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Recruits Worth Using


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I'd say so. Depending on when you get them, they can be a pain in the ass to train (ESPECIALLY if you're not doing Tower of Valni runs). But promoting them to whatever class you want, and then promoting them again once they hit Level 20? They can become some of the best units in the game that way, but it can be a trying process. So if you have the patience, train them. If you don't, ignore them. Simple as that.

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I think Ross is more than worth it. He's relatively small, meaning that he can be ferried around the map.

This. Even in efficient PT, he can snag a few kills/pokes with a hatchet, and does fine as a pirate to help back up fliers later

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Berserker!Ross is terrifying. If you're going to use Ross, go Pirate->Berserker. Add in his full crit supports and watch him pulverize everything.

Amelia and Ewan are there to keep the bench warm.

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Ewan can be a really good Druid.

Ross is the only Pirate.

Amelia is the less usefull, only because she's not a good General, and you have already all the Great Knight Paladin you need.

Ewan and Ross can give you unique/rare class, that's why there are so valuable. Ross' Growth aren't that great.

Ewan is also the best Promoted Recruit.

Amelia, only if your other Cavalier somehow turned bad. She's really not needed.

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Berserker!Ross is terrifying. If you're going to use Ross, go Pirate->Berserker. Add in his full crit supports and watch him pulverize everything.

Amelia and Ewan are there to keep the bench warm.

Ross as a berserker is redonk. Not even fair. Pity you have to baby him to get him there, but it is what it is.

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TBH, Ewan is good as MAge KNight or Sage; and Amelia really wants cavvy->Paladin.

Ross is fine, he can go Pirate->Zerker as his best or go fighter->Hero for a gimmick.

Of course, you could always ditch them and use their better versions in-game, known as Garcia, Forde, and Artur.

Who do not need babying and only ask for a little bit of resources to perform at full function.

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