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Void Mafia - Game Over


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No one had ever liked Ridley. He was just weird. He lived outside of town, and with all those... wolves.

Why else would he have wolves unless he was a werewolf? It only made sense. With her brother dead, her father ill, and the ranks of her trusted aides dwindling swiftly (only Todd was left...), Isabel made the only decision she could.

Core was lynched.

Dear Deliriyum,

You are Ridley. You are a hunter that lives a bit outside of town. You and your family are known for keeping to themselves and keeping the company of wolves. Many of the commonfolk believe you to be a werewolf due to that. That's not true though--wolves are useful companions for hunting, particularly tracking.

Unfortunately, your wolves aren't allowed in town, so you can't use their hunting abilities to your benefit. In fact, you don't have any special abilities.

You are a Citizen of Antioch. You win if the Werewolves and the Void are eliminated.

It is now Night 4. Night 4 ends at 10:30AM on Tuesday, January 29th.

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Shinori has died. He was:

Dear Shinori,

You are Isabel. You are the youngest daughter of the royal family, but are still technically a princess, even though your chances of inheriting the throne are slim. You have always been the most spirited, as you dislike the life of a noble and don't wish to be married off to some old man twice your age, which is pretty much guaranteed since you are the youngest child. You have made quite a few attempts to run away, so most of the townsfolk know you pretty well, although this behavior is quite infuriating to your parents.

Since the townsfolk adore you, if you are ever killed, they will spend the following phase in mourning. That means that if you are killed at night, the day phase will be spent at a funeral, effectively skipping it. If you are killed at day, the town will be so depressed at their own foolishness for distrusting you (like, seriously) that they will be unable to perform any night actions that night, including passing and using items.

Additionally, due to your tendency to sneak out, your parents have assigned a knight to guard you and keep you out of trouble, who you know to be -snip-. You know that he is a Citizen of Antioch (at least for now), since your parents would have to be mad to put someone that they don't trust with absolute confidence in charge of your safety.

You are a Citizen of Antioch. You win if the Werewolves and the Void are eliminated.

You are in great shock the entire day and before you realize it, the sun has already set again.

Night 5 ends at 10:30PM PST on Thursday, January 31st.

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eclipse has become past tense.

Dear 13theclipse,

You are Mila. You are a seer for the city guard. You have some magical talent and are able to scry on others. Realistically, you are the most important member of the watch, but you try not to let it get to your head... You aren't exactly the best at that. In fact, you're a bit of an egomaniac, which is rather sad considering you're still pretty unimportant in the grand scheme of things.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Scrying on USER." You will scry on USER and determine everyone that he visits that night. Unfortunately, the recent calamities involving the Void have been interfering with your work, and you won't be able to determine anything more than that.

You are a Citizen of Antioch. You win if the Werewolves and the Void are eliminated.

It's now Day 6. Day 6 ends at 10:30AM GMT-8 on Sunday, February 3rd.

Also, Cam is missing.

Edited by Paperblade
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Don't answer my question with a question, that's horrible logic. You literally have no reason to lynch me, or anyone for that matter, and are at the point that you're picking at straws because SOMEONE has to be scum since not once has a person flipped scum yet. I understand this is a desperate situation, but you're playing right in scum's hands if you're going to blindly throw the noose around like this, especially since as you can see we have some opportunism here with two people immediately jumping on the Helios wagon when literally no reasoning has been given. Take a deep breath and actually look at the situation before you do something drastic.

The real question right now is why aren't we voting Marth or Lucina right now. Marth has been RIP for years and has done literally nothing protown, and Lucina has a scummy role AND has done nothing but sheep votes off others (this isn't the only case).

##Vote Marth

I think THIS should have happened a long time ago.

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No reason to lynch you? Get real.

I hadn't liked you even when I just read your thread actions. You came across constantly as opportunistic, and in the little bit of outside contact we did have over pms, your reasoning for you being town was "here's a list of people who I've talked to oh wait they're all dead oops

1) I still think one of Rapier or Sho is scum. Sho has been putting his lynch off for forever which is weird to me, and everyone seems to forget how scummy he was before, which I dont' really understand. Rapier seems to be in cahoots with him and was also a big part of a lot of these mislynch wagons. Xinn seemed to think Core was scummy (admittedly I was Mancer > Core, and I had reasons for it that I shared with Xinn) and seeing as he died last night he may have been on to something.

