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I recently got a 3DS for the sole purpose of owning this game. Is it worth it?

Can Callum do whatever he wants? Is Viole classy?

Can I have Viole ride around on Callum and create a boulder that launches arrows?

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Callum's pair up bonuses are pretty useful in harder difficulties. Viole is pretty useful in higher difficulties, though his exp gain is obviously bad and he isnt really a longterm unit because of it imo.

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Getting a 3DS solely for this game? I say yes, it's worth it, having bought a second, Japanese 3DS for this sole purpose myself.

Can Callum do whatever he wants? Well... I ditched him in Hard, but maybe he's good in Lunatic. Same for Viole.

Viole riding on Callum? Technically, yes, but normally it's more preferrable to pair up people that can have support, like Callam with Sol or Donny.

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Didn't stop me from getting Radiant Dawn, either. The 3DS has a decent enough library at the moment that it's not just Awakening we have to look forward to, though it is the main reason a lot of us are probably even looking at it in the first place. There is Tales of the Abyss, Kid Icarus, Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance, to name a few off the top of my head.

Edited by The Pale Shadow
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Getting a system for just one game is stupid. There has to be other things that interest you.

That depends on how much disposable income you have/how obsessed you are.

At any rate, the 3DS has a pretty good selection, so it's not a bad investment even if Awakening is the primary reason.

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Six, huh? I have 4 Wii games. I got my Wii just for SSBB in the summer of '08. :D Then got FE10 half a year later (my first FE game). Then ToS 2 eventually. And Skyward Sword two days after its release. ...Oh right, I have 3 N64 games downloaded (OoT, MM, SSB). Wait, 4; just downloaded Mario Kart 64 a week ago.

I say, if there's a game that you really want then it's worth it to get a system "just for" that game. There will probably be other games you eventually want to get, either because they aren't released yet or just because you have the system now.

Yay, I made a redundant post... But it's the internet; redundancy is an everyday occurrence.

AHEM! FE13 seems very worth it.

My own situation: The only handheld system I own is a GBA SP; I'll be getting a 3DS when FE13 is released. None of the DS games were enough of a draw to warrant getting a DS, but FE13 is--at least for me--definately worth getting a 3DS for.

Hmm, would it be amusing enough to have Callum-Noire (father-daughter) in double? Kind of a cute idea when considering the "boulder that launches arrows". xD

Edited by Tsamimi
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I have a lot of Virtual Console games accrued over the years, however. I basically use my Wii as a GCN/VC machine, except for those moments where I feel like playing FE10.

Also, why would people be ditching Callum in hard but not lunatic? Does Lunatic have one of those earlygames where everyone is needed to chip or else the enemies rip through people's shit like no one's business?

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I have a lot of Virtual Console games accrued over the years, however. I basically use my Wii as a GCN/VC machine, except for those moments where I feel like playing FE10.

Also, why would people be ditching Callum in hard but not lunatic? Does Lunatic have one of those earlygames where everyone is needed to chip or else the enemies rip through people's shit like no one's business?

Not quite. You do need to use everyone in the first three chapters where they're all forced, but Callum joins right when the preparations screen shows up.

You know those RPGs where characters can equip shields? Callum can pretty much be one of those, just sitting on an ally in Double. In Lunatic, that's better than what a lot of characters are capable of.

Edited by Othin
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Well, I'll have you fellows know that I do own 2 3DS games at the moment. Was intending on getting Sticker Star, but they basically took out everything I wanted in a Paper Mario ever.

Funny story about that Paper Mario, I was talking to a guy yesterday. He said he loved the original, but thought that TTYD ruined it. No idea how that could even happen, but whatever.

On the topic of this game, how fares the difficulty on normal mode? Is it about as easy as FE8?

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I got my 3DS first up for the KH game, but since I've grabbed another 3-4 games for it ^_^

Also, while not as shiny as the FE ones...


Ooh, that one's pretty nice too.

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Well, I'll have you fellows know that I do own 2 3DS games at the moment. Was intending on getting Sticker Star, but they basically took out everything I wanted in a Paper Mario ever.

Funny story about that Paper Mario, I was talking to a guy yesterday. He said he loved the original, but thought that TTYD ruined it. No idea how that could even happen, but whatever.

On the topic of this game, how fares the difficulty on normal mode? Is it about as easy as FE8?

I wouldn't say TTYD ruined it....

But the Original was better by far.

And TTYD was better than Super...

And Super's better than Sticker Star.

Sad little series, got worse with each new game.

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