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Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time


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My guess would be that it's the 14th Wheel of Time book, "A Memory of Light", which comes out today. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to pick it up yet but plan on doing so as soon as possible. Then I have to somehow come up with enough time to actually read it. Oh well.

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I don't know what it is, but your tacit endorsement makes me a little curious.


Well, unless you want to read 14 books that are each over 700 pages long, this is mostly a topic for those that have already read the series. But it's a very fun series, even if some would say it gets worse along the way. The first book is called "the Eye of the World" and is written by Robert Jordan.

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Well, unless you want to read 14 books that are each over 700 pages long, this is mostly a topic for those that have already read the series. But it's a very fun series, even if some would say it gets worse along the way. The first book is called "the Eye of the World" and is written by Robert Jordan.

Oh, WoT.

I made it about a third of the way through that series. I think it finally lost me in Book 6.

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Still haven't begun the series yet. I've been meaning to, but there's just so much text.

If you have no interest in reading over 10000 pages of text, there are lots of summary websites out there. Some are better than others. There's one I can no longer find that has decently long summaries of each chapter in each book. I'm sure with some google-fu if it is still operational you could find it. Cut it from a month-long activity to something you could manage in a couple of days.

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Oh, WoT.

I made it about a third of the way through that series. I think it finally lost me in Book 6.

Book 6 is generally regarded to be "the last good one" by fans and some critics. I thought the first three were quite well written and serious page turners, 3-6 had some of the most epic fantasy battles in fiction. 7 and onward were just plodding as fuck. I'd occasionally skip chapters earlier in the series if I felt they were terribly written, but by the tenth book I just could not continue reading anymore.

Course I was a high school kid then so maybe I've toughened up to stale writing in my old age.

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Book 6 is generally regarded to be "the last good one" by fans and some critics. I thought the first three were quite well written and serious page turners, 3-6 had some of the most epic fantasy battles in fiction. 7 and onward were just plodding as fuck. I'd occasionally skip chapters earlier in the series if I felt they were terribly written, but by the tenth book I just could not continue reading anymore.

Course I was a high school kid then so maybe I've toughened up to stale writing in my old age.

Heh. I really did not like book 6.

Also, I finally found out from a friend (this would be in book 13) who killed Asmodean.


I still like book 1 the best. Whatever, lotr in one book, sword of shannara even, whatever, don't care, I liked it and it's a romp. I also like book 2 and book 3.

Not really about predictions, but I'm hoping that the dark one and tarmon gaidon stuff will more or less become secondary (at least past their defeat) to the randland politiking we've all come to know and "love," and the book will end with sort of a "no dark one but peace seems pretty damn tenuous" vibe or something like that. Sort of like, ending on a worldbuilder fantasy meta-fart or something.

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Heh. I really did not like book 6.

6 had the most creative and awesome use of the Power in the series, I thought. It really let the Asha'man show how badass they could be working together. Also it was the one where he was imprisoned, right? I liked those bits, for the most part.

Also, I finally found out from a friend (this would be in book 13) who killed Asmodean.


Yeah, but she was the most obvious, and Jordan did always say that the one who offed him was blatantly clear.

Went to the bookstore to look for this book, ended up buying a collection of Lovecraft short stories instead. I want to buy the entire WoT series from the ground up again, not using those awful fat, short, terribly binded Tor books, but the store I was at only had 2-4 and I didn't want to pick just a few up. Ugh. V__V

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6 had the most creative and awesome use of the Power in the series, I thought. It really let the Asha'man show how badass they could be working together. Also it was the one where he was imprisoned, right? I liked those bits, for the most part.

Did you ever hear the phrase "don't judge a book by its cover?" I really think Lord of Chaos's cover is one of the funniest things ever.

Went to the bookstore to look for this book, ended up buying a collection of Lovecraft short stories instead. I want to buy the entire WoT series from the ground up again, not using those awful fat, short, terribly binded Tor books, but the store I was at only had 2-4 and I didn't want to pick just a few up. Ugh. V__V

I'd ship you mine but I believe I sold them years ago.