2) Because my role PM says so lol. I've been busy with RL stuff and have mostly talked to confirmed nonscum later on rather than talking to everyone in general and giving them my opinions. Before I spent a lot of time talking to Elieson, Xinn, Paulina and Scorri (who were at the time town but became cult...just my luck). Also talked to BBM and Mancer a bit. It's OC, so I figured we didn't have to do much more than vote and share some opinions occasionally inthread (that's how all the games I've played OC so far were like) so I've went with that. Scum get less info to work with that way.

Same questions you asked go to you. Go!

Outside of these people the only person who I knew that you'd talked to with was Lucina. The whole "I've been talking to people and explaining to them" is bullshit, because it means town can't get any reads off of you. Sure there are some things that you leave out, of the thread, but honestly posting nothing and then being a pain in the ass to contact for extended periods of time and then posting very little for people to read is horrible and screams scum to me.

The scumreads are also very generic, featuring the amazing analysis "one of sho and rapier is scum but I dont know which one" and sheeping Xinnidy for opinions on Core (hey look! A mislynch! ), while providing no substance to that read. Your sweeping statement for Sho has no depth, only saying "he was scummy why arent people voting for him", and the Rapier reasoning could be applied to a lot of players, and the whole "in cahoots with Sho", they're the damn alchemists, they're kind of SUPPOSED to talk to each other to work their shit out. And also you said "one of them", not both of them are scum. So them being in cahoots with each other means absolutely nothing.

Also, Xinnidy might have died because he was onto something. HE MIGHT ALSO HAVE DIED SINCE HE WAS MARTYRING THE OTHER TOWN LEADER LIKE HIS ROLE SUGGESTS. The Core scumspect was a badly hidden sheep, and you spent most of the game hiding behind "if I'm inactive nobody will want to take the risk and lynch me", sheeping others opinions and supposedly talking to literally everybody who died more than you did the rest of the living players.

If Lucina was scum we wouldn't still be playing the game, she would have kidnapped a town and made us lose this phase. Also, your role doesn't exactly come across as super duper obvtown, having first calls on items for lynches.

So I'll ask you again.

Why shouldn't we lynch you?

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If you're going to quote something at least do it in context. You asked me for my scumreads and I gave you them...but I'm scummy for doing so? You're grasping man.

Oh damn I'm also scummy now because SB only knew that I talked to Lucina and not anyone else, but you can negotiate with others outside of the thread to vote for someone and it's not sheeping? Double standard much? Yup I'm definitely not allowed to contact anyone without your consent. I apologize deeply, really. I explained already that I only gave information to cleared townies so that I wouldn't have to worry about leaking info to scum. In OC games in the past, people literally post inthread just to vote and that's pretty much it, and that's what I went with. I can blast you with logs if it'll ease your mind, but I don't think you want to read everything. Sorry for playing things safe. Pain the ass to contact? Is it really that difficult to send a message via PM to someone? It takes two seconds, and I answer back as soon as I can. I don't know what else you can ask of someone who's busy with life.

I'm less wary of Sho now since Shinori seemed to trust him so much (though his reads weren't that great so idk). So Rapier is cleared town since he's an alchemist? That would work...if Rein wasn't the cult leader and we didn't have the theory that there was one town alchemist, one wolf alchemist, and one cult alchemist. Add that with the opportunism of his wagoning and how many mislynches there has been so far and tell me that you don't find him suspicious.

My reasoning for Core was mostly the 1v1 with Mancer and the weird unobtainable role (which I can confirm since I couldn't even get it after Core was lynched) and the fact that Xinn found him scummy was more of an icing on the cake thing. Weird that I'm considered opportunistic for being a part of a wagon that I NEVER VOTED FOR or PUSHED THE LYNCH FOR. Just had a bad opinion on him. As you can see, I'd prefer a vote on Marth, Rapier, or Lucina, in that order.

How the hell are you supposed to know that Xinn used his role or not? Especially when he had idled the phases before? And I've been inactive because I think no one will lynch me that way? Didn't Core and Kay get lynched partially for being inactive (and Kay predominantly)? Sounds like a great idea to keep myself alive longer. It's not like suspicion will wrongfully mount on me or anything like right now...right? And how is it my fault that the main people I talked to ended up dying or leaving the game? Why would Sho kill Rein or Rein cult Sho if they were already so close, so why would I kill the only people I talked to on a regular basis about the game? Again, if you're going to use logic one way, don't switch it up to make things convenient for you.

