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Localized Names

Elinor Cross

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Isn't it a little presumptuous overall to assume we're getting all the DLC? I'd think it'd be possible that they only throw out DLC pertaining to FE7-11.

I wouldn't like it, but it's there unless somebody's actually heard that the DLC that's getting translated is all of it.

What reason could NoA possibly have, not to release that DLC? If they get through the effort to put a team on the localization, the extra costs for those maps cannot possibly compare to the profit they make by selling the extra maps.

And considering how the DLC works, they would have to turn the whole thing on it's head, which would cause a fair share of extra costs anyway but for no possible benefit.

Honestly, they can only win by localizing them. Why would NoA put so much effort into not any making money?

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But what about the skills and stuff from the DLC that hasn't got to do with FE1-FE6? Like the Paragon Manual or the Demon Fighter Scroll? Arum and Celice didn't make it outside Japan, after all.

Or how about the new DLC, the ones created for Awakening? Like Infinite Divine Weapons and the Strongest One's Name? Those are supposed to be new, so they'll come out, but what about Eltshan and Katarina? Will they be the rewards? Or will they change them?

I think it'd be easier to just translate the Japanese DLC and throw them out there, even if people don't know who the heck Katarina or Leaf or Arum is. A lot of people probably won't even know Micaiah, Elincia, Ephraim, or Eirika if Awakening's their first FE game, which it will be for a lot of people.

To give everything Japan got without introducing those unknown characters would require making new maps... which I deem highly unlikely. (<- I thought that about that FE13 3DS, but hey, it's coming to North America. I was wrong.)

Either that or NoA won't give them at all... which I hope never, never happens...

It could very well be that NoA decides to translate all the DLC for FE13. I wouldn't be too surprised.

What I'm saying isn't that they might censor all the J-locked characters, but rather that they might just go for a minimum effort DLC batch. Like in that instance, they'd translate Katarina just to give that DLC, but stuff like the Spotpass FE5 team wouldn't be released.

Looking at the DLC itself, I'm suspecting that I might be wrong anyway since the J-locked DLC teams seem to always be pitted against a team that was released in the West (Celice versus Marth, etc.) but it's still a possibility.



What reason could NoA possibly have, not to release that DLC? If they get through the effort to put a team on the localization, the extra costs for those maps cannot possibly compare to the profit they make by selling the extra maps.

And considering how the DLC works, they would have to turn the whole thing on it's head, which would cause a fair share of extra costs anyway but for no possible benefit.

Honestly, they can only win by localizing them. Why would NoA put so much effort into not any making money?

I heard that argument, verbatim, a lot when FE12 was successfully not being released over here. ;/

Edited by Integrity
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I heard that argument, verbatim, a lot when FE12 was successfully not being released over here. ;/

But they are actually releasing the game and they have confirmed that there will be DLC. This situation can't really be compared with the release of a whole game.

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It could very well be that NoA decides to translate all the DLC for FE13. I wouldn't be too surprised.

What I'm saying isn't that they might censor all the J-locked characters, but rather that they might just go for a minimum effort DLC batch. Like in that instance, they'd translate Katarina just to give that DLC, but stuff like the Spotpass FE5 team wouldn't be released.

Looking at the DLC itself, I'm suspecting that I might be wrong anyway since the J-locked DLC teams seem to always be pitted against a team that was released in the West (Celice versus Marth, etc.) but it's still a possibility.


Oh, okay, I get it now... Minimum effort... That sucks.

Yeah, no FE5 Spotpass team would make sense, but... what about the FE12 Spotpass team? Or the "Others" Spotpass team? They have characters that both did, and did not, come out stateside.

The FE12 Spotpass team would be sort of, well, empty if Roro, Maris, and Katarina were taken out... That's, like, 30% of the team...

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Frankly, it could be that I'm just worried over nothing. I can accept that. I was just wondering if there was any confirmation that the DLC suite we're getting has been confirmed to consist of "all dlcs" when folks are talking so certainly about Sigurd making his English debut.

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They could cut the Spotpass maps, but doing so would give them less Spotpass content to parcel out over time which I think is meant to serve as an interest-getter for buying the "real" DLC.

There's no particular reason not to release all the DLC characters. After all, most of the DLC characters are characters in games that either have been released in the west (Marth, Ike, Elincia, Eirika, Ephraim, the sisters, etc.), are characters the west has at least heard of (Roy), or are near-inextricably tied to a feature that they probably wouldn't want to cut like a new class (Alm) or the Divine Weapons. Note that if the Divine Weapons exist as items, there's really no reason not to also throw in the FE4 characters because if you're going to put in items the west has never seen then it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to keep the characters out. Plus, we'd never heard of Marth and Roy in the west when Smash Melee came out and NoA addressed this by... not changing or concealing them in any way.

There's also a bunch of kitchen sink DLC where the enemies are from every game, so if you were to cut out say the FE4 Spotpass team you'd also end up having to cut the FE4 characters out of the DLC maps where they appear, but then you'd end up in a situation where some characters are from games and others are just random generics.

I'm just going to assume until they disappoint me that NoA is smart enough to realize that we are not cavemen who will fly into a berserk confused rage and smash our 3DSs against the ground while smearing our own feces all over our bodies should we see a character in optional content from a game we do not recognize.