I'd appreciate the books more if I read em straight through, but I figure at some point I'll just buy the Brandon S. ones since I read 1-11.

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Did you ever hear the phrase "don't judge a book by its cover?" I really think Lord of Chaos's cover is one of the funniest things ever.

Dude all the covers look god-awful. That's why I want to buy the new ones that actually look like books. Ones like these. They're paperback, but they feel sturdy, nice and tall, they really feel like they'd fit in well on a bookcase. As opposed to the random assortment of tiny fat goblin-books and massive harbound tomes with some of the ugliest fantasy art I've ever seen splashed all over them. -__-

I'd ship you mine but I believe I sold them years ago.

I'd appreciate the books more if I read em straight through, but I figure at some point I'll just buy the Brandon S. ones since I read 1-11.

Same. I already have the entire series --barring the latest books-- on my Nook Color. Still, there's nothing that can replace the feeling of the book in your hands, you know?

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Haven't picked it up yet because nobody's uploaded a full free non-audio version of it online yet, and I can't get it legally until the weekend... :(:

But yeah, somewhere around Book 8-9 for me, the flaws that were always there in the series really started to grow larger, as more emphasis was put on the shitty romances, more time was devoted to unnecessary subplots, and less and less time was devoted to the only character who gets any real development (Rand). Not to say that I don't like the other characters, but they're generally a lot more one-note than him. And as more and more subplots kept getting added some really short things got dragged out over the course of several books. Perrin rescuing Faile took 3 books, even though I don't think that entire subplot was longer than about 250 pages. The subplots also began to get not as interesting- the only ones I really liked in the later books were Egwene taking control of the Aes Sedai and the Mat/Tuon interactions. It feels like you're reading through a lot of it just to get to the interesting parts, and then when you get there they're only there for 50 pages before you have to drudge through another 100+ pages to get back.

At this point I'm mainly still reading the series because I dislike dropping things midway, and I'm curious to see how everything gets tied up in this book.

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Haven't picked it up yet because nobody's uploaded a full free non-audio version of it online yet, and I can't get it legally until the weekend... :(:

But yeah, somewhere around Book 8-9 for me, the flaws that were always there in the series really started to grow larger, as more emphasis was put on the shitty romances, more time was devoted to unnecessary subplots, and less and less time was devoted to the only character who gets any real development (Rand). Not to say that I don't like the other characters, but they're generally a lot more one-note than him. And as more and more subplots kept getting added some really short things got dragged out over the course of several books. Perrin rescuing Faile took 3 books, even though I don't think that entire subplot was longer than about 250 pages. The subplots also began to get not as interesting- the only ones I really liked in the later books were Egwene taking control of the Aes Sedai and the Mat/Tuon interactions. It feels like you're reading through a lot of it just to get to the interesting parts, and then when you get there they're only there for 50 pages before you have to drudge through another 100+ pages to get back.

At this point I'm mainly still reading the series because I dislike dropping things midway, and I'm curious to see how everything gets tied up in this book.

I seriously hate chapters involving Perrin that aren't in the first 3-4 books. Shit is so meandering and not exciting at all.

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Dude all the covers look god-awful. That's why I want to buy the new ones that actually look like books. Ones like these. They're paperback, but they feel sturdy, nice and tall, they really feel like they'd fit in well on a bookcase. As opposed to the random assortment of tiny fat goblin-books and massive harbound tomes with some of the ugliest fantasy art I've ever seen splashed all over them. -__-

Same. I already have the entire series --barring the latest books-- on my Nook Color. Still, there's nothing that can replace the feeling of the book in your hands, you know?

Hah, that is a pretty nice cover, and that was a pretty damned good moment in the book, too.

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WELL I'm done. Overall I think it was one of the better ones in a while, though once again I'm slightly disappointed with Perrin's role. Not to say he wasn't instrumental, but his parts felt much more brief than Mat's and his task for most of the book felt more... personal than I think they should have been at the end. The ending felt slightly like a cop-out to me, though it was probably fitting enough. Still a couple ends that I think could have been tied up better, but eh.

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