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Tales of Symphonia Mafia Ver. 1.0


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I'm actually the SK trolling. I'm quite confident I know the scumteam and have cracked open the game. Give me a second to write a contentpost.






reread time

Okay so there's some policy votes (a fuckton of them), one of which actually says "policy vote" in the fucking post.

Then bizzu is all

Thomas is like "wtf lady ##vote:you" for it, understandable

Levity retorts with some nonsense about her PE (which usually MN) and the policy votes continue. notably jb voted for iris because he's gay for her

Marth chimes in with some crappy logic for voting BBM and BBM points out how silly it is to be suspicious of someone without switching your throwaway vote to them. Bizz insists it wasn't a throwaway vote and that her reasons are "in her notes" (what notes, no one's made a meaningful post yet).

There's some back and forth with BBM, Bizz and Prims about how silly bizz is being and she says a lot of things like "prims omguses when he's scum" that are just contrived. Does he do that? No, because Prims is smart and will have stopped doing it by now if he ever did it before. These posts just look like "trying too hard", and not the newb!town kind. She even has to comment about Iris's miller claim like it's a big deal and more important than the only real conversation that had occurred in the thread prior. We see what Iris said you don't have to parrot her

When Helios returns he does what appears to me to be defending bizz shoddily (obv scumbuddies). Not sure why he had to bring attention to Iris again (other scumbuddy). Helios's reasoning for his vote is weak in general, describing typical town behaviour (indecisiveness is p town) as scummy and saying the stronger argument against bizz was weak so he could snipe marth. Not feeling the scorricrap either. Marth gets onto her for it


SB accuses Marth of coasting despite that Marth just did some scumhunting, but he makes an interesting point about scum not drawing attention to themselves early. Well that's too bad, drawing bizz's kind of attention to herself is either scummy or causing unnecessary infighting, and both hurt the town. Knock it off or dangle in the gallows. More importantly, the other defenses for it have been weaker than SB's simple note about attention drawing...and none of them came from Bizz.

Now JB points out what I('m gay) thought was immediately obvious - Helios voted for himself during RVS, so it was probably him just dicking around. I('m gay) would go so far as to say he really was dicking around, and that's why I'm (gay) suspicious of him later claiming he "did it to get a reaction". No you fuckin' didn't. You did it to dick around and then changed your mind about it when convenient.

Marth jumps on SB's shit for being terrible a bit after and I('m gay) have to agree so far.

Mancer spews some shit against Marth after that which isn't all that different from his weak play in the game we were just in, so I('m gay) have to chalk it up as BS for now. BS which was on SB's side. That's like a pun or something right? Mancer later accuses marth of "popping in and out" which, given how I've been playing, is just utter crap.

Everyone giving shit on Marth continues for a while and no one really contributes anything that would incriminate him except that he's "overreacting" to what is obviously bullshit to begin with.

Boron and SB have been the first to present votals, a typical "I'm (gay) totally town, look how nice I('m gay) am helping out with votals!" move that, admittedly, is usually sincere (unless I'm (gay) the one doing it :D)...but SB's timing is shit.

Regarding Shin's early activity, I'd guess he's new enough to not have a feel for the pace of SF mafia and simply didn't realize how late he was.

Iris says that the "marty wagon votes appear tacked on". When I('m gay) made my first post this was also how I('m gay) felt, and actually all the stuff in this post had been spinning in my head at the time though I('m gay) couldn't remember it clearly enough to write it all down. I'm (gay) good at absorbing information and getting reads on people and not so much at showing my work, which was the same problem I('m gay) always had in math class

Not sure why Iris didn't come back and edit her post to bold her vote. Something important like that probably would have been granted an exception by the host.

When elieson arrives, he makes some conclusions I('m gay) don't agree with, but does so with stronger evidence and detail than any other post in the game prior. He's clearly playing to win and is going to be a key player for whoever's side he's on. I('m gay) suggest we let him do his thing for a while and see if it benefits us in case he's a power townie.

BBM rips on CR for agreeing with mancer too easily, which is totally valid because agreeing with mancer is near impossible. He is just not an agreeable dude. In general, I've been getting town vibes from BBM and Marth and scummy feelings from the people targeting them.

To answer Bizz, my 3 people was actually an estimate because I('m gay) had been skimming. The people playing poorly are you, mancer and SB. CR as well, but yesterday I('m gay) had actually skipped over CR's posts since they didn't seem very contributory. Seems I('m gay) was right. Incidentally CR starts floundering a bit later. Oh better not vote for that marth guy I'll look scummy

Having played with j00 finally I('m gay) know he's a pretty rational dude, so it's not surprising he busted in ranting about how shitty the RVS was.

