 249 yds). Modern longbows have a useful range up to 180 m (200 yd). A 667 N (150 lbf) Mary Rose replica longbow was able to shoot a 53.6 g (1.9 oz) arrow 328 m (360 yd) and a 95.9 g (3.3 oz) a distance of 249.9 m (272 yd).[23] A flight arrow of a professional archer of Edward III's time would reach 400 yds. It is also well known that no practice range was allowed to be less than 220 yds by order of Henry VIII.[24]'

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I'm a fully grown (albeit skinny) woman, and I have enough problems drawing a short bow.

Then again, this is also the same place where corpse soldiers exist, so I'd say realism has been thrown out of a forty-story window.

I'm a fragile man too, I have about the similar problem as you. I have this metal short bow that just hates to be pulled. It'd try to sling me with the string and send me flying.

And thank you!

No realism in FE, why do I bothers?

I'll just let this angry bearded man talk about logic when frankly it doesn't exist in games.

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Suspension of disbelief, you idiot! It's a basic dramatic principle! You never totally pull the carpet from under the audience with dumb stunts like this!


I still can't believe you didn't know what a metre was.

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Because I'm not a math student anymore.

Take it out of you. Just let it out. Get calm. Seriously, you're going to post something you'll regret.

I don't make everything be realism, just understand that.

Edited by Ubel Engel
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Enough squabble.

Furet, if he wants to make an 11 year old or a 13 year old or even an 86 year old archer then he can. It's his characters, his game, and his decisions. If you don't agree with them then please try to respect them.

Back on topic people! This is the first and final warning.

eCut ~

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Thanks eCut. =3=

Now...what do I make next for another character...

I have an archer, cleric, swordswoman, shaman, phantom fighter, and a wandering merchant that also formula tactics

...I guess a lance gentleman. Or anyone else has an idea? (No I don't need a Jeigan, already have one in a sense......maybe....nah)

Note, though it might be obvious... I'll remake some of the mugs to make up for their lack of uniqueness. I dunno about Louise mug, i like the palette too much :(

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(I'll make cavaliers later, but not necessary for the first stage at least)

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Page 2 of this topic made me lol so hard.

You're improving keep it up.

I particularly like the silver-haired female mercenary.

I'll remake her mug evenutally

Not to mention her shoulder armor looks funny to me.

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It looks more like a dress than an armor to me.

Also I thought that the shoulder was part of her dress.

Which isn't a bad thing because it looks cool like that.

/ also she looks like a princess, a priestess or a noble rather than a mercenary.

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...Just found a new reason to hate myself now.

When I'm done with her new mug. I'll name her after you! Kamon! *Actually I'll make it Kanon since Kamon sounds male.*

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I'm in a stump with two mugs ideas...

I can't decide how to proceed with the splice mugs for the character I wants. I'll post the images. One is lancer, and another is nomad.


Wanted to start Fir and works off. But... creative be lacking.



Wanted to start with Isodara and work down, but... I'm not creative atm.


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Why shouldn't I? lol

This way I can make her more unique than... cheap knockoff of Isodara. I did this for major of my mugs...mostly. Then again, most of the mugs only used color palette... so this is a first. It's pretty likely I'm not going to use some of them, but better safe than sorry.

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I say all the power to you, as long as you have a clear image of what you're doing. I mean, I made an 11-part splice before. It wasn't good, but I made it.

You should consider altering the Nomad color scheme. The hair shades have a horrid contrast with one another.

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