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Shattered Honour Chapter Seven


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"What is it buddy? Huh? What's the matter? Can't you speak? Are you dumb? It's that, isn't it. You're dumb. And you want me to fix this."

Bilbo ponders for a moment how to do this. After a few seconds of thinking he decides he has no idea, so he does the only thing he is useful for. He slaps some green shit onto the guy, hoping for the best.

Dumb Jordan is healed for 8 hit points.

"I'm sorry, ol' pal. I can't fix dumb. Maybe I can? I dunno. Hell if I know."

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Jordan was drawing too much enemy fire, Tordel needed to divert a little of it. Eyeing one of the archers, there was something he could do.

"Hey you, the whore with the fiddle bow. You're not going to get any customers by playing music, although I guess you really don't have much going for you."

Tordel taunts Zanna

Ratter's turn

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Jacqui takes a chunk out of Dane's shield with an overhand falchion blow, then stabs him right in the gut with her scramasax, takes advantage of his stagger backwards to swing her falchion into his shoulder and finishes the maneuver by headbutting the guy full in the face. Dane takes 17 total, and is stunned.

Name     Class      STR  STA  DEX  AGI  Weapon      Secondary  Shield   Armor           HP  MT    HIT  EV   AS    Melee?
Jack     Warrior    9    7    6    5    Cutlass     Hatchets   heater   Splintmail(6)   29  14/12 8/4  12/10 14/10 Y
Tordel   Warrior    7    8    5    7    Bas. Sword  Morningstar tower   Chainmail(5)    32  12/13 6/3  13   21/14 Y
Jacqui   Mercenary  8    8    6    6    Falchion    Scramasax  n/a      Laminar*(6)     22  14/11 5/3  6    21    Y
Leonhard Mercenary  12   8    6    1    Cleaver     Hatchets   n/a      Half-Plate(6)   22  19/15 7/4  1    13/2  Y
Chrys    Mercenary  9    5    6    7    Crucible*   Knives     n/a      Banded Mail(6)  16  17/10 5/5  9/7  21/14 Y
Ratter   Mercenary  9    9    1    7    Francisca   Maul       targe    Splintmail(6)   28  15/15 3/4  10/7 15/14 Y
Irene    Rogue      5    6    7    9    Bas. Sword  Sabre      n/a      St. Leather(2)  26  10/8  7/5  11/9 27    Y
Oshea    Rogue      4    5    9    8    Rapier*     Dirk*      n/a      St. Leather(2)  29  6/6   11/4 11/8 24    Y

Jordan   Scout      4    7    9    7    Dirk        Cranequin  buckler  Scalemail(4)    11  7/13  8/7  9/7  21/20 N
Matthias Archer     7    4    9    5    Broadaxe    Greatbow   n/a      Cuirass(5)      20  13/15 8/3  5    12/12 N
Banquo   Archer     5    7    12   4    Scimitar    Knightbane n/a      Light Chain(5)  29  10/18 11/12 4/7 12/16 N
Bilbo    Apothecary 3    10   7    6    Mace        Crossbow   n/a      St. Leather(2)  38  7/9   5/7  6    12/16 Elsewhere

*ignores armour type damage modifiers

Name     Class      STR  STA  DEX  AGI  Weapon      Secondary  Shield   Armor           HP  MT    HIT  EV   AS    Melee?
Dane     Warrior    8    8    4    5    Warblade    Hatchets   kite     Chainmail(5)    15  14/11 5/3  9    13/10 Y
Lyza     Warrior    8    8    4    5    Warblade    Hatchets   kite     Chainmail(5)    32  14/11 5/3  9    13/10 Y
Paddy    Mercenary  6    8    3    3    Iron Club   n/a        n/a      Brigandine(3)   32  11    6    3    6     Y
Walter   Archer     9    5    7    4    Morningstar Greatbow   n/a      Ringmail(3)     23  15/17 4/2  4/7  8/13  N
Zanna    Archer     9    5    7    4    Morningstar Greatbow   n/a      Ringmail(3)     25  15/17 4/2  4/7  8/13  N
Stephen  Apothecary 6    6    7    8    Mace        n/a        n/a      Brigandine(3)   28  10    5    8    16    N
Neel     Apothecary 6    6    7    8    Mace        n/a        n/a      Brigandine(3)   28  10    5    8    16    N

Matthias' turn.

[spoiler=Initiative]Irene (9)

Oshea (8)

Stephen (8)

Neel (8)

Chrys (7)

Jordan (7-1)

Bilbo (6)

Tordel (7-2)

Ratter (7-2)

Jacqui (6-2)

Matthias (5-1)

Jack (5-2)

Dane (5-2)

Lyza (5-2)

Banquo (4-1)

Walter (4-1)

Zanna (4-1)

Paddy (3)

Leonhard (1-2)

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Grinning Jack points his sword at Walter. "Oi, pretty boy. Why not stop wasting your time with weaklings and try and hit me? Or are you too scared to try and hit a real warrior? Well, I suppose if you're that scared you can just run off into the night..."

Jack taunts Walter

Massive enemy turn

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Both warriors come to grips with the situation and strike down Jacqui, who staggers back and takes 16 damage.