Nothing really interesting happens until Prims returns. He's playing pretty solid and I'd suggest paying attention to what he says as well, like with Eli. Since, you know, they're actually playing.


BBM puts a solid vote on Shin. All I('m gay) want to say about this is that if we decide on likely scum to vote for, we can't have our vote divided. I('m gay) don't think Shin is near scummy enough to warrant being voted for yet. I'd recommend voting for someone more flagrant. If you want to propose someone that isn't someone I('m gay) would agree with then you'll need to explain why they're so much worse, because at the moment I('m gay) see plenty of candidates scummier than Shin (granted, he's not doing so well for himself).

Some people have noticed that CR mentioned getting SK vibes. That does seem a bit ridiculous, like she might know something she shouldn't. Unlike trying to distract people with a miller claim by Iris, pointing out that CR mentioned an SK is actually worth paying attention to. Given that she's supposedly new I('m gay) can't imagine why she'd say something like that unless she's either in cahoots or is completely fumbling around. Actually, I('m gay) might have to retract my comment about her seeming smart, because she might be in general, but apparently not when it comes to mafia.

Marth catches bizz for being hypocritical about taking things seriously. One of many things she's done that indicate she's dripping with scum. He also points out that he has been giving opinions and people are simply ignoring them for the sake of giving him shit. HMMM why was I('m gay) one of the few people to even notice that? All the straw grasping was pretty obvious come on people

Helios raises an interesting point about the Shin vote by BBM; I('m gay) was saying that it was a shitty vote because it would likely divide the town, but if that was his intention then we have a real scumtell. no this does not mean I'll start being gay for helios, I('m gay) still think he's full of shit

. Disappointing. ANY discussion about the game can give reads. ANY OC, even if it's just saying "I'm (gay) playing to win", can affect the game, and you just admitted that it did. Host should punish this. I'm (gay) sick of host interference, and letting something like this slip isn't all that different from leading the players with weird questions and comments like Life did in OC basics. Yes, he basically told me Shinori and SB were the other scum team and I('m gay) refused to act on it. But yeah Shinori you should do something about the OC.

Anyway, fuck you BBM. Here are my reads I('m gay) have LOADS of them and did I('m gay) not tell you to be patient? get at me

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Starting with

because bizz is still making shit up and BBM apparently didn't get anything out of my post (what)

wrt to what you're saying to marth, if he scumhunts too hard in other directions he'll not only be missing the possible scum that are all over his nuts, but everyone would just get in his grill for trying to change the subject. Next you say he has no original content and then go on to point out his "attack on JB", who I('m gay) at least haven't even formed a negative opinion of. You just referenced original content of his right after saying he has none.

Also just to meta super hard because mafia is real life, marth and bbm don't strike me as brave enough to attempt pinning each other as scum even if the option had presented itself.

BBM I'm (gay) still leaning toward being town, and considering the possible scumtell you picked up on was...well, from you, it didn't mean much to me. I('m gay) clearly said that I('m gay) thought ScumB was trying to be sneaky by posting the votals when he did and I('m gay) wouldn't trust him as far as I('m gay) could throw him (and I'm (gay) kinda puny so that's not very far!)

I would say that yes, I('m gay) don't really agree with anything anyone has said against bbm or marth except that any anti-marth things BBM has said feel more genuine. Because he isn't dripping with scum in my eyes.

I'm (gay) always gay for prims. Eli too, but he's weird sometimes and it scares me. He's too new and different in my pants.

Everyone can keep insisting that I'm (gay) trying to piss off bizz, but it looks more the other way around to me. She's one of those people on SF who tries really hard to make everything I('m gay) say sound so terrible and has plenty of little girls around her to help out. The only place drama has in a mafia game is for being interpreted and manipulated, so if you're going to make the mistake of bringing it here then I'm (gay) going to use it for what it's for. Reading your scumshield for what it is and rallying against you.

So yeah, you're accusing me of trying to anger someone to get them to slip, which not only isn't even remotely close to what I've been doing, but is an accusation coming from someone scummy to begin with (defending someone with weak arguments is scummy and town reading someone is defending them).

if you're not a host and you post votals then I'll assume you're playing. I('m gay) can't ever remember people who are playing by looking at the player list. I('m gay) have to get some ideas of who they are in-game and then remember who's playing based on noteworthy things they have (or haven't, if I('m gay) catch someone lurking) done.

