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Shattered Honour Chapter Seven


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Jack stared at Jacqui and then slowly sunk into a chair. "Of course. I'm an idiot Jacqui. Here I am, talking about how good I've been and I never thought about the situation you've been in... I'm sorry." He sighed. "I wish I could help you. I really do. If I could give up my promotion so that you could get the one you deserve I would. You deserve so much more than what you have."

Irene grinned at Jordan and Cole. Grabbing them both by the hand, she dragged them off to the tavern. Upon arriving, she sat down at the bar and yelled to the bartender over the noise, "Three pints, my treat!"

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Jacqui snorts, and rolls up a sleeve to reveal a nasty gash in her upper arm. "My lieutenant threw a knife at me. Cathar bought him off. He was the man I'd most trusted here, but that didn't mean a thing. I'm getting just a little paranoid, holed up in here."

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"Then lets finish the job and get you out of here. You deserve to be somewhere better." He grinned at her. "And besides. You can't think that I'd ever harm you? You're far too beautiful to even consider that."

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Jack shook his head. "No, I think for you somewhere better would be back with the Randels with the position you deserve. If a nice room with a decent bed plays into your plans there, then so be it. But that's not my place to say."

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"Well, I don't have enough individual beds for all your men," the bard says, drily. "I really don't expect I've got much excuse not to. Besides," she adds, with softer sincerity, "I've missed you."

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Jack started to respond to Jacqui's comment about not enough beds, but then was stopped short by the next part of her statement. "I... ah. Uhm. Yes, well, I've missed you too. Couldn't stand to think that you might have been killed down here. I'm glad... I couldn't wait to see you."

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The bard smiles to see Jack flustered. "Shh... you're just embarrassing yourself. Now, you can play with the other boys in the morning when we go and set some of Cathar's toys on fire. Right now, right here, it's just us."

She smirks.

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Tordel once again returns from an untimely bathroom break. He takes a seat next to Jordan and rejoins the merriment.


Meanwhile, the magnificent Sir Oshea had been up to no good in the bar. After many failed attempts at wooing the ladies, he was prepared to call it a night, however, Irene caught his eye. He strolled over casually, taking a seat nearby, purposefully not making eye contact with her.

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Jordan's weak answer is interrupted by a fist rapping on the door from without.

"The hell was that," hissed Jacqui.

"Night watch!" roared a voice from without. "And men from the armies of the state! Surrender the traitors you are harbouring, and none of you will be harmed. If you do not, we will burn this damnable place to the ground!"

The innkeeper opens his mouth, but Jacqui slides out a sword. "Not a word," she growls.

You've barely time to contemplate. Pick an action, and fast.

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Irene quickly slides to the window and peers out to figure out how many men are outside.

Jack draws his sword and plants himself sturdily. Quietly he asks, "Are there any other ways out?"

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It's hard to tell in the night, but the metal marks out a captain, three or four soldiers of the realm and maybe seven thugs.

With a glance at Jacqui's sword, the innkeeper whispers "A cellar, and the windows upstairs if you'll risk the jump. I wouldn't, unless you were used to that sort of thing..."

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Bilbo happens by a bunch of soldiers near a door.

He proceeds to do the only logical thing that comes to his inebriated mind at that moment in time: lay down on the street and sing the most annoying melody he could think of, as he does not know any annoying drinking songs, or rather any drinking songs at all.

Ratter, on the other side of the mentioned door, looks mildly annoyed and about to yell something he thinks is a witty response.

Edited by Stolypin Necktie
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Irene mutters under her breath. Backing up from the window, she sighs. "Ok, there are at least 10 or so of them. We could probably take them if we charged, but we can't know for sure. Who's up for fighting and who'd prefer to sneak out the back?"

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Tordel returned after another bathroom break. He wondered if using the bathroom so frequently was normal, or whether it was a sign to cut back on drinking. Seeing that they were now surrounded, he readied his sword.

"Jack, if we have to fight our way out, let it be. I'd rather not if we could help it though."


Seeing his beloved Irene in harm's way would simply not do for Oshea. Drawing his rapier, he stood by the group.

"My dear, allow me to fight alongside you. These heaps of filth don't have the right to even look at you."

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