The laconic Dracian shoots Lyza through the gut for 19 damage.


Walter's shot flies wildly past Jack, and Tordel shield catches Zanna's arrow.


The bruiser gives Jacqui a solid clout around the head, dealing 5 damage.

The flames burn brighter! Everyone in the inn takes five damage. Dane screams as the flames consume him, and Jacqui is overcome by the concussion, her wounds and the smoke. She collapses, unconscious and bleeding.

Name     Class      STR  STA  DEX  AGI  Weapon      Secondary  Shield   Armor           HP  MT    HIT  EV   AS    Melee?
Jack     Warrior    9    7    6    5    Cutlass     Hatchets   heater   Splintmail(6)   24  14/12 8/4  12/10 14/10 Y
Tordel   Warrior    7    8    5    7    Bas. Sword  Morningstar tower   Chainmail(5)    27  12/13 6/3  13   21/14 Y
Leonhard Mercenary  12   8    6    1    Cleaver     Hatchets   n/a      Half-Plate(6)   17  19/15 7/4  1    13/2  Y
Chrys    Mercenary  9    5    6    7    Crucible*   Knives     n/a      Banded Mail(6)  11  17/10 5/5  9/7  21/14 Y
Ratter   Mercenary  9    9    1    7    Francisca   Maul       targe    Splintmail(6)   23  15/15 3/4  10/7 15/14 Y
Irene    Rogue      5    6    7    9    Bas. Sword  Sabre      n/a      St. Leather(2)  21  10/8  7/5  11/9 27    Y
Oshea    Rogue      4    5    9    8    Rapier*     Dirk*      n/a      St. Leather(2)  18  6/6   11/4 11/8 24    Y

Jordan   Scout      4    7    9    7    Dirk        Cranequin  buckler  Scalemail(4)    6   7/13  8/7  9/7  21/20 N
Matthias Archer     7    4    9    5    Broadaxe    Greatbow   n/a      Cuirass(5)      15  13/15 8/3  5    12/12 N
Banquo   Archer     5    7    12   4    Scimitar    Knightbane n/a      Light Chain(5)  24  10/18 11/12 4/7 12/16 N
Bilbo    Apothecary 3    10   7    6    Mace        Crossbow   n/a      St. Leather(2)  33  7/9   5/7  6    12/16 Elsewhere

*ignores armour type damage modifiers

Name     Class      STR  STA  DEX  AGI  Weapon      Secondary  Shield   Armor           HP  MT    HIT  EV   AS    Melee?
Lyza     Warrior    8    8    4    5    Warblade    Hatchets   kite     Chainmail(5)    8   14/11 5/3  9    13/10 Y
Paddy    Mercenary  6    8    3    3    Iron Club   n/a        n/a      Brigandine(3)   27  11    6    3    6     Y
Walter   Archer     9    5    7    4    Morningstar Greatbow   n/a      Ringmail(3)     13  15/17 4/2  4/7  8/13  N
Zanna    Archer     9    5    7    4    Morningstar Greatbow   n/a      Ringmail(3)     25  15/17 4/2  4/7  8/13  N
Stephen  Apothecary 6    6    7    8    Mace        n/a        n/a      Brigandine(3)   28  10    5    8    16    N
Neel     Apothecary 6    6    7    8    Mace        n/a        n/a      Brigandine(3)   28  10    5    8    16    N

Leonhard's turn.

[spoiler=Initiative]Irene (9)

Oshea (8)

Stephen (8)

Neel (8)

Chrys (7)

Jordan (7-1)

Bilbo (6)

Tordel (7-2)

Ratter (7-2)

Jacqui (6-2)

Matthias (5-1)

Jack (5-2)

Dane (5-2)

Lyza (5-2)

Banquo (4-1)

Walter (4-1)

Zanna (4-1)

Paddy (3)

Leonhard (1-2)

Edited by Furetchen
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Oshea's previous attacked failed miserably, but they had all died so it didn't really matter. Being the coward he was, Oshea waits for someone else to get closer to the archers first.

Stephen's turn

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Starting to burn, he tugged hastily on Bilbo's cloak some more. "Bilbo, you're a great, great guy, and I would really love it if you would keep helping me." Desperate to get out of the inn before it came down on all of them he fired into Zanna.

Autohit 10 damage ~'3'~

Bilbo's turn

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Jack shouts, "We've almost got them! Lets hurry up and finish this before the whole inn burns down around us." Running over to Jacqui, he bends down and checks her. With a sigh of relief, he finds that she's still alive, but will need to get out of the fire soon.

Edited by scorri
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Matthias, temporarily overcome by smoke, regains his composure and shoots Zanna.

Auto hit exact damage kill.

Jack's turn

(Sorry for being so slow, forgot that Jacqui was out of combat.)

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Clearly outmatched, the firebrands raise their hands in a gesture of surrender. "Please, have mercy!" yelps Stephen. "There's nothin'- hrrkgh!"

Banquo loweres his crossbow and hustles forward, vaulting over the broken window. Neel pales visibly, mouthing prayers to various gods as he cowers away from your weapons.

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