Eli if I'm (gay) shitting on someone "indirectly" then you might as well just interpret that as me directly saying they're scum. Insisting I'm (gay) posting a lot without really saying anything is what the other scum are doing and it's not gonna work. Either read my posts and interpret them or get called out for ignoring valid points at your convenience (obvscum). YES FOR THE MORONS READING THIS I('m gay) AM SAYING ELI FUCKED UP I('m gay) don't know why I('m gay) have to blatantly say these things. People don't go from being apparently town to apparently mafia, there's a fucking gradient. Bizz for example has scumslipped like crazy and Eli's done this one thing that, granted, might have just been a mistake from having a lot of shit to sift through in my post. I('m gay) don't explicitly say things like "I think Eli is scum because X" like Bizz does because there's some uncertainty involved (duh) and it's better to tier people you're suspicious of rather than deciding to believe they're in a particular faction.

With that said here's my tier list, from most scum to least

12. Levy (can't get her shit together)

7. SB (can't get levity's shit together)

10. Seregil (can't get her shit together)

13. Mancer (can't get his shit together)

9. Shin (can't be fucked to make a real post)

14. Scorri (similar to Helios, but she's sneaking around more too)

8. Helios (said some disagreeable things, appears to be "missing" details when convenient)

6. Shatter (JB is always mafia. always. okay actually I'm (gay) just putting him here in the middle as a gut feeling thing because of how fickle he's being)

3. Prims (Smart guy. Perhaps TOO smart. Has some solid posts, but they're dispersed like he's taking his time to keep them clean)

5. Iris (Lieris is hiding behind her phone a lot)

4. BBM (Not playing so well, but it seems more like he's a victim than a problem)

1. Elie (future husband)

11. Joo (town bad ass (yes I'm (gay) biased because of OC basics, whatever))

15. Marth (kind of a dork, definitely a shepherd. Seriously, they're all over him)

2. Obviam [derp]

People insisted that's what I('m gay) did and lost their shit over it. Most of the people I('m gay) quoted who said something I('m gay) supported had actually done so well after I('m gay) had formed my thoughts, which I('m gay) had pretty much done by the time I('m gay) first posted. Naturally people ignore how long it takes to post posts like these because it would inconvenience their pitiful argument of "oh he voted without posting an info dump, he must not have a good reason". I('m gay) had more than all of you play the game

I'm (gay) right here

get at me

That wasn't an argument against meta, that was an argument against her meta with my own. Swing and a miss.

I think the people with votes on them are town and if we switch to voting someone who's actually suspicious then I'm (gay) ahead of the game, so deal with it


What is there to explain? Everyone was making shitty votes so it looked like extended RVS from the perspective of someone who had just stepped in.

Why does anyone disdain a wagon? Because it's full of sheep.

Except I('m gay) did read the thread, lol

How is it anti-town to point out the people who are playing smart and suggest we keep an eye on them (which, by the way, is the opposite of telling people to blindly follow them)? Most of your scumslips are intentional misunderstandings and you're not helping your case. The point of that post was to make it apparent that they are the players I('m gay) feel are likely going to determine the outcome of the game and that determining their alliance should take priority. If you think that entails blindly following them then I'll have to note that as another misconception you have about mafia that seems to be interfering with your ability to trace logic.

Statistically the odds of lynching mafia day 1 are extremely low, and a large part of that is because the odds of people having accurate reads that soon are extremely low. Ergo the people who are probably actually scum aren't the people at the top of the votals (who, by the way, have had more than one person note that they're being sheeped). So yes, it's important to note that lurkers should be considered, and I'd have reviewed them then but as has been indicated I('m gay) wasn't familiar with the player list (SORRY BORON OOPS).

If you look at my tier list now though you can see JB among others is higher up than he would be because he seems to be sneaking around.

That was because Thomas had been spying on me reading the thread when I('m gay) first got here and then ushered me again later in a similar situation. The way he's been addressing me doesn't leave you with a bad taste, but the way I've retorted apparently does because it came from me, and "oh my god everything aleph says is wrong and bullshit", right?

It's weird for me to be persistent against someone who appears more anti-town than anyone else? You're being persistent against me too, doing so poorly and to top it off you've had people defend you either directly or indirectly by focusing attention on marth or BBM using similarly poor arguments. You all just look like one big scumgroup to me. But yeah scumhunting is totally weird, I'll stop doing that and lose on purpose for you.

dat hypocrisy

Here's an important concept. CR's pretty up there on my list because of how she jerked when she was caught sheeping, but she appears to be playing as a genuinely new player, so regardless of her faction she has limited power and isn't very threatening. Cue Bizz with some crap about how I've said this without suggesting people worth paying more attention to even though I('m gay) did

That's not really how mafurs works. Also I('m gay) was killed n0 in the first game SF even had so fuck you

Dodging CR's unexpectedly valid question of why he's so sure she's noob!town. Speaking of which, being unexpectedly valid after making a few screw ups is either a new player improving quickly or a poor player trying to recover from mistakes.

