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How does a tome become unusable in FE?

Gold Vanguard

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I dno why but I always imagined the spellbooks having just repeated words of the spell in it and each use would equal the word vanishing from the pages per use etc, or the page theory brought up earlier in the thread works too.

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Edit: I always assumed that the wording of the spell vanished from the page after it was used.

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IMO, the worn out 'blank books' make me think that they contain a something to channel magic that wears out with enough uses. Runes, text/ink, dragon blood, whatever, it gets worn out by enough spellcasting. What I'm more curious about is how long-range tomes are cheap but rare...

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Probably works like a battery.

The magic contained in the tome wears out as you keep using it.

This basically.

Because if you keep buying the same book, why not just memorize the spell if the spell caster is reading off the book? Unless the spell is that long that you need to flip through the whole book to command the magic but then the enemy would have fled or attacked you already.

Realism does not work with FE.

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I figure the spell books are a medium/focus.

Mages have to channel mana THROUGH the book and it picks up elemental properties from it. And that damages the book over time (like bombarding it with radiation in magic form) until it breaks.

Or maybe pages get ripped out and have to be consumed by the spell (e.g. needing the sigils in the book to activate, but the sigils get destroyed or something).

Edited by Prax
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In the OVA you see the words of Gharnef's spell leave the page and become his attack.

In FE4, 0 Use books are "Empty" books.

The ink on the pages is the physical component of the spell. Casting the spell eats up the ink. Cast it enough, and the book will be empty. Empty books can't be used to cast any more. Further evidence to this is Nino-- she can't read. She memorized spells cast by Sonia. So why does she need a tome to cast? Because she needs the physical component to cast the spell.

Taking it a step further, one might take a guess that perhaps the spell books (which are different from other books) are perhaps written in blood. Where's the basis? FE2. Mages cast from their life. One might fathom a guess that spells (which, looking at FE4 again, are "evil" in nature: Magic was what Lopt sect members used to take control of Jugdral the first time. They had mages, staves, etc. The peasantry and current Gran civilization did not-- all they had were melee fighters, who faced with an enemy that could use magic (with Healing included) it was a slaughter. Maira turned the use of Magic against the Lopt sect and his father-- and then the Dragons amplified it.) use life as their catalyst. Blood with a few herbs mixed in makes for a wonderful ink. (Note, it may not necessarily be human blood either. Is the magic checking?) Hell, it may be possible for any mage, with training to cast from their own- but most likely powerful "civilized" nations would likely see that practice as "barbaric" (especially, if tomes are written using say the blood of a food animal)... leaving Valencia as the only place in the world where that practice occurs, and it stopped occurring with the rise of say Renha and Sairi's country, etc. Or hell, perhaps even Camus started putting an end to it after FE2. Micaiah already knew innately how to carry out casting using herself as the component, but only how to do so with a healing spell-- she got this knowledge from the goddess directly. Her power was seen as unique, and it drew mixed opinions of her: Why? No one else had that skill, and that's why she couldn't hone it- she only knew what the goddess had put into her mind, and unlike the Valencians, couldn't be trained to learn how to perform that using other spells.

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