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eShop Download vs. Game Cartridge


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  1. 1. Which will you be getting?

    • Cartridge
    • eShop Download
    • Both

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Me? Hm... probably... no... uh... well... aha! I'll get both. :) First the download, then the cartridge. But if I had to pick one, then I'd probably pick the download. (<- I can't lose it then. Well, unless I lose my 3DS...which I hope never happens.)

When it comes to Fire Emblem, nothing will stop me!

Yet, I still didn't get the Limited Edition Fire Emblem 3DS... (It's on my shopping list, though.)

Edit: There. Now I added the option "both." (For those of you who absolutely have to get it the second it comes out, but want the cartridge, too.)

Edited by fireemblemfan4ever
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Ideally, I'd like the cartridge.

I am however, exceedingly impatient with regards to this game and would probably murder someone if I knew it was out and I didn't have it.

So the eShop download.

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Cart. I just like having a copy, +plus artbook.

Pretty much this. Not to mention that M rated games would be my main reason for wanting to download a retail game, as it saves the hassle of going through certain procedures otherwise. (That is if there's no other place that has it. Even when I'm buying from someplace that doesn't follow said procedures.) My other reason is if there's a special offer for downloading the game, but such offers are rare. Also, a game's rarity may be a factor in any download purchase.

Edited by Little Al
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I know I'm getting the cartridge for sure to get the book and stare at the box. I might download it for conventional reasons.

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I don't really know honestly. Do we even get a digital download?

I would say normally the cartridge would be preferable but with this one it's a bit more difficult, since I find the box' look hard to swallow.

I mean, if you buy digitally it costs you just as much as if you buy the cartridge even though despite the absence of the material costs. Of course, if they could lower the prices, the cartridges probably couldn't compete anymore.

But as it is, the game is linked to the system. I might consider buying an XL on of these days and it would be annoying not to be able to play those games on that one. After all the whole point of handhelds is flexibility and convenience.

Edited by BrightBow
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I would say normally the cartridge would be preferable but with this one it's a bit more difficult, since I find the box' look hard to swallow.

I mean, if you buy digitally it costs you just as much as if you buy the cartridge even though despite the absence of the material costs. Of course, if they could lower the prices, the cartridges probably couldn't compete anymore.

But as it is, the game is linked to the system. I might consider buying an XL on of these days and it would be annoying not to be able to play those games on that one. After all the whole point of handhelds is flexibility and convenience.

Downloading a soft copy of a retail game would practically require a substantial amount of storage space to be free in a storage media, though. In this case, I'm just glad downloadable Nintendo software don't take up much space as opposed to... I don't know. Let's just say downloadable Playstation 1/3/Portable games for the sake of examples. But still. Edited by Little Al
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I'm buyin' the cardridge, old fashion style. Several reasons: first and foremost, I just like to have something in my hands when I spend 40 bucks for it. Well, not only then, but always, actually. That's why I'm buying CDs, for example. The second reason is that I don't want to lose the game if my console breaks. Had that with that DSi and was lucky to get 20 bucks from amazon because of the downloaded stuff on it. Won't do that again, oh no.

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Cartridge. If something bad happens, I'd rather it not happen to the $170+$40 system+downloaded game. It's bad enough losing save data, I don't want to lose the game itself. Although, there's the odd chance I might lose the cartridge. But that I can blame on human carelessness. :D Losing it because of technology screw ups.....UGH. Humans are silly for making faulty technologies! Wait...

Ehh, then there's the odd chance the system might blow up or something with the cartridge inside it~

Paranoia, weeeee.

Reason #2: I can say I "own" the game if I can hold it physically. x3 MINE! If it's downloaded onto a system....it doesn't have the same appeal. I can't say I "own" OoT or MM or SSB since they are downloaded onto my Wii (as opposed to having the N64 cartridges). "Oh I have them downloaded." "Oh I own them."

Disclaimer - Personal opinions are just that: personal opinions. In no way am I trying to convince others to buy the physical cartridge instead of downloading a virtual version.

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I think I'd look at pricing. If I can get it on the eShop for a significantly cheaper amount of money I'd get it there, if the difference is minor or there is no difference I'd prefer the game on cart. So it's situational, but I have a preference towards cart.

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