Asking for a opinions a lot lately, huh? Where are yours? Remember what I('m gay) did to you in OC basics? Remember what happened just a few days ago? You're doing it right now.

I don't either; in my case I'm (gay) actually just channeling the ghost of a much better mafia player

you can have the typical "lern2read" response

Speaking of reading I('m gay) actually do read every post (at some point) and Bizz said something that reminded me of Helios blatantly claiming his almost unconditional belief in Iris's miller claim. No one should feel that certain about anything at this stage. I('m gay) wouldn't bet money that even the people at the top of my scum list will flip that way, but then again I('m gay) don't take shitty bets in general and I've proven in the past that I('m gay) can really misread people as town.

not really

In fact I'd say his votals were poorly placed as well, like he's trying too hard. Really, I('m gay) have the impression that townies post votals when they've gathered them not for the convenience of others, but for the convenience of themselves, after which they post their thoughts on those votals in the same post instead of posting just the votals and leaving.


It's okay I('m gay) think bizz is pretty cute too when she's not being mean to me.

Here's something I('m gay) wouldn't have known since I('m gay) haven't played with Marth before (or recently, anyway). It's a shame, but it's true that knowing people from past games improves your ability to read them. However, I'd more agree with prims at this point that you're trying too hard to get a claim out of him.

Wait what

Why would people want to distance themselves from you when you flip unless you're mafia

skimvibes are usually pretty valid; you process a lot of things subconsciously and come to conclusions your conscious self would second guess based on irrelevant details. Then you later punch yourself for "being right the first time" and regret your decision. Obviously you shouldn't rely on skimvibes, but I('m gay) usually go by those first and then check if they're valid with a reread. Worst case you're completely wrong and learn what you can improve about your thought process, which you can't really pin down if your thoughts are jumping all over due to "he said this, but wait, she said that, but then again he also said this".

You're going to hate how I('m gay) play, that should be pretty clear. I('m gay) push the limits of indecency because I('m gay) play the best I('m gay) can for whatever team I'm (gay) on. I('m gay) once got someone banned from playing mafia because he was my team mate and I('m gay) threw him under the bus with perfectly valid arguments to get out of being lynched myself. I('m gay) believed my role was more important to my team and that the town cred I('m gay) would get from it would keep us alive. He threw a fit and outed that I('m gay) was mafia and was banned for a month. If he'd just taken a dive our team would have had double night kills and won easily. You can complain that it ruins the fun of the game, but so does dealing with people being butthurt over people playing too well for them to handle.

I play with respect for the game. I('m gay) feel it's worth the time and effort to try to win and that's why I('m gay) believe the rules against OC in a NOC game should be enforced, even over the slightest infraction. I'd feel a modkill is too extreme, but Shinori should at least acknowledge that it's bullshit. This same respect causes me to pour effort into winning in innovative ways, even if people will bitch and complain about them (they always do). Oh well, you can't say I('m gay) didn't try. After all that, I('m gay) have no strategy involving irritating Bizz. Not once was that ever considered. I('m gay) think she's a nice lady and don't see any gain from irritating her. She's irritated because she wants to be. I'm (gay) not going to stop calling her out for scumslips and let her get away with them just because she's irritated by it. This is a forum game, and what happens in it is going to stay in it as far as I'm (gay) concerned. If you don't feel that way...get the fuck out of the game.

Sheeping what now? I('m gay) accused you of sheeping buddy. Try again?

That's called banter, and it's what people who don't take the game way too seriously do. You all could learn something from it

Not all noob!scum play the same. Smart noob!scum probably try to coast. CR's being flaky though so she's probably not that type of player.

so yeah, you need to work on your communication skills. This was a really shitty post.

Okay I('m gay) just caught up and I'm (gay) seeing some ridiculous shit. BBM had that weird thing about people distancing from him and now he's claiming a scary role to make people piss themselves into not voting for him. Helios and Prims busted in and got a claim out of j00 and I'm (gay) going to call BBM's bluff.

I'm (gay) going to correctly guess that everyone's infatuation with bizz is helping them ignore her poor play.

This looks like grasping. Whatever multi faction split of 15 players there is that has 10 townies is probably shit, and I'm (gay) pretty sure j00 would know better than to out something like this if he knew it to be fact. It would have no function for him even as WIFOM if he were scum and it looks more like he's really just in the dark. We all agree 10:5 is pretty shitty too.

