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Shattered Honour Chapter Six


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Tordel really couldn't afford much at this point, he had been hoping for some sort of amazing deal but there was no such luck. Instead, he head for the Hoof and Antler, he wasn't too keen on speaking with the higher ups.

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The Hoof and Antler is a curiously named pub run by a horrifically scarred but otherwise nondescript soldier. It's packed by people gossiping in various corners, conveniently separated by demographic. Four paladins chat over mulled wine in the far corner, twelve familiar-looking mercenaries play darts, some Baharese crossbowmen are arguing in the nearest table and common soldiers are all over the place.


Ser Randel secures your entry to the planning hall; the guards seem to recognise and respect her. The keep is a draughty, uncomfortable place with more murder holes than comfortable chairs. The generals are clustered around a grand map on a table in the planning room, heated by fireplaces. Earl Charagon's wife, a slim, fidgety woman serves them massive flagons of ale and massive legs of juicy meat, fresh from the spit. They barely pay her any attention, and you're given the same treatment.

Merry coughs politely, and one of the generals notices and shoves an elbow into those near her. Within a disorganised few seconds, all eyes in the room are on you.

"Miriam!" says Lord Randel at last, approaching and enveloping the young knight in an embrace. "How fare you?"

"Times have been tough, but workable. Your men are... chillingly competent warriors. We could use more like them in the rank-and-file." Merry smiles, uneasily, not wanting to say anything about the personal treachery paid her.

Randel nods. "Aye, they're a scruffy bunch but they get the job done." He eyes your ranks. "High turnover rate, I'll admit..."

"Carla?" asks Miriam, suddenly. "Is that you?"

Randel glances behind and looks at a tall, lean woman with a ponytail, who looks as though she's awkwardly trying to place names to faces. "... Yes!" she says, at last. "Miriam! I... remember you! Vividly!"

Merry slumps a little. "Oh, nevermind. We only spoke briefly, anyway, and it was some years ago. You were there when I was knighted."

Carla's eyes widen. "Oh... ! That's right, you were the one who passed out during the-"

"Anyway!" says Merry rapidly, "Um, let's see this map, shall we?"

"In time, Miriam, but first an introduction." Randel first points to a heavily-scarred, jowly man of about fifty-five years, biting his nails. "This is Earl Jason Charagon, my vassal. My generals... Merry's acquaintance is Carla Rye of the 3rd Legion, and some of you already know Joan Wycliffe of the 7th."

Joan inclines her head, briefly.

"These are Strephon Glaive of the 2nd," continues Randel, inclining a hand towards a gaunt figure with many recent scars, "and Pavel Caine of the 5th." Caine, a broad-shouldered, bald man with a massive brown beard. He adds, "General Waters of the 1st Legion is currently recovering from four arrows to the gut. In fact, you'll find many wounded of the 1st left behind here. They're safe enough."

Randel himself looks awfully pale and is... actually bleeding from the mouth a little, and maybe he's sort of rocking from side to side a little bit, but he's fine for now. He gestures towards you. "I shall take you to your guardhouse; ask me on the way. Miriam, the run of the castle is yours; I shall return in fifteen minutes." Randel puts a couple of fingers to his forehead, and the generals, Earl and daughter answer with salutes.

Two minutes' walk from the castle, Randel turns and asks, "So, what news?"

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Susan grimaced. That was a bit pricey… “Well, I suppose we can afford that… Here you are,” she said, handing over the money.

“They sound… awesome,” Airik said in response to the elephant explanation. He was imagining himself on a large, furry creature, covered in claws and teeth. A bit far from the truth perhaps, but he didn’t know that. He chuckled at the mention of being peaceful. “Yeah, of course you are,” he said, playing along. “Hey, you wouldn’t happen to know why the merchant prince is down here, would you?”

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Idir leans in. "I cannot say for certain, but... I think the Othidians may be withdrawing their legion. But last I heard, General Baudette refused to return! I cannot say what the current developments might be. All I know is it would be a disaster were Mahiir to die." The healer sighs.

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"Uh, yes, well. Ahem. We dealt with Rhagant, I'll let Jack fill you in on the details, but in short, there's a Dracian diplomat by the name of Kathanna who's pretty much willing to help give Dracian support to Tascara. Sir." Jordan still found himself incredibly awkward talking to officials.

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"Sixty crowns," says Dacey, hardly looking up from his work. You note, in frustration, that you have only forty.

Fuck. "Guess I'll have to settle for the scale armour then."

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More Othidian troops available was bad news for Tascara, really. Airik frowned. “I hope for our sakes that’s not the case,” he said quietly. Then a bit louder, “Anyway, thank you very much for the supplies and conversation. It was a pleasure meeting both of you.”

Susan had already finished packing away the medicines and bandages, so they began making their way back towards where most of the group would probably be ending up. Namely, the bar.

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Irene and Jack had followed Merry to the Keep. When Randel asked them for the news, Irene glanced quickly at Jack and then stepped forward. "We have good news, sir. Though talking with Baron Maradon and a diplomat from Dracia, we have gained alliances with both countries. They plan to join with us in the war." Jack added on, "Irene managed to rescue the diplomat from being imprisoned by Barron Errant, and as thanks, she promised the countries support."

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Randel nods. "Well, then, that is a development. Thank you for this information, I have no doubt it will prove most valuable. Perhaps, in favour, I might grant a boon... would the offer of a captaincy tempt you at all? You would be obliged to pick a sergeant as well, of course. But you would have all the authority of a Captain of Tascara, and rank alone will get you through many trials in life."

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Jack stared at Randel for a second and then answered, "Ah, yes my lord. Thank you my lord. I would be honored. I will not let you down. As for sergeant, I think I know the man. His name is Tordel. He is experienced and has a steady head on his shoulders. He will do well."

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Randel nods. "Give him your sigil, then, and take this." He hands you a small iron lion's head in a simple cloth loop. "Keep it well, and remember it gives you a taste of my authority. Speaking of my captains... Jacqui was thought dead until a message reached me. She tells me she's holed down in the slums of Martella somewhere, and Cathar's secret police are after her. She'll explain her purpose to you better than I can.

"Oh, and take this payment with you." Randel hands you a decent purse of money, twenty crowns for every man.

"What of my daughter? How does she fare?"

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"Your daughter was an amazing help, my lord," Irene said as Jack took the lion's head. "She was a wonderful leader and protected our group even when she risked her own life to do so. She was kind to all of us and has developed friendships with many of us. It was wonderful to have her with us."

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Lonathan chews a nail. "It might do... but then again, it might not. I've seen better workmanship from the slaves in Khalon. This bow's more reliable, this bow packs a better punch. Thirty crowns, either one."

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"Yes sir." Irene nodded. "She shows wonderful skill and potential as a leader. Should the need come for her to replace you, gods forbid, she would do an admirable job, I am sure." Jack nodded his agreement.

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Matthias also gets the sudden pulling sensation that this would be exactly enough to buy a cuirass.

Surely I can put off drinking for the sake of better armour right? A sober Matthias was not a pretty sight though.

This shit had better not just slowly rust away like my ringmail was. "Could I get anything out of dumping this old crap on you?" Hopefully even a few bonus coins would sustain his heavy drinking habit for long enough.

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Dacey gives a noncommittal shrug.


Booze, bread and board, as well as a few other things (like gambling) are covered under 'petty cash', which is an infinite abstract. It's where all your fallen companions' money goes, and the coinage of fallen enemies.

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