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Rate the Unit: Chess Edition, Final Day: King


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Took longer than I thought it would, but it's time to finish this.now I need to get back to my FE 7 playthrough

Rules(I don't think this has ever been done with chess, if you think something about the rules should be changed, please tell me about it)

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly.

- +/- ≤1 point extra for bias is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly. Also, if your vote is already a 10/10 or greater than 9 and you give a full point of bias, The score may not exceed 10!

- Numerical votes out of 10. Make it easy to calculate for me.

- Every ranking phase starts as soon as each topic is posted, it's 12:00 AM where I am when I post this, this ranking phase ends in 21 hours(900 PM where I am) after I post.

- I withhold the privilege to tell you your rating is bogus and demand you revise it if it breaks any of the above. I will not throw out votes anonymously, you will be informed and given a chance to revise.


As a group

Bishop: 7.2

Knight: 7.3

Rook: 8.6

Pawn: 9.9

On it's own

Pawn: 2.2

Bishop: 5.5

Knight: 6.5

Rook: 7.3

Queen: 9.3

Edited by RayDavid99
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you just can't let him do anything without risking to lose. I'd almost give him 10/10 because he has to be there or you're done already, but that's the same as rating Roy from FE6 a 10/10.

0/10 +1 bias point, because I feel bad for the guy.

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Yeah, that's not going to work.

We both know the King doesn't deserve a 10/10, and you need to take another look at the that first rule.

You need to revise this if you want your score to count.

If this is a joke score and it's not supposed to be counted, you need to make clear that it's a joke.

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Crappy range, and you'll probably lose units trying to defend him because as worthless as he is if he dies the game ends against you. Pretty much his only advantages are that he still has better range than the pawn (but can't promote) and he has A support with the rooks.

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Yeah, that's not going to work.

We both know the King doesn't deserve a 10/10, and you need to take another look at the that first rule.

You need to revise this if you want your score to count.

If this is a joke score and it's not supposed to be counted, you need to make clear that it's a joke.

How is it a joke? The King is the most valuable piece on the board. In fact it can't actually be set to a tangible amount. It's commonly regarded to have an infinite value in most scoring systems, for obvious reasons.

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How is it a joke?

I believe I said, "If this is a joke score..."

The King is the most valuable piece on the board.


you just can't let him do anything without risking to lose.
Crappy range, and you'll probably lose units trying to defend him because as worthless as he is if he dies the game ends against you.
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Bad unit, but not completely useless. You have to adapt your game around your king's position, but so is for your opponent, therefore it's a burden both players share.

Because of the way chess works, the King is very worthless early game, may lose you the game mid-game, but becomes an important support during endgame. Managing the King wisely can save that one Pawn you're going to promote, or can block the enemy's pawns. His accurate placement on the board will allow otherwise impossible Checkmates. He can't do scrap by himself, but he is an invaluable support during endgame.

All in all I give it a 4.5. Comes too late to be really useful but may help just in case.

Edited by Mihawk
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The King is not a bad unit, you see. His mobility is better than Pawns (only slightly), he can use his A Support with them to create an almost perfect defense (and help them promote in end game/trap the enemy king), and castling him may help you bring a Rook out of the corner sooner.

The only problem is, he's very vulnerable, using him along with other pieces may bring him into risk, and he needs babying so the opponent won't Check him for an extra free turn (or worse, Checkmate and finish the game, and then it doesn't matter if you have better pieces than your opponent. You're screwed just because of one single, practically useless piece), so using him on early and mid-game is highly unadvised.

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Okay, but how does any of the quotes you copy/pasted rebut what I said? He's the most valuable piece objectively, you are incapable of winning without it.

Actually you're incapable of starting the game without it, but ok.

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Actually you're incapable of starting the game without it, but ok.

I don't understand what you are trying to say here. Being incapable of starting without it and winning without it are not mutually exclusive scenarios. They are both true.

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I'd give the King a 6/10, he is completely useless early, needs help on midgame, but he has great endgame performance, he could be the piece that saves you from an loss or be the very reason you lost.

So it'd be 5/10+1=6/10 just because when he has nowhere to move, but it's not checked the game will be a tie. No other piece can do that.

Edited by Viyut
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Score breakdown:

+ Required presence (4)

+ Castling can sometimes set up the next few turns quickly and efficiently if done correctly (1)

- Not much utility (-3)

- Limited range (-1)

- Bad starting position (-1)

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n/a, it's a particularly situational piece aside from the fact that a checkmate is bad and a draw or stalemate may be bad or the result of a mistake (forget how these work).

However, I will say that forcing a stalemate when losing is sexually satisfying (IIRC).

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