He also posted this before he saw your retort, like he was still legitimately working out the possibilities in his head.

scum + skimming = scumming

Quit scumming up the thread Helios.

Even average mafia players know enough to keep new players on their team in line. The fact that we see CR floundering around at all means she's either legitimately alone or really crafty, and I('m gay) lean toward the former. However, she still played really screwy and I'm (gay) wondering if maybe it's 10/4/1.

Also important, but specifically relating it back to the j00/prims argument, j00 will have implied a successful doctoring if he were giving a scum perspective. That would just be awful play, and also not something I'd expect him to do even considering WIFOM. I('m gay) suppose it's always possible prims and j00 are allies distancing from each other, though.

Usually see the opposite myself, since townies traditionally don't know anything for certain.

Regarding your comments about claiming, though, I('m gay) wholeheartedly agree. Claiming is not something that is necessarily good for town, and I('m gay) was raised to win games by treating claiming as a taboo even for townies, even in OC games. Leaking your power role just lets the mafia know you're ready to die. A lot of you made that horrible mistake in OC Basics just a bit ago.

With that said, trying to coerce claims from people is really scummy in a game without an obvious town leader. Even then I('m gay) would say that it's still pretty scummy, especially since town leaders can secretly be puppetmaster!mafia - see Unicycle.

That sounds familiar oh I('m gay) did that to Bizz now I('m gay) remember

Difference being I('m gay) had evidence of her hypocrisy and all you have are generalizations.

IIRC because you coerced it out of him, and incidentally I('m gay) both noted how scummy that is just above, and a bit further above that we see that BBM is dead HMMMM

Yes you never waffled voting for someone you know is town how professional

I refer to my earlier comment about how town are by definition MORE likely to waffle. I('m gay) need to start paying attention to people who bring up this waffling crap and see if I('m gay) can derive some meta from it, because it looks like an easy way to scumhunt here on SF. You and Marth both must have some really atypical experiences unless you only play with badkids.

just in time for your opponent to conveniently be dead

I do give you points for

though. Someone aside from me needed to say that.

Though now it looks more like you're the one who's trying to gain towncred by mentioning scum!SB. Does your ScumBuddy appreciate that?

If god exists it's not like he would necessarily show up and start talking to everyone. I('m gay) won't make this into a religious debate, but you're using the same unprovable argument atheists poke holes in all the time. It's not disproved so it must be true?

You make it sound like that's all he's done. This has been your argument in general, but we've seen that's not the case. Yeah, he's playing weak - you're smothering his attempts to get out of the rut.

"Hey town does this count? Can I('m gay) feed you bullshit this way too or should I('m gay) try different bullshit?"

I still see the word "meta" being tossed around abusively. Let me just take the time to point out that all mafia is meta anyway because that's the only way to cut through all the foggy WIFOM that makes the game so damn tricky. Arguing about people using too much or too little meta is just stupid, and meta in itself because it's a veil for not having a real argument.

You're all throwing around the word "tunneling" too. The game is about catching scum, not slinging buzzwords. Play the damn game, it's getting old sifting through this.

Actually, we should just put a ban on using certain words because it's getting out of hand.

Waffling, tunneling, meta, WIFOM, handwaving, probably some others

Now look at this post.

- It looks to me like he didn't have a read on JB at a time much earlier in the game from when he got onto you for not having one. Dat grasing.

- Most of the buzzwords you're accusing him of spamming...when I('m gay) made my list above just now, I('m gay) got those words from YOUR posts...yes, posts, as in not just the one I('m gay) linked to with your own buzzword lists, but actual usages of the words. By YOU. They look pretty thrown in there.

- All the other stuff you said is mostly just "he has no strong arguments and is focused on defending himself" which is a really tired load about now. You've caught him saying some contradictory things, but all of your examples make him look like he's stupid, not like he's scum. There are plenty of hypocritical things you've said that look more scummy than him.


It looks like people are catching on to the sneaking around SB and JB have been doing. My Helios feeling has grown more negative and I'd be down for a Helios > JB > SB myself, so ##Unvote:, ##Vote: Prims for now.

JB's been playing particularly shitty, and while I('m gay) think SB's got it worse, I'm (gay) more afraid of JB being scum. That said, Helios is clearly more active and therefore more in control, which is more dangerous if he's scum than JB or SB.

After those three I'd probably go after Prims because of what I('m gay) said earlier - I('m gay) have kind of a gut read on him just for being really solid with his posts yet with great intervals between them, like he's being really safe...and despite that I've seen some scummy things in his posts, particularly the shorter ones he didn't try as hard with. He makes believable cases for his thoughts, but it seems like he's avoiding the more relevant issues like this big thing between Marth and Helios. I('m gay) guess I('m gay) can't really blame him for that though, since it was a headache to read through and offering scumhunting of other players is like a breath of fresh air.