Cam was kidnapped wasn't he.....? And now you're about to mislynch me. Isn't that the worst case scenario you're talking about?

So in conclusion, you want to lynch me because I haven't talked to you until later in the game (but when I did I talked), I've been busy with school and life, one of my scumreads was bad I dropped it and the other flipped town (but I didn't even vote for him), and I'm inactive in order to save myself from being lynched. 10/10 case would support 100%.

If you want to talk about people more inactive than me: Marth and Cam fit the bill way better than I do (and to a lesser extent Rapier as well). Opportunistic voting? Lucina literally claimed to be sheeping quite a few votes earlier (but maybe she explained this one to you) and Rapier has been opportunistically hopping on mislynch wagons all game. So yeah.....why are we lynching me over much scummier players again?

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gg Helios you're trying to lynch me based off of INACTIVITY rofl. FYI I have been kinda active and I have been talking, but apparently you forget that my timezone is tooottallly ahead of most of the players'. Btw lynching based off of inactivity hasn't worked for us so you should've known better by now.

In any case I won't hold inactivity against you, my main problem is your mancer vote D1, and then the Mancer lynch D3. They were pretty oppurtunistic votes if you ask me. Coupled with your role= gaining items from a lynch is a form of item control and our item swapper already flipped town, why on earth would we have another town item control role is beyond me.

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In other news I'd still like to think one of Lucina/ Cam is scum; Lucina told me that if she had my item, the invisibility potion, she'd become a nightdoc who roleblocks i BELIEVE.(lol sorry for caps) why on earth would we have doc, potential night doc, Guardian AND Bulletproof is beyond me.

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Ok so more things to note cuz pretty sure this might be a scumslip.

[spoiler=Convo with Helios]

[13/01/2013 10:34:03 AM] Abhi: ok

[13/01/2013 10:34:04 AM] Abhi: back

[13/01/2013 11:23:14 AM] Abhi: ohaider

[13/01/2013 12:03:25 PM] Abhi: Helios

[13/01/2013 12:03:28 PM] Abhi: actually wait

[13/01/2013 12:03:30 PM] Abhi: you don't

[13/01/2013 12:03:34 PM] Abhi: know any roles do you?

[13/01/2013 12:04:44 PM] Helios: I know about Elie's

[13/01/2013 12:04:46 PM] Helios: that's it

[13/01/2013 12:05:12 PM] Abhi: ok

[13/01/2013 12:05:15 PM] Abhi: I know it too

[13/01/2013 12:05:19 PM] Abhi: but tell me

[13/01/2013 12:05:33 PM] Helios: he can create items

[13/01/2013 12:05:36 PM] Abhi: can you specify the variant?

[13/01/2013 12:05:37 PM] Helios: and give em to people

[13/01/2013 12:05:42 PM] Abhi: I know I know

[13/01/2013 12:05:43 PM] Helios: haha i'd rather not

[13/01/2013 12:05:48 PM] Helios: i can tell you're fishing

[13/01/2013 12:05:54 PM] Abhi: uh

[13/01/2013 12:05:57 PM] Abhi: I'm fishing

[13/01/2013 12:06:00 PM] Helios: so I'm sure he'll share it with you himself

[13/01/2013 12:06:04 PM] Abhi: He did

[13/01/2013 12:06:11 PM] Abhi: I want to confirm dude

[13/01/2013 12:06:49 PM] Helios: I don't remember off the top of my head other than that

[13/01/2013 12:06:56 PM] Helios: he does like a safeguard and redirect I think?

[13/01/2013 12:07:02 PM] Abhi: ...redirect?

[13/01/2013 12:07:02 PM] Helios: i have it written down somewhere

[13/01/2013 12:07:10 PM] Helios: maybe it's not a redirect

[13/01/2013 12:07:13 PM] Abhi: I see

[13/01/2013 12:07:14 PM] Helios: i do know safeguard is in there though

[13/01/2013 12:07:16 PM] Abhi: ok

[13/01/2013 12:07:20 PM] Abhi: so he didn't lie to me lol

[13/01/2013 12:07:40 PM] Abhi: what do you think of that role??

