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Fire Emblem Awakening: 3DS Bundle Thread


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That could be part of it. But I think part of the reason they redesigned it was so that they could make it more recognizable. Honestly, the older design for the Falchion didn't really stand out too much to me. This design, though, is more memorable to me, because it looks pretty unique.

The adaptation seems to be based on story stuff + aesthetics, but...

It reminds me a little bit of the Monado from Xenoblade, but without the moving parts since it isn't a Space Laser Sword.

So maybe it's just for the "cool factor" of unsealing and they didn't think the original design could pull it off?

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I just preordered my bundle at Gamestop today. ^^

I'm going to keep my other order for the hard copy of Awakening too though, so I can also have a physical copy of the game.

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My #1 issue is what the deal is with the DLC. As cool as it would be to get the bundle, I've already got a cart on preorder and a 3DS XL, so really the only interest I'd have in the bundle is if it allows me to have more saves, an extended battery in the regular 3DS (since apparently there aren't any good XL ones), and share DLC. If the DLC doesn't work on both, it ain't worth it.

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As much as I want to, I can't find myself buying this bundle due the pure fact that it's preinstalled. I already have a 3ds, so I want to be able to have the convenience of swapping around the cart if needed. Well, at least I save 170+ dollars.

Yeah, the bundle did cost me about $220. But that was cheaper than I expected, actually. But Nintendo and Intelligent Systems deserve my money for creating something so awesome. x3

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It's a Future Shop and Best Buy only thing in Canada.

That really sucks. EB games would have been better for convenience sake. Still haven't found anything on Best Buy or Future Shop's website about the bundle though.

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[7:45:55 PM] Sailor Jelly: http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/c0.0.403.403/p403x403/66446_431376983600965_477547771_n.jpg so like, leafy was blabbing at me about the fe 3ds, and then I noticed...

[7:46:00 PM] Sailor Jelly: the totally flopped on the reflection shop

[7:46:08 PM] Astra: NOA

[7:46:09 PM] Sailor Jelly: like it's a 180 rotation

[7:46:11 PM] Astra: YOU LAZY FUCKS

[7:46:14 PM] Sailor Jelly: rather than being a reflection

[7:46:15 PM] Sailor Jelly: XDDDDDDDDDD

[7:46:18 PM] Sailor Jelly: dying so bad

NoA pls.

Probably won't be getting the bundle, seems like a bit too much for not even the actual cart.

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[7:45:55 PM] Sailor Jelly: http://sphotos-b.xx....477547771_n.jpg so like, leafy was blabbing at me about the fe 3ds, and then I noticed...

[7:46:00 PM] Sailor Jelly: the totally flopped on the reflection shop

[7:46:08 PM] Astra: NOA

[7:46:09 PM] Sailor Jelly: like it's a 180 rotation

[7:46:11 PM] Astra: YOU LAZY FUCKS

[7:46:14 PM] Sailor Jelly: rather than being a reflection

[7:46:15 PM] Sailor Jelly: XDDDDDDDDDD

[7:46:18 PM] Sailor Jelly: dying so bad

NoA pls.

Probably won't be getting the bundle, seems like a bit too much for not even the actual cart.


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That really sucks. EB games would have been better for convenience sake. Still haven't found anything on Best Buy or Future Shop's website about the bundle though.

NoA confirmed it on their Facebook page, so the two retailers will probably update soon.

FB page : In Canada, the Fire Emblem Awakening Nintendo 3DS hardware bundle launches exclusively at Best Buy and Future Shop on Feb. 4! The bundle will be available online and in-store at a retail price of $199.99.

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I just spent a ton of money on my site and crap but I'm going to ask to borrow some money and pay it back later so I can get the bundle


because the Fire Emblem design/the joy of having more Fire Emblem stuff is worth paying $200 for

lulz, I half can't believe I'm saying such stuff, and half of me is so pumped that I'm dishing out around $270 for one game (even if I'm getting two copies of it and the system)

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NoA confirmed it on their Facebook page, so the two retailers will probably update soon.

FB page : In Canada, the Fire Emblem Awakening Nintendo 3DS hardware bundle launches exclusively at Best Buy and Future Shop on Feb. 4! The bundle will be available online and in-store at a retail price of $199.99.

Ok WHERE does it say this? I can't find it for the life of me.

Edit: Still haven't found it. I be confused.

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Ehhhh how am I not finding this? Thank you for sharing a screencap, thought I was going crazy/blind/both. ....Though I still think I'm going crazy/blind/both because I can't bloody find it.

...Wait, does one have to be logged in or something to be able to see it? 'Cause all I see from 9 hours ago is the Sumia post.

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As much as I want to, I can't find myself buying this bundle due the pure fact that it's preinstalled. I already have a 3ds, so I want to be able to have the convenience of swapping around the cart if needed. Well, at least I save 170+ dollars.

If you don't like the preinstalled version than by both. Think of the $200 as the cost for a limited edition 3DS that includes a free game (which in my opinion is what it is).

Plus you can use the digital version as extra save slots.

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Ehhhh how am I not finding this? Thank you for sharing a screencap, thought I was going crazy/blind/both. ....Though I still think I'm going crazy/blind/both because I can't bloody find it.

...Wait, does one have to be logged in or something to be able to see it? 'Cause all I see from 9 hours ago is the Sumia post.

I don't see it either so you're not alone. I'm also logged into FB.

I wonder if its a regional thing?

Edited by Kilo Juliett
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Ahh, yeah I just logged out to test it. Yeah, it looks like they made it appear only for people whose locations are set to Canada, hence the fewer likes as well. You should log in and make sure your country is set to Canada then.

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Well that's BS. I haven't logged into facebook for...like...a year. I'm just stalking their page as an anon. Thanks, Nintendo? ._.; Oh well. After all, it does only pertain to Canadians. Still sucks for anons.

Thanks so much for testing that, Keilis. ^^ And super late thanks for giving this info in the first place! YOU'RE A LIFE SAVER. Or rather, sanity saver? NOW it's back to trying to sleep.... Freakin' multiple tabs open to distract me...

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Hey everybody! I was able to reserve a copy of the bundle at a Gamestop in the Washington DC area earlier today. The guy I talked to in Gamestop said that most of the stores aren't stocking very many of the bundles, so if you plan on picking it up from a store, reserving it while you can may be a good plan. Good luck to everyone buying the bundle! :)

Edited by alxoldr
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