Also, where is Eli? He had a lot to say a bit ago and now he's gone? Maybe it's because of the holidays. He's an impoverished family man IIRC so he's probably busier than most of us.

Finally, I('m gay) just want everyone to know that prims is still gay.

SB, do you really need to litter the thread with posts about how you can't make a real post yet? When I('m gay) ditch SF to play PSO all day I('m gay) just do it. I('m gay) don't care what people think about my absence because I('m gay) have more interesting things to do. Why are you so worried about letting people know about your personal issues with playing the game unless you're afraid of them forming an accurate and negative opinion about your alignment?

RE: Strawman - forgot he was in the game because he was subbed in and then never said anything. Actually does very poorly for his case considering what Bizz did before she left. Fanatic and self contradictory followed by complete absence?

Speaking of self contradictory, Helios is still masterful at it. I('m gay) will give him this though: Marth has been saying a lot of things lately that indicate he's okay lynching for info over lynching for scum, and I've said before that the SK!CR read is too weak to risk. When it was solely just Helios tunneling him into what appeared to be an incoherent blob, he looked like an idiot who was exasperated town, but now he seems to be more confident and prone to spewing things he shouldn't say. Who cares if it's MYLO or not? We still need to lynch scum. If it's not MYLO now it will be later if we fuck up.

Baldric replaced Iris, who seemed buddy with Helios based on Helios's supposed read of her. Now Baldrick seems to agree with Helios a lot and they still appear like a scum team to me.

JB seems to have disappeared again, particularly more so now that he's been under the spotlight.

That string of posts by Mancer was awful. He's actually pretty hard to read because he's so full of shit that he just appears scummy naturally. However, while it was ridiculous watching Marth and Helios be the only people posting for a while...being the only person posting by himself so he could switch his votes around like crazy and then dump hard on the random target he finally settled on just screams that he's mafia.

Looks like Helios, SB, Baldrick, Mancer, Straw and JB are the scummy lot based on their subtle and not so subtle coordination. If there's only 4 scum, I'd drop JB just because he's fairly detached from them. That could be a ruse but it looks genuine. With JB's behaviour being as tacky as it is though I'd just as easily swap him and Mancer in a 4 scum estimate based on the fact that Mancer's possibly just an idiot. Well he's definitely an idiot, but he might not be a scum idiot. As for the other drop, I('m gay) won't forego the possibility that Bizz and Straw were/are exhibiting really shitty town play and that my initial read was off, but for a 4 person guess I('m gay) could still go with Helios, SB, Baldrick and Strawman. For 5 I'd put back JB for playing similarly to how Iris was, because scum!Mancer is unusually obvious. Not uncharacteristic, just unusual.

Baldrick, I('m gay) tried not to use a load of annoying words in my post for everyone's sake, because they really are getting annoying at this point. You can contrive that I('m gay) used those words before saying I('m gay) was tired of them as a pitiful attempt to attack me, but you'd be disregarding that I('m gay) wasn't as bad about it and that the words weren't saturating everyone's posts nearly as much until around then. I've played a handful of games on SF and none of them have been that repetitive with their diction as the posts in this game. We need to spruce up our vocabulary so it doesn't feel like people are saying the same shit over and over and not really getting us anywhere.

Speaking of which, how many people have actually changed their opinions over the course of the game? A few of you seem conveniently adamant to disregard new material, even going as far as claiming there isn't any, so that you don't have to work hard to present a better case than the crap you have when it turns out we may have been going in the wrong direction. While we're on the subject I'd like to update my reads on j00, scorri and CR since I('m gay) haven't given my thoughts on them in a while.

j00 still appears to me like he's town, with the same people I'd suspected of trying to sheep Marth picking at him with twisted misreads. You want to talk about misrepresentation, go look in the mirror.

scorri appears to be a very observant townie, piecing together things people have overlooked and presenting strong cases that appear authentic rather than carefully woven (like what I('m gay) accused Prims of doing earlier; where is Prims anyway?). More specifically she also seems to be in a position where the role actions gave her information most everyone else seems to have missed out on, given that no one else has really said anything about the night. She introduced that information into the thread for the town to digest and is generally being more helpful while saying much less. Regarding that there's apparently a redirect, I'll reiterate that it's important not to give up your claim so easily even if you're town because it's just asking for the mafia to exploit you.

CR is scumhunting fairly well now. While this contrasts with her earlier play to make it appear more fishy, it could also be a real improvement from being inexperienced to successfully calling people out on their crap. Much of which was actually Marth's, and she doesn't look like she's trying unusually hard to get him lynched.