[13/01/2013 12:08:02 PM] Helios: The safeguard?

[13/01/2013 12:08:02 PM] Helios: Or his role?

[13/01/2013 12:08:08 PM] Abhi: the whole thing

[13/01/2013 12:08:14 PM] Abhi: do you think its scummy?

[13/01/2013 12:08:20 PM] Helios: Nah

[13/01/2013 12:08:21 PM] Helios: Thought it at first

[13/01/2013 12:08:27 PM] Abhi: Since we have an inventor and item swapper

[13/01/2013 12:08:28 PM] Helios: Not gonna lie

[13/01/2013 12:08:30 PM] Helios: But I Thought about it agian

[13/01/2013 12:08:36 PM] Helios: The fact that he's so willing to share

[13/01/2013 12:08:37 PM] Helios: Makes me think he's not scum

[13/01/2013 12:08:43 PM] Helios: A role like that is fairly powerful

[13/01/2013 12:08:43 PM] Abhi: trooo

[13/01/2013 12:08:54 PM] Helios: So I don't think scum would want to share info like that so voluntarily

[13/01/2013 12:09:03 PM] Helios: He's definitely working alone

[13/01/2013 12:09:18 PM] Helios: So I'm pretty sure he's town

[13/01/2013 12:09:28 PM] Helios: We're going up against two different factions as well

[13/01/2013 12:09:37 PM] Helios: We'll need a bit of help to take them both on

[13/01/2013 12:09:41 PM] Abhi: heh why not

[13/01/2013 12:09:49 PM] Abhi: what do you think of the item swapper?

[13/01/2013 12:10:16 PM] Helios: who's the item swapper again?

[13/01/2013 12:10:24 PM] Abhi: ...

[13/01/2013 12:10:24 PM] Helios: shomthetits?

[13/01/2013 12:10:32 PM] Helios: i'm on the phone right now

[13/01/2013 12:10:32 PM] Abhi: not outing unless you check your notes :P

[13/01/2013 12:10:37 PM] Helios: i'm barely focusing

[13/01/2013 12:10:51 PM] Abhi: in any case

[13/01/2013 12:11:07 PM] Abhi: do you think the item-swapper might be anti-town?

[13/01/2013 12:11:11 PM] Abhi: since we have an inventor?

[13/01/2013 12:11:18 PM] Abhi: assuming inventor is town too

[13/01/2013 12:12:09 PM] Helios: Yeah

[13/01/2013 12:12:33 PM] Helios: i'm not sure about it either tbh

[13/01/2013 12:12:42 PM] Helios: an item swapping role doesn't really seem necessary as town does it?

[13/01/2013 12:12:51 PM] Helios: creating items doesn't seem all that scummy

[13/01/2013 12:12:53 PM] Helios: but swapping them around?

[13/01/2013 12:12:57 PM] Helios: wouldn't that fuck with the town?

[13/01/2013 12:13:05 PM] Abhi: the item swapper

has been claiming everywhere they go

[13/01/2013 12:13:14 PM] Abhi: >_>

[13/01/2013 12:14:47 PM] Helios: yeah that's another weird thing

[13/01/2013 12:14:55 PM] Helios: i'm not seeing the townieness too it

[13/01/2013 12:14:57 PM] Helios: but

[13/01/2013 12:15:11 PM] Helios: i don't think he'd go around talking about what his role is either if he's town

[13/01/2013 12:15:19 PM] Helios: it seems that items are pretty important in this game

[13/01/2013 12:16:06 PM] Abhi: you bet lol

[13/01/2013 12:17:19 PM] Helios: i feel like the only person who didn't get one :(

[13/01/2013 12:17:25 PM] Abhi: lol

[13/01/2013 12:17:30 PM] Abhi: Have you claimed to Eli?

[13/01/2013 12:17:47 PM] Helios: Yeah Elie knows a bit of my role

[13/01/2013 12:17:50 PM] Abhi: I see

[13/01/2013 12:17:51 PM] Helios: Well he knows the whole role

[13/01/2013 12:17:53 PM] Helios: but

[13/01/2013 12:17:56 PM] Helios: yeah haha

[13/01/2013 12:18:22 PM] Abhi: ok

[13/01/2013 12:18:31 PM] Abhi: so apparently you two have a trust to some degree

[13/01/2013 12:18:39 PM] Helios: Elie's my boy

[13/01/2013 12:18:43 PM] Helios: of course I trust him haha

[spoiler=Convo wiht Eli]

[13/01/2013 12:18:08 PM] Abhi: btw

[13/01/2013 12:18:13 PM] Abhi: how trustworthy is Helios?

