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So 'bout 'dat end of the world?


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I didn't really believe the world would end.

I mean, I feel that I would be able to achieve some great things before I died and since I have not achieved anything yet, I could not die yet.

(((((I know, I'm stupid and lame, but lol.)))))

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Amusingly, while watching the morning news there was this segment with this guy saying how it was actually the 23rd, not the 21st.

So guys, we've been wrong ALL this time, it won't be until Sunday rolls in.

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That's a face with a long, thin nose



Baby, you know you wants it.

So, only seven and half hours left until the official doomsday is over.

Edited by Ubel Engel
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Eh, when next year comes and that Solar Storm shenanigans do knock out our electricity for a few months (perhaps years depending how bad it may be), it will be a metaphorical end of the world for... pretty much a lot if the worst-case scenario happens.

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