The town's in a dichotomy now, as is often the case, and while my game theory is probably not as accurate as I'd like to think, I('m gay) say it's worth considering that much of the scum are probably in one half of the split over the other. When I('m gay) was new to the game I'd actually write these "implied teams" out on paper (read: notepad.exe) and present them to the town, and it helps give perspective. That said, dichotomy isn't the best word, because while there's usually 2 main groups, there's always stragglers.

So the first group that's obvious to me:

Helios, SB, Mancer, Baldrick and Strawman. They seem to share many opinions and clever!Helios really only gets in SB's shit now and then before going back to his actual original plans. I('m gay) could comfortably move Straw to his own group however since Bizz did call Helios out for "coming to her rescue".

Prims and JB. JB in particular has crap to say when he finally does show up, and while Prims isn't as bad about it, he still had some weak things to say and is similarly lurking. Because the scum are probably not quite stupid enough to lump themselves together if Helios is guiding them, I'd guess the scum team is probably a combination of people from group 1 and group 2.

Marth, j00, Aleph. My town reads are mostly coming from the apparent coordination from group 1, and if they're mafia, then the people they're chewing are probably town. The important thing to note is that while I('m gay) can never be certain of someone's alignment until they flip, I'm (gay) fairly convinced that group 1's flips will be the opposite of marth's or j00's.

Scorri and Elieson. They look the most like they're actually playing the game and not making shit up.

BBM is off by himself. He flipped town after being voted by people from group 1 and voting for people from group 3.

Shin and CR. CR's played erratically in terms of her apparent alignment. People have suspected her of just about everything, and she's gone from admitting to sheeping to scumhunting well. Shin played crappy too, and was similarly new to the game, but he flipped town. I('m gay) suppose I('m gay) feel CR may be town after all, so while their play isn't entirely similar, I'll leave them grouped together. It should be noted that one of the first people to drive Shin was BBM, who also flipped town. As I('m gay) feared, early reads were pretty much shit.

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Seregil, why are you encouraging flavor hunting?

It's easy to tell if Helios is town or not. Just lynch Prims and see his flip.

Any allegations of bussing can be dealt with after Prims flips, because if Prims is town or SK, we will know immediately that Helios is lying.

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Helios, are you sure you're a FullCop?

I'm 578623987493827564293856497% positive I'm the town!fullcop and it should be pretty obvious that I'm telling the truth based on how Prims has reacted. Unless we want to discuss who we want to lynch tomorrow I just want to hammer him so I can figure out someone else to cop.

@CR: The thing is with flavorhunting is people tend to throw in some of the villains as townies sometimes just so that you don't flavorhunt. So it's not really a reliable thing.

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i hope u guys are clicking those links


Seregil, why are you encouraging flavor hunting?

It's easy to tell if Helios is town or not. Just lynch Prims and see his flip.

Any allegations of bussing can be dealt with after Prims flips, because if Prims is town or SK, we will know immediately that Helios is lying.

Mancer think to yourself a moment. Why would I bus my buddy on LYLO??????

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mafia is shit, why don't you scrubs play a real game, like

holy shit my friend and i were talking about this game irl today and how it's easy in english but for some reason hard as shit in japanese and tigger throws some invisible ball bullshit that's impossible to hit

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Prims's only scum read on me is an ad hominem one of "Mancer's an idiot so everything he does is inherently scummy".

That string of posts was the only way I could easily jump into the game by reading and dealing with everything in bite sized posts. As you've said, making a large post takes too long, so that is the best way for me to jump in on having to deal with 19 pages of content.

Do you have any other reasons for finding me scummy?

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i haven't gotten past tigger yet

the english version isn't actually easier, /v/ just hates it because they played the japanese version and the translators localized it for casuals by adding in a fucking red bee on the title screen

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Prims's only scum read on me is an ad hominem one of "Mancer's an idiot so everything he does is inherently scummy".

ahahaha holy shit did you even consider what that post actually was

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Prims's only scum read on me is an ad hominem one of "Mancer's an idiot so everything he does is inherently scummy".

That string of posts was the only way I could easily jump into the game by reading and dealing with everything in bite sized posts. As you've said, making a large post takes too long, so that is the best way for me to jump in on having to deal with 19 pages of content.

Do you have any other reasons for finding me scummy?

He's not being serious right now like I told you before lol. He's given up.

i haven't gotten past tigger yet

the english version isn't actually easier, /v/ just hates it because they played the japanese version and the translators localized it for casuals by adding in a fucking red bee on the title screen

That's what I'm saying man!

Idk my friend said he beat the english version easily but when he played the japanese version he couldn't get past tigger and that all the shit was crazy. Like it starts off easy but just gets exponentially more difficult.

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i literally just copy-paste every obviam wall of text and mashed them together and you respond to it like it's a real post?

what the fuck?

How would I know it's an obviam wall of text? What in the world is obviam anyway?

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How would I know it's an obviam wall of text? What in the world is obviam anyway?


according to the prims dictionary an obviam is an "i'm gay"

no but really Obviam = Aleph who is currently playing this game and Prims is a funny mofo and decided it would be funny to take all of Aleph's posts and put them together into one big post and link a bunch of youtube videos in there instead of the real links and whenever Aleph mentions himself (like if he says "I" or "I'm") he substituted "I'm gay" instead. It's pretty funny actually.

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definitely a hidden player

Everybody get up, it's time to slam now

We got a real jam goin' down

Welcome to the Space Jam

Here's your chance, do your dance at the Space Jam, alright

Come on and slam and welcome to the jam

Come on and slam, if you wanna jam

Hey you, watchagonna do

Hey you, watcha gonna do

Hey you, watcha gonna do

Hey you, watcha gonna do

Party people in the house, let's go

It's your boy, 'Jayski' a'ight so

Pass that thing and watch me flex

Behind my back, you know what's next

To the jam, all in your face

Wassup, just feel the bass

Drop it, rock it, down the room

Shake it, quake it, space Kaboom

Just work that body, work that body

Make sure you don't hurt no body

Get wild and lose your mind

Take this thing into over-time

Hey DJ, turn it up

New CD, goin' burn it up

C'mon y'all get on the floor

So hey, let's go a'ight

Everybody get up, it's time to slam now

We got a real jam goin' down

Welcome to the Space Jam

Here's your chance, do your dance at the Space Jam, alright

Wave your hands in the air if you feel fine

We're gonna take it into overtime

Welcome to the Space Jam

Here's your chance, do your dance at the Space Jam, alright

C'mon it's time to get hype say, "Whoop, there it is"

C'mon all the fellas say, "Whoop, there it is"

C'mon one time for the ladies say, "Whoop, there it is"

Now all the fellas say, "Whoop, there it is"

C'mon and run, baby run

C'mon, C'mon, do it, run baby run

Yeah, you want a hoop, so shoot, baby shoot

Yeah, it's time to hook, so shoot, baby shoot

C'mon and slam, and welcome to the jam

C'mon and slam, if you wanna jam

C'mon and slam, and welcome to the jam

C'mon and slam, if you wanna jam

Slam, Bam, thank you ma'am

Get on the floor and jam

If you see me on the microphone

Girl, you got me in a zone

C'mon, c'mon and start the game

Break it down, tell me your name

We the team, I'm the coach

Let's dance all night from coast to coast

Just slide, from left to right

Just slide, yourself enlight

You see me, drop the base

3-1-1 all in your face

Jam on it, let's have some fun

Jam on it, one on one

You run the, "O" and I run the "D"

So c'mon baby just jam for me

Everybody get up, it's time to slam now

We got a real jam goin' down

Welcome to the Space Jam

Here's your chance, do your dance at the Space Jam, alright

Wave your hands in the air if you feel fine

We're gonna take it into overtime

Welcome to the Space Jam

Here's your chance, do your dance at the Space Jam, alright

Hey ladie, yeah

Y'all ready stop? No

Y'all wanna know why? Why?

'Cuz it's a Slam Jam

Fellas, yeah

Y'all ready to stop, no

Y'all wanna know why? Why?

It's time to Slam Jam

Everybody get up, it's time to slam now

We got a real jam goin' down

Welcome to the Space Jam

Here's your chance, do your dance at the Space Jam, alright

Wave your hands in the air if you feel fine

We're gonna take it into overtime

Welcome to the Space Jam

Here's your chance, do your dance at the Space Jam, alright

C'mon, everybody say, "Nah nah nah nah nah"

C'mon, C'mon let me hear you say, "Hey ey ey O"

C'mon, C'mon everybody, "Nah nah nah nah nah"

Just take the time to say "Hey ey ey O"

Check it out, check it out, y'all ready for this? You know it

Nah, y'all ain't ready, y'all ready for this? You know it

C'mon check it out, y'all ready to jam? You know it

Nah, I, I don't think so, y'all ready to jam? You know it


definitely a hidden player

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---------------------------------- V Prims


-------------- ^ Helios

Helios is actually Cop Serial Killer as proven by the above image. His kill flavor is to bludgeon people to death with a baseball bat. Do NOT let him with the game.

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