[13/01/2013 12:19:51 PM] Eli: MMk I'll bugbhim

[13/01/2013 12:20:13 PM] Eli: Helios, eh he is effectively neutral

[13/01/2013 12:20:24 PM] Eli: Since he isn't really hiding anything but

[13/01/2013 12:20:38 PM] Eli: I haven talked to him as much as you

[13/01/2013 12:20:48 PM] Abhi: I see

[13/01/2013 12:20:53 PM] Abhi: I hear you know his role

[13/01/2013 12:21:11 PM] Abhi: is this true?

[13/01/2013 12:22:12 PM] Eli: He told me part of it

[13/01/2013 12:22:19 PM] Abhi: I see

[13/01/2013 12:22:29 PM] Eli: But later said thathe only told me part of it

[13/01/2013 12:22:30 PM] Eli: As in he said he is X

[13/01/2013 12:22:43 PM] Eli: Then said he is Y as well

[13/01/2013 12:22:45 PM] Abhi: That won't do

[13/01/2013 12:22:55 PM] Abhi: say you need to pass my item to someon

[13/01/2013 12:23:02 PM] Eli: It sounded like Cotoner to me

[13/01/2013 12:23:06 PM] Abhi: I need a person who can make use of it lol

[13/01/2013 12:23:07 PM] Abhi: I see

[13/01/2013 12:23:07 PM] Eli: Coroner

[13/01/2013 12:23:38 PM] Eli: Well someone needs to be dead first lol

[13/01/2013 12:23:49 PM] Abhi: true that?

[13/01/2013 12:23:55 PM] Abhi: The more the better though

[13/01/2013 12:23:59 PM] Abhi: info that is

[13/01/2013 12:24:06 PM] Eli: The more dead, the better?

[13/01/2013 12:24:16 PM] Eli: Not if he's town XD

[13/01/2013 12:24:31 PM] Abhi: info dude, twas talking about info

[13/01/2013 12:25:05 PM] Eli: Sry my phone Skype suddenly isn't displaying txt unless I hold my phone sideways

[13/01/2013 12:25:05 PM] Eli: Which is weird for me

[13/01/2013 12:25:48 PM] Abhi: : S

[13/01/2013 12:34:43 PM] Abhi: What did he exactly say

[13/01/2013 12:34:45 PM] Abhi: Helios I mean

[13/01/2013 12:34:50 PM] Abhi: Coroner would be broken dude

[13/01/2013 1:11:15 PM] Abhi: tell me

[13/01/2013 1:11:19 PM] Abhi: if you can invent an item

[13/01/2013 1:11:26 PM] Abhi: can you pass it the same phase?

All this happened on N0 so I really dunno what was going on but a) Find it weird that Helios would claim to Eli b) Apparently the claim itself wasn't proper since it was unclear. Eli says Helios didn't tell him the whole role while Helios says he told him a bit, no actually, the whole role. c) How do you mistake Coroner for an item-lynch role? d) Kind of find the convo about the item-swapper interesting.

For the next part, I believe that if Mafia can use the stone then we're most likely screwed because we're probably at 4/3 at this stage and even if we lynch correctly Mafia's just gonna kill a townie and revive at this point. I'm considering the fact that only the alchemists can make the stone or something, so Rapier and Sho are probably town but I dunno.

Speaking of which I'd like Lucy to tell us why did she target Cam- if it was Shinori's orders, then lol her role is actually a hinderance in the first place. She doesn't roleblock her target, she just makes them a lynchproof+ they get silenced. That's actually more anti-town than pro-town and I honestly would like to know the reasons behind her actions.

Finally SB is scum only if he gave the Crossbow Bolt to Xinny with a motive that "Yes we can get misvigs!" otherwise he's more likely to be town. Don't see why Eli planned on making him town leader though, as Magus he should really just not care.

Btw, ##Vote: Helios

Edited by Bluedoom
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Speaking of which I'd like Lucy to tell us why did she target Cam- if it was Shinori's orders, then lol her role is actually a hinderance in the first place.

I did what Shinori told me to do. Nothing more than that.

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