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When I grow up, I want to be as handsome as Brad Pitt


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Yeah, that's right. :smug:

I was caught "The curious case of Benjamin Button" the other day on Warner Channel or TNT, and it was just on that part near the end where he was in his 20s. And damn did he look great.

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When are you going to grow up?

I want to have some idea now. I cannot do a remake of this movie you are talking about with you as this character if I don't even know when you'll be available.

My friend has a theory that by the time I'm 19 I'll "develop" more and yeah...but I'd say 24-25 would be my "grown-up" form.

a worthy goal

Glad you agree.

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Wow this topic flatters me. Because I'm Brad Pitt, you see. Did you know that I was born in 1963, and that I have received four Academy Award nominations and five Golden Globe Award nominations, winning one Golden Globe? And that I have been described as one of the world's most attractive men, a label for which I have received substantial media attention? [1] [2]

Go me.

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Wow this topic flatters me. Because I'm Brad Pitt, you see. Did you know that I was born in 1963, and that I have received four Academy Award nominations and five Golden Globe Award nominations, winning one Golden Globe? And that I have been described as one of the world's most attractive men, a label for which I have received substantial media attention? [1] [2]

Go me.

How would you feel about starring in a remake of the film "The curious case of Benjamin Button?"

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Haha the jokes on you, I already look like the love-child of Charles Manson and a pepperoni pizza, if that isn't the epitome of sexy I don't know what is

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But I appreciate beauty and grace. And yes, I do mean physical outer beauty.

Although, by this I don't mean that it's everything that matters. I don't discard there existing beauty on the inside...but that's just not my kind of thing at the moment. I'm young, and I won't say I'm immature because it's really just a preference. I'm really not interested in anyone in particular for anything beyond physical beauty to matter for me.

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But I appreciate beauty and grace. And yes, I do mean physical outer beauty.

Although, by this I don't mean that it's everything that matters. I don't discard there existing beauty on the inside...but that's just not my kind of thing at the moment. I'm young, and I won't say I'm immature because it's really just a preference. I'm really not interested in anyone in particular for anything beyond physical beauty to matter for me.

How does that meme go again,

No one has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like!


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beauty is in the heart

not what is on the outside


What is on the outside can easily be an indicator of what is on the inside. Few people fall in love with fat hambeasts or huge manchildren, because they can often signify undesirable traits.

Though even forgetting that, people like beautiful-looking people more than those that are hideous or deformed, regardless of personal qualities. It's so often said that "beauty is on the inside," that it's cliche, yet the number of times I've seen someone truly follow that with no eye for physical beauty is zero. In order to be with someone for most of your life and be happy you obviously need to like them as a person, but you also need to be able to look at them without cringing.

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What is on the outside can easily be an indicator of what is on the inside. Few people fall in love with fat hambeasts or huge manchildren, because they can often signify undesirable traits.

Though even forgetting that, people like beautiful-looking people more than those that are hideous or deformed, regardless of personal qualities. It's so often said that "beauty is on the inside," that it's cliche, yet the number of times I've seen someone truly follow that with no eye for physical beauty is zero. In order to be with someone for most of your life and be happy you obviously need to like them as a person, but you also need to be able to look at them without cringing.

What I've found most true is that the people who seem to have the most...beauty - and some of them are quite ugly, and some of them quite beautiful, physically - to me, are incredibly exhausting to be around. There's one I can think of who chatted my ear off constantly, and I actually enjoyed listening to her a lot even though it seemed to be nonsense, and to some extent I might have liked to spend a lot of time doing so (think of it as a hypnotic thing, maybe). In fact, I was actually chided for spending so much time with this person and encouraging her to act that way. I thought that was funny, and it didn't discourage me.

But, I didn't feel like I could just spend the rest of my life hanging around with this person, listening to them talk, even though thinking of her right now makes me miss her. I think she might remember me, though, not because I was an important part of her life, but because she seemed to have an astonishingly good memory.

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What I've found most true is that the people who seem to have the most...beauty - and some of them are quite ugly, and some of them quite beautiful, physically - to me, are incredibly exhausting to be around. There's one I can think of who chatted my ear off constantly, and I actually enjoyed listening to her a lot even though it seemed to be nonsense, and to some extent I might have liked to spend a lot of time doing so (think of it as a hypnotic thing, maybe). In fact, I was actually chided for spending so much time with this person and encouraging her to act that way. I thought that was funny, and it didn't discourage me.

But, I didn't feel like I could just spend the rest of my life hanging around with this person, listening to them talk, even though thinking of her right now makes me miss her. I think she might remember me, though, not because I was an important part of her life, but because she seemed to have an astonishingly good memory.

I think that the beauty we associate with people is a combination of many factors, some of which coincide between all of us as humans and many which don't. For example, I think the majority of people would generally view physical attractiveness as a singularly positive trait. In other words, someone being attractive is almost never considered to be an off-putting characteristic in relationships, at least on its own.

But some vary wildly, which I can see many disagreeing with. I've found that I like women that are rather unlike me in many ways, mostly in attitude. I'm not incredibly talkative, and in truth I am deeply logical when discussing most things. In truth I'd rather talk to someone more active, cheery, and naive than someone mostly like me.

Who am I kidding if it has a pulse it's fair game

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I think that the beauty we associate with people is a combination of many factors, some of which coincide between all of us as humans and many which don't. For example, I think the majority of people would generally view physical attractiveness as a singularly positive trait. In other words, someone being attractive is almost never considered to be an off-putting characteristic in relationships, at least on its own.

But some vary wildly, which I can see many disagreeing with. I've found that I like women that are rather unlike me in many ways, mostly in attitude. I'm not incredibly talkative, and in truth I am deeply logical when discussing most things. In truth I'd rather talk to someone more active, cheery, and naive than someone mostly like me.

Who am I kidding if it has a pulse it's fair game

I don't like fair games, so I only go after the pulseless.

I guess I didn't realize the beauty thing was talking about hormones and sex. Now that I read the topic, hey. Attractiveness is probably pretty damn important for that. I wouldn't know though.

For the chatty person, maybe I gave the wrong impression. She was definitely cheerful, or at least her speech and words came across that way, but I'm not sure she was particularly active or naive (maybe she was). Her conversation was rather superficial, but there was a constant impression of meaningfulness and depth and gravity in everything. Maybe I simply misread this person, and it was more an overactive imagination on my part.

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I wasn't talking about hormones and sex, Sevvy. There's a difference between finding a person "beautiful" and another person "hot". :(:

But I wouldn't expect you guys to understand.

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