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ASM Condition That Checks if All Fielded Ally Units Dead


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Heeeey everyone.

Anyone interested in an ASM code that applies Hector Hard Mode bonuses without requiring Hector Hard Mode?

Sure. Can you change the amount of the bonus? (It works by giving bonus level-ups internally, right?)

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Sure. Can you change the amount of the bonus? (It works by giving bonus level-ups internally, right?)

Well, the thing is, I don't know how to make this bonus apply yet.

A few obstacles come to mind. Particularly, I need to learn how to "waste" RNs the way the game does it. If I don't do this, I can't apply the same slight randomness the game usually has for stats.

Next thing is that I need to find a way to identify the Chapter ID, so that I can make the game apply the bonus levels that you set in the chapter data editor (Yes, you set the hector hard mode level bonus in that!).

There are probably other issues, but those are the key ones off the top of my head.

If I get both, I might also go ahead and make a code that forces enemies to use their character growths rather than class growths. Would be pretty interesting if you want to make an enemy team that specializes in specific stats, but have different classes.

Edited by MarkyJoe1990
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Hector Hard Mode Hack - just forces the mode to be Hector Hard Mode, the idea being that one can then use the "bonus levels" feature in the Chapter Data Editor.

is there a particular disadvantage to secretly setting the game to HHM? otherwise i don't really see the point no offense, your work though, you can do w/e u want

There are instructions but it's really easy if you know how to hex edit (which IMO is a relatively basic skill that should be covered in the Ultimate Tutorial if you haven't gotten to learning it yet)

Pretty much for the HHM hack you copy/paste the code somewhere and then in the events you write


Where "0xOFFSET" is the offset you put the hack (so you add one to that offset). It'll silently and invisibly work its magic. smile.gif

Here's the download: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/8875056/hacking/asm/Hector%20Hard%20Mode%20Hack.zip

The actual hex code is in the ".dmp" file, the .asm file is the source and the other file is just some file for the assembler, don't worry about it. So open up the .dmp file in a hex editor like HxD, copy the hex, paste it (not paste insert, but paste write) into free space, and then in your events use the above code as I mentioned to make it activate. Then the game will go into HHM.

Edited by Burning Gravity
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Well, that's a starting point for tracing how the code works, I guess. If you want it to "waste RNs" then probably what you want to do is find the function that actually applies the bonuses as it stands, and call it. I'm pretty sure the reason RNs get used is because it's actually simulating the level-up process internally.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Where'd you get the "0x0202BD50 @Loads start of character ID pointer offset"

Is there a map of FE7's RAM that google won't show me >.<?

Go to Gamefaqs and look at the codebreaker stuff. Hopefully you can figure it out from there, but I'll explain more if you still have trouble.

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or you can learn how to read the fucking doc

like actually am i the only person here who actually uses this thing to get useful information?


barring that there's always the ability to open up VBA's memory viewer and to find this stuff manually

Edited by CT075
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Oh cool. Thanks for that link to... the akashic records. I'll definitely be using that a lot... especially the RAM stuff folder :P.

Edit: what assembler for THUMB would you recommend using?

Edited by Crazycolorz5
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barring that there's always the ability to open up VBA's memory viewer and to find this stuff manually

This is hard if you don't know what byte-patterns you're looking for (and it's not always obvious, like IIRC the stats in the player struct are not in the same order that they display on screen). When things were originally found it was by people who could actually like disassemble ASM and set breakpoints and stuff.

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or you can learn how to read the fucking doc

like actually am i the only person here who actually uses this thing to get useful information?


barring that there's always the ability to open up VBA's memory viewer and to find this stuff manually

rage moarI do

I even use your doc, good stuff in there

it's definitely a pain to have to search through dozens of folders and files and stuff for info but meh life XD

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I didn't say that you linked to your doc

I said that I even use it XP

since it's mostly ASM stuff in there I don't think anyone who isn't dealing with ASM would have much to do in there no offense

but anyhow there is plenty useful in there, I learned most of my ASM (which btw is still only basic but meh) by stealing from the game, Hex, you, and most importantly, trial and error

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I learned most of my ASM (which btw is still only basic but meh) by stealing from the game, Hex, you, and most importantly, trial and error

Best way to learn programming languages, ASM included. Or at least how I plan on learning it. Just find a ton a scripts, figure out why everything works, then put together some crap.

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