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I'm just going to assume until they disappoint me that NoA is smart enough to realize that we are not cavemen who will fly into a berserk confused rage and smash our 3DSs against the ground while smearing our own feces all over our bodies should we see a character in optional content from a game we do not recognize.

Well you might not be.


new things scare me and i don't want to be wrong :(

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I'm just going to assume until they disappoint me that NoA is smart enough to realize that we are not cavemen who will fly into a berserk confused rage and smash our 3DSs against the ground while smearing our own feces all over our bodies should we see a character in optional content from a game we do not recognize.

It's not like they're Namco

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*smashes 3DS on the ground*


*walks away smearing feces on himself, then goes to the nearest Walmart to grab every single Fire Emblem-related object and jumps on them until they're nothing but itsy-bitsy pieces*

--15 minutes later--


Nintendo fan goes berserk after seeing a Fire Emblem character unknown to him. He then went to the nearest Walmart and caused massive losses in revenue.*

He now faces a ten year prison term. We await the Supreme Court's verdict.

(Will they release him? Or will they give him a death-sentence for no good reason?)

*Exact amount is yet to be determined. The approximate amount is about $3000 in damages





That'd be quite a sight to see. XD

Edit: This thread doesn't seem to be about localized names anymore...

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A friend of mine got his hands on a reviewer copy of the game. I plan on grilling him for information on some of the localization choices.

The problem here is that he's not exactly an FE fan, and is, I quote, "too busy playing Pokemon Black 2" to try it out. So I don't know when it'll happen.

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*smashes 3DS on the ground*


*walks away smearing feces on himself, then goes to the nearest Walmart to grab every single Fire Emblem-related object and jumps on them until they're nothing but itsy-bitsy pieces*

--15 minutes later--


Nintendo fan goes berserk after seeing a Fire Emblem character unknown to him. He then went to the nearest Walmart and caused massive losses in revenue.*

He now faces a ten year prison term. We await the Supreme Court's verdict.

(Will they release him? Or will they give him a death-sentence for no good reason?)

*Exact amount is yet to be determined. The approximate amount is about $3000 in damages

LOL... I imagined that so clearly... and worried me, cuz Nintendo, you know?

EDIT:Then, I sigged it!

I have only a shred of hope, and that's the fact that 'Alm's Blade' appeared in a trailer... not much, but still

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I feel like a lot of the fan rage regarding localized names stems from lack of information about the origin of the names, personal mental stumbling blocks, and simple mispronunciation, often the result of confusing spellings.

Velvet's new name would be an example of the first. Once people realized her new name was a reference to velvet, they seemed to be fine with it.

An example of the second would be "Sully reminds me of Monsters Inc.!"

And the most prominent example of the third would be Caesar "Caeda". Or for this game, Cherche.

I don't know where I'm going with this, just random thoughts.

Boy, reading this whole thread - people get really heated up over names... it's kind of disconcerting.

Anyway, my two cents: I like 'em all. Like most everyone else, I especially like what they did with Morgan. I'm also very glad they changed Soiree, cause that would be a totally stupid name in English.

Aw, I was hoping they'd keep that name, so I could use Swingin' Soiree on my team.

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New Trailer means new localized names. Overall at least Grego and Olivia kept their names relatively the same so I'm happy. Richt and Nono got decent localized names.

Sariya...what the heck is Tharja?

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New Trailer means new localized names. Overall at least Grego and Olivia kept their names relatively the same so I'm happy. Richt and Nono got decent localized names.

Sariya...what the heck is Tharja?

whoa Whoa WHOA

It's pronounced "thar-i-ya."

It's, like, one of the least changed names out of the whole batch so far. ;/

So is that how one would pronounce her name? >_>

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So is that how one would pronounce her name? >_>

Think "Sariya", except with a "Th".

The first think that comes to mind when I saw that was "Frejya".

"Th" sound variations are also a legit sound for サ

Think "Thunder" for サンダー

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Holy Kingdom of Iris -> Halidom of Ylisse: I can dig it, but I wonder how many people will have to look up the word Halidom.

Grego -> Gregor: I kind of expected this to happen, overall not a huge change.

Olivia: Stayed the same and I alright with that, it's a good name.

Nono -> Nomi: Interesting name change that's for sure, this one kind of hit me out of nowhere.

Richt -> Ricken: Like Grego I expected something along these lines and I like it.

Sariya -> Tharja: This one was one I also did not expect, I believe the "h" is silent though so I think it would be pronounced more like Tar-i-ya (don't quote me on that though). Overall I like this one as well.

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Sariya -> Tharja: This one was one I also did not expect, I believe the "h" is silent though so I think it would be pronounced more like Tar-i-ya (don't quote me on that though). Overall I like this one as well.

Well, I'm guessing they're trying to go with the katakana name. If you say it via the kana, it's a completely legit spelling/transcription into English.

I can dig it, but I wonder how many people will have to look up the word Halidom.

I did. It's not a word you use everyday.

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Irrelevant to the new batch of names but...

[1/16/13 2:47:45 PM] Thor Odinson: Oh wow I just realised that Ferox is actually a decent localisation of Feria

[1/16/13 2:48:05 PM] Thor Odinson: Ferox, Ferocis - Latin meaning Fierce or Wild

[1/16/13 2:48:11 PM] Thor Odinson: Feria is a warrior nation

It's not that far off either and has a basis

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