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Shattered Honour Chapter Seven


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A fat man walks up to Chrys. "Aright," he says, chuckling. "I'll break yer 'ead in."


Str 5

Sta 5

Dex 3

Agi 1


Wrestling works much like fistfighting. There are three actions one can perform on their turn;


Identical to conventional fistfighting. No weapons, no armour, dex = hit, crushing AS formula and 4 AS needed to double.


The battlefield is a five-space grid, and you both start in the centre. You roll for strength against their roll for strength. If the initiator wins, the loser gets pushed back a space. If the initiator loses by five or more, they get pushed back a space. If they get pushed off the five-space grid, whoever pushed them off wins.


Attempt three rolls of your dexterity against theirs. If you win all three, you have to finish them with a throw.

The throw is a strength roll vs. their stamina. If you fail this roll, then roll again. If you win the first roll, or get back-to-back successes at any point after that, you win. If you get back-to-back failures, he breaks the hold; it is, however, your turn. You just have to retake your turn, as though it had never happened.


X = fail

O = win






Failure, retake turn




On rolls that tie, whoever has a higher stat wins, and if the stats tie, whoever initiated the attack wins.

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"Fight starts now!"

Chrysanthum lunges at Boris with ferocity and attempts to grapple him firmly. The man's girth seems to be to his advantage, as Chrysanthum fails to grapple him properly.

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So some stuff happened, not limited to Randel being gutted like some sort of tuna fish and that bard from earlier still being alive. Oh, and two of their entourage had gone off to wrestle some overweight men in the middle of some kind of plaza... Leonhard figured that there wasn't any really need to hide his affiliation, so to speak. He was known for his exploits as a mercenary, not as one of Randel's men.

So for the time being, Leonhard decided it best to peruse the shops in this town for now starting with those that sold armour.

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Brooke, who is clearly hungover as she serves you, is a tall, lanky woman with massive eyebags and hazel eyes. "What do you want?" she says, seemingly begging you to fuck off.


SCALE ARMOUR Medium, 4 AC, 40 crowns

SPLINTMAIL Heavy, 6 AC, 60 crowns

HEATER SHIELD 5 Evade, 35 crowns

TOWER SHIELD 6 Evade, 50 crowns

TALK Cheap

REFITTING 10 crowns

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"Seems there is nothing here for me, after all. I'll leave you to your business." Leonhard replies to the drunkard shopkeeper, before leaving and deciding to next check the weapons shops.

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Jordan had left that back alley bar, since there didn't seem to be much to do around there. Walking into town, he spotted Leonhard leaving what seemed to be an armor shop, and felt like tagging along with him. "Hello, Leonhard. Haven't really talked to you much. Where you off to, I'm rather bored, and need to find something to do." Spotting the crowd, and grunts from who could only be Chrys, he sighed. "And I'd much rather it not be another fight."

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"You're wide open, fatman!"

Chrysanthum lunges with the ferocity of ten tigers and grabs the fatman, this time properly. He attempts a throw, but then fails. He attempts another firm grab, and he grabs the flabby man's hide firmly. Then with one heave, and another, he lifts Boris and throws him onto the ground with MIGHT and a ROAR.

[spoiler=Rolls]Chrys grab

Boris notgrab

Second Chrys grab

Second Boris notgrab

Chrys throw

Boris thrown

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"Ah, Jordan. I thought it would be a good idea to see what the shops keep in stock here... the armourer didn't have anything better than my own plate, and seemed to be hung over... didn't really want me in there from what I could tell. I was going to find a weaponsmith next, though I don't really think I'll be replacing this blade... it has served me quite well over the years." Leonhard replied to the bowman as he approached.

"As for them, I'm not quite sure what they have planned for that... betting for crowns if I would have to guess."

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Polite applause, a scatter of crowns in front of Ratter, and a slim woman with a wild mop of hair steps up to the plate. "Alright, nice work," she says, smirking. "But can you take me on?"


Str 3

Sta 3

Dex 8

Agi 10

Jayne immediately smacks Chrys in the face and drives an elbow into his stomach for 6 damage, before stepping back and putting her fists up.

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"Well! If anyone can make money from fighting, it's them. Hopefully they don't get beat up too badly, this is the entire town, after all. But yes, let's check out the weapon shop. Maybe they have an even bigger and fancier crossbow for me to admire." He began wandering off with a dumb smile on his face.

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"My weapons have unmatched finesse," growls Riordan, daring you to say otherwise.

SABRE 1H Slashing, 4 Might, 7 Hit, 28 crowns

GREATSWORD 2H Slashing, 6 Might, 7 Hit, 33 crowns

BROADAXE 1H Hacking, 6 Might, 5 Hit, 26 crowns

GREATAXE 2H Hacking, 8 Might, 5 Hit, 31 crowns

WARHAMMER 1H Crushing, 5 Might, 4 Hit, 22 crowns

MAUL 2H Crushing, 7 Might, 4 Hit, 27 crowns

TALK Cheap

REWORKING Pending on weapon


The nearest fletcher is Chase Fleetfoot, who regards you with a roguish grin and a wink. His weapons are fine quality, and his shop is kept in good order.

LONGBOW Longbow, 6 Might, 1 Hit, 19 crowns

RECURVE Longbow, 7 Might, 2 Hit, 24 crowns

CROSSBOW Crossbow, 2 Might, 5 Hit, 25 crowns

WINDLASS Crossbow, 3 Might, 6 Hit, 30 crowns

JAVELINS Throwing, 2 Might, 4 hit, 20 crowns

TALK Cheap

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"I never really understood those things... they seem easy enough to fire, though reloading on the battlefield doesn't seem all that practical... hell, I've seen some people pull out cranks and levers and all other sorts of things just to reuse their weapon. Well, surely you've found a way to make it work else you'd have found another weapon or died by now." Leonhard noted as Jordan seemed to drift to his own little world at the thought of a shinier crossbow.

"But then I guess not everyone is built to swing an axe around or draw a longbow, if we didn't have weapons like those, a lot of men and women would never get their chance."

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Jacob steps outside and looks around. He sees Leonhard and Jordan walking off in one direction, and spots Chrysanthum and Ratter in the middle of a crowd. He sighs and walks off after Leonhard and Jordan.

"Find anything interesting?" He asks as he gets